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Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
More stats just for fun...since I highlighted our strength above...how about a weakness...


Rams - 56 accepted penalties for 481 yards (27 pre-snap penalties!!!!! That's 3rd worst in the league)
Vikes - The league's fewest, 39 accepted for 340 yards

One more...

Turnover Differential

Rams - +3
Vikes - +1
*Both split very similarly along the lines of INTs/Fumbles for takeaways and giveaways.

Forgot one. Number of QB's sent for x-rays after the game.

Vikings +3
Rams 0 (?)



Pro Bowler
Oct 5, 2015
Sorry Bro I will try as hard as I can to stay away from Homerism and just focus on my 50+ years of eyes on RB's .I was a Senior Quality Control Inspector in a Pipe Mill for 9 years. They paid me stupid money for just what my eyes saw. 1st TGII runs nothing like ED's errect running style. I saw every play Eric played. He ran mostly power sweeps and his glide was awesome but he lacked a power game with exception of a few memerable plays where he actually lowered his head.

First things First. Unless you have seen ALL of TGII's college games you are lacking in what and who he is. I live right here in the middle of SEC country and have seen I can say almost every one. He is a mixture of many. Herschell Walker compares him to a bigger Gale Sayers. His Olympic hurdling and sprinter in him come out at times as you've seen and we won't have seen his top speed and best till 2016.

Yes so many forget he is still a recovering patient playing much sooner than MOST teams thought would be much further behind than this if not ever reaching even this level or he never would have lasted to pick #10. Todd will tell you personally he is not at 100% and each of the last 4 weeks his game speed has increased by moniters not my eyes.

Todd has power to throw a LB like Green Bays finest on his head as the well seen video shows (while pass blocking). Peterson has to use his famous jump cut that many wish they had ,while TGII does the same move making ground forward with a smoother glide without the sideways motions. TGII is just 23 while AP is 30. Don't you think IF healthy that 23 year old that has wasted a year in insane recovery mode,day in and day out. Also being forced to rest and shut it down when he would have rather been going crazy doing things to improve his style through other reps in the gym.

Most RAMS fans thought he would get a few plays before the bye then a chance to start after , and he only played all but his Highest producing part of the game (last week) , as in the last 5 minutes of the 3rd quarter and the whole 4th quarter he has gotten almost 75% of his yards this season in (4th Quarter). TGII will get his 4th quarter runs this week and if Foles can get over the Funk that hit him at Green Bay and play more like he did in Phoenix then TGII will have major room to get his 16 inches of daylight. I see NO simularities at all with AP & TGII . Todd runs angry (He says such) and has since Georgia . I don't get that from AP. Both can go the distance and have a great stiffarm. TGII needs to be carefull with his so far successfull high hurdles of tacklers trying to take him down that way. AP does not even try that.

The smaller LB's that the vikes have in Kendricks I think will have trouble with TGII. The hits of the RAMS "D" has increased to such a high gang tackling since the skins game. Ayers and Fairley are both positive in PFF ratings as they are finally catching up to the speed of GW's (Read and React) "D" . Lots of run blitzes and I think both teams incorporate extra TE/FB help in formations to help both OL's. Style and who TGII resembles can not be set till we see him at his VERY BEST. We have not seen that yet ,even though alltime records are falling. Those seeing the Freshman year in Georgia KNEW this would one day happen. NEVER DREAMED it would be IN HORNS.:yess:

Gurley is not 23, he just turned 21.


Jan 24, 2015
Gurley is not 23, he just turned 21.

Forgive my ignorance. You help make the point I was trying to make about how much Greater and stronger this young Athlete is gonna get (without injury) over a guy AP who is 30 and beggining to dance a lil' too much before he breaks one. I knew I wrote that wrong MR BULLDOG. Thanks for catching my error. NO INJURIES!!! GO RAMS!!!:yess:


Nov 3, 2015
Forgive my ignorance. You help make the point I was trying to make about how much Greater and stronger this young Athlete is gonna get (without injury) over a guy AP who is 30 and beggining to dance a lil' too much before he breaks one. I knew I wrote that wrong MR BULLDOG. Thanks for catching my error. NO INJURIES!!! GO RAMS!!!:yess:
I think you have hit every form of flattery when it comes to Todd Gurley, next stop is stalking (the highest form of flattery) which I wouldn't put past you.


