But, does anyone really hate Goff? Or is it the lack of blind praise for the kid that equals hate nowadays?
While I'm sure that post is satisfying to some people here, it's not close to accurate. If you don't read much here anymore, maybe you really don't know and your question was genuine. I don't know.
This week the attitudes have been way less toxic than what they had been. Thats because of playing through a broken thumb and winning a playoff game.
We could debate the definition of hate, but whatever you want to call it, it's not anywhere close to equaling a "lack of blind praise."
If its remotely accurate then it cuts both ways.
does anyone really love Goff? Or is it the lack of blind criticism for the kid that equals love nowadays?
Plenty of people here don't praise Goff ever and there's no issue with that. The "lack" of praise for Goff has never caused anyone to be warned by the mods nor has it ever forced people out of the GDT week after week. That isn't caused by any lack other than a lack of respect for fellow members.
Most posters here have wildly varying opinions on him and the vast majority of us all manage to get along just fine.
Also, maybe hate isn't the right word, but there is a more toxic dislike and over the top criticism for him than any Rams player I have seen the board turn on.
Its probably 10 or fewer very consistent guys who go out of their way to shit on him at every opportunity. Then there are several more who just aren't crazy about him and don't believe in him, then there are fans who think he's not great, not terrible and needs better help. There's literally nobody here blindly praising him. I know this as I'm one of his biggest supporters on this board and even I criticize the stupid and avoidable errors and believe he needs to play better and that this is obviously his worst season.
Some people believe Goff is in a slump. Some pretend he's always struggled like this year and others call him names, make negative assumptions about his character and frankly the only reason the "toxic dislike" is even tolerable on this board right now is because he broke his thumb and then got through a game with a win.
If this board didn't have rules against it, their would be plenty of name-calling and redundant threads dedicated to ridiculing him and anyone who would defend him.