In the mean time, female fans are currently seeing these things from a few NFL players and they make decisions based on what happened.
Using the Ray Rice situation as a sort of benchmark if you will.
Initially he got 2 games and then it was changed to an indefinite suspension after HUGE public outrage.
It was changed because the second video showed him violently punching her in the face made everyone sick.
Now we were all horrified by that video, but women were outraged at the NFL because word leaked out, true or not who knows, that the NFL had seen the video of the punch. When the Ravens cut Rice, female fans were very, very happy to hear that news.
I'm not saying that Winston should be cut, and clearly I think he is a piece of shit. But 3 games for what he did is like Rice getting just two games for punching his fiancee. It's just to light of a punishment.
Under the new domestic abuse policy the NFL put in place after the PR fiasco from the Ray Rice situation a first offense is 6 games, second offense is a lifetime ban. The NFL up until then had really only paid lip service to domestic violence, this forced them to change and be better.
6 games should have been the easy call on this. If a person gets six games for pushing a woman down onto a sofa or the floor, or grabbing her arm and yanking her out of a car then doesn't it make sense that doing what Winston did is worse than those things?
Goodell gets blamed for a lot of stuff that he doesn't deserve or isn't responsible for, and I've pointed that out. But he is also a complete knucklehead WAY to often..........and this is ABSOLUTELY one of those times.