Jan 24, 2015
Forgot one. Number of QB's sent for x-rays after the game.

Vikings +3
Rams 0 (?)


WE took a year off of every QB's life we have played this year no matter how successfull. Ben Rothlisberger knocked out 3-4 weeks (left 3rd quarter). McCown(18 hurries+ hits,sacks) hurt and Manzel replaced him. Hit cards qb hard and often (Knocked 2 seperate Card qb's (Palmer one)out for season last year). Kaperdouche had trouble sleeping and breathing acording to reports and is replaced after our game. Wilson sacked 6 times after playing in last years SB. He was hit many times too. The great Aaron Rodgers had record NO Interception streak at Lambeau and Hit often and sacked and threw not 1 but 2 Interceptions and also gave up a fumble when hit. Had lowest rating of season before he looked like he had not recovered yet in Denver. So I take your 3 x-rays and match it with 3 NOT PLAYING (OUT). Up next Bridgewater.:headexplosion:

This is the deepest hardest hitting "D" I've seen in my 50+ years as a RAMS FAN. The one outlier game was the worst game JL played in his career and since week two he is playing at a ProBowl level meeting RB's in the hole and blitzing like a Madman. The QB's we play go for MRI's and some don't play the next week and those that do show the effects.:boxing:NO INJURIES!!!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
Well, I just had to register so I can post here for this one. I try not to be a homer and being older and a fan since we lost to the steelers in the super bowl, I have learned one thing about being a vikings fan, I hate to see my team as a favorite even if it is just a home field 3 point favorite. I have always kind of liked the Rams. Do any of you find it funny how we are so similar now when we were so similar 15-20 years ago in the opposite way? Of course the vikes did not win a super bowl but thats another topic for another day. Here is to no injuries.

Oh, just wanted to add, I used to love the ram unis...the ones you wore last week. Top 3 in the league imo (after vikes and steelers). Are the new colors a fan favorite?
Welcome aboard and stop by any time! We have a Cowboy fan who comes by to talk regularly, especially if we're playing a division rival. Cardinals fans and many others stopping in at will. The board is always open for most any topic!

Having been a Rams fan a long time I know that feeling of dreading being a favorite. Living in Nevada I've also learned in my many years not to bet on my team hehe. These two teams are very similar in a lot of respects and you can see it with the rankings being so close in offense and defense. It really should be a good game and I can't wait. It was the Rams Super Bowl vs the Steelers that made me a Rams fan. Rooted for them that game and stuck with them ever since. Only time my fandom was questioned was when the owner who we shouldn't name traded Eric Dickerson. Oh man you wanna see a teenage boy nearly in tears go back to then for me.

Rumors are for the Uni's that we're going to go through a change soon and those we wore vs the Niners could go back to being our regular kit. It would be great then if the blue and whites from the Deacon Jones/Merlin Olsen era were our throwbacks!

Anyways best of luck to you aside from this week :p and stop by any time.


Jan 24, 2015
I think you have hit every form of flattery when it comes to Todd Gurley, next stop is stalking (the highest form of flattery) which I wouldn't put past you.

Skol MY ASS TROLL .. Take a hike. Don't like it go back to your overconfident board I don't need to post on. Your insults are adding up purple puke. Did not think you would last this long myself.:deadhorse: Nothing I say matters but THE RAMS are gonna KICK THE vikes ASSES SUNDAY IN YOUR HOUSE!:yess:

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
I think you have hit every form of flattery when it comes to Todd Gurley, next stop is stalking (the highest form of flattery) which I wouldn't put past you.

Skol MY ASS TROLL .. Take a hike. Don't like it go back to your overconfident board I don't need to post on. Your insults are adding up purple puke. Did not think you would last this long myself.

Neither of these posts is in line with our policy of 'attack the post, not the one who made it.' Please cease and desist.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Mine was meant as a joke......

We put jokes in blue. Even then it's best to be careful. This thread has been going along fine for the most part all things considered. Just needs a few reminders now and then. Btw the main purpose of threads like this is to bring in fans from other teams to discuss the upcoming. This one has succeeded in doing that. Thanks to all the Vikings fans for joining us this week. (y)

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014


The Vikings (5-2) host the St. Louis Rams (4-3) this Sunday at TCF Bank Stadium at Noon CST. Please reply with your predictions of the final score by kickoff. These teams appear to be almost mirror images of each other. Both teams feature a strong defense while their offenses have yet to really get things going. The Vikings have the proven Adrian Peterson while the Rams have the rookie sensation Todd Gurley. Last week I picked the Bears to win a close one because I wasn't sold on the Vikings offense. I was right for about 58 minutes, but Teddy got the job done when it counted for a second straight road division win.

This game is a virtual toss-up in my opinion. The Vikings offense has played a little better at home. Maybe Blair Walsh wins the game again?

Rams 20

Vikings 23
27-13 Vikings!!!
23 - 17 VIKINGS
23 - 20 Minny wins
Vikings 20
Rams 16
Vikes 24
Rams 17
Vikings 20
Rams 10
Vikings 28

Rams 21
Offense comes alive

Vikings 31
Rams- 0

now let me look into the crystal ball


Vikings 28

Rams 0

Vikings 31

Rams 13
Vikings - 31

Lambs - 10

I could put more scores on here but you get the point.

Experts leaning towards the Rams in their picks

Not giving much love to the Vikings defense. Florio went so far as to say Gurley is a better RB than Peterson. I guess we will see. He is younger, but I haven't had a chance to see him play other than highlights.
The Vikings have to prove that they can beat a good team.
Our run defense is suspect. We give up 4.4 yards per carry, which is one of the highest in the league. Gurley could run all over us on Sunday.
What's killing their yards per carry are the 49ers game, where they were absolutely worked over, and the Broncos game, where they held them to 3.1 yards per carry until Hillman's big run. Otherwise, they've been pretty average. Definitely room for improvement.

I have a feeling that this will be an ugly game. The Rams have a good run defense. Defensively, both teams are going to try and take away the running game and make their opponent beat them through the air. Need a big game from Teddy on Sunday.
On nflpickwatch.com which compiles expert picks from all over the Internet, the Vikings are currently getting 73% of the "love". It's early in the week so there are still a lot more picks to be entered so that could change some going forward. But the early trend says is toward the Vikings.
Vegas also has the game as an essential push.

Lines from -3.5 to -1.5.
espn guys so far anyways are pro vikings
The run defense obviously gets it's best test this weekend. Like you said, the SF and the Hillman run are what makes our run defense worse looking than it is. Hillman, as it turns out is an actual player of significance, an unexpected very good NFL player, sort of like Diggs.

Likewise our OL gets another tough assignment. The OL is incrementally, maybe glacially, improving. We'll see if the offense can execute in the run and pass against the Rams defense.

I like our QB better and our WRs better on offense compared to theirs, and I like our LBs (if healthy) and DBs better than theirs on defense. I like our STs better.
I can promise you Gurley is not a better hb than Peterson. It will be a long time before u see someone as good as him again
you should watch him play
I have seen him play, hes got a LOOOOOOONG way to go before he can even be mentioned with Peterson... Even with this small 4 game sample. he cant even touch Petersons best 4 game stretch yet.
BS, I think our offense is ready to break out. The defense will play good at home, this game doesn't worry me.
That's a different question though. Peterson's best is better than Gurley's best, of course. Who is better at this moment in time? Not as clear.
In this moment in time? Who cares, its a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. You are comparing a guy with 4 games played to the man who was the 3rd fastest back to 10,000yds in NFL history (Behind only Dickerson and Brown), the 2nd most yards ever in NFL history and the most yards in a single game in NFL history. Just some of a million accomplishments and records this guys got.

So GTFOH with the comparisons to Peterson. Go compare him to someone more accurate like a Lesean McCoy, Arian Foster or something, those guys arent ****** backs but they aren't in Petersons league either. Peterson is going to finish his career as one of the best backs thats ever played this game. Hes 2,884yds at this moment from cracking the top 5 in history. There is very few people you can compare to him.
None of the things you mention matter this Sunday. Past accomplishments are meaningless. It wouldn't be the first time during Peterson's career that other RBs have had better seasons. It's entirely possible that right now Gurley is one of those RBs who is simply playing better.

In terms of matching Peterson's entire career the odds are obviously not in Gurley's favor. Nobody becomes a HOF player in four games.
It's really not fair to Todd or AP to make these comparisons at this point in time. Their careers are not at all comparable. The tough part about being a great RB in the NFL, is not being great, but sustaining it over time, year after year.

It is relevant who has a better game on Sunday though. How the OLs and defenses perform will have as much, if not more impact on how AP and Todd produce.
No doubt Gurley is a tremendous talent, but to annoint him better or even as good as Peterson at this point in his career, no way. Can Gurley be great consistently year in and year out? Can he stay relatively healthy year in and year out? That remains to be seen.
Why, as a rookie, should Gurley be compared to AP's best 4 game stretch? Gurley was only given a few reps week 1 since he was coming back from ACL surgery, so let's compare his games 2-5 to AP's rookie year games 2-5:

Gurley: 566 yds on 88 carries, 6.43 YPC
AP: 504 yds on 77 carries, 6.55 YPC

Only time will tell how good Gurley can be, or how well he'll hold up over his career, but so far, he's been impressive.
I agree 100% that peak Gurley will probably not be as good as peak Peterson. But a 21 year old Gurley might be as good or better than a 30 year old Peterson. In only four starts he's pretty much almost equaled Peterson's numbers.

While no comparison is exact, it would be incorrect to assume that defenses aren't keying on Gurley since he's basically their only offensive weapon. Despite that, he's been almost an unstoppable force over that time.


"AKA" Hugo Bezdek
Jul 1, 2013
Oh, just wanted to add, I used to love the ram unis...the ones you wore last week. Top 3 in the league imo (after vikes and steelers). Are the new colors a fan favorite?
Thanks for chiming in. The present uni's are my least favorite, I love last weeks.
After all those great 70's playoff games and the out door snow fests in Bloomington I have always respected the Vikes. In the same breath I hate the Cowboys whom we both used to battle through those Playoff years.


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
WE took a year off of every QB's life we have played this year no matter how successfull. Ben Rothlisberger knocked out 3-4 weeks (left 3rd quarter). McCown(18 hurries+ hits,sacks) hurt and Manzel replaced him. Hit cards qb hard and often (Knocked 2 seperate Card qb's (Palmer one)out for season last year). Kaperdouche had trouble sleeping and breathing acording to reports and is replaced after our game. Wilson sacked 6 times after playing in last years SB. He was hit many times too. The great Aaron Rodgers had record NO Interception streak at Lambeau and Hit often and sacked and threw not 1 but 2 Interceptions and also gave up a fumble when hit. Had lowest rating of season before he looked like he had not recovered yet in Denver. So I take your 3 x-rays and match it with 3 NOT PLAYING (OUT). Up next Bridgewater.:headexplosion:

This is the deepest hardest hitting "D" I've seen in my 50+ years as a RAMS FAN. The one outlier game was the worst game JL played in his career and since week two he is playing at a ProBowl level meeting RB's in the hole and blitzing like a Madman. The QB's we play go for MRI's and some don't play the next week and those that do show the effects.:boxing:NO INJURIES!!!
Had any OC or staff fired yet? See Lions.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
Interesting, it seems the Vikings will put more points on us than Arizona and Green Bay did on us in their homes. Oh and we'll score less than we did vs them also.

This is a game where both teams need to win to prove how good they are. Should be a tight and hard fought game.


Jan 24, 2015
Had any OC or staff fired yet? See Lions.

I thought the kitty cats blew up that coaching staff more often than any other team. Not even an NFL team. Yet you played them twice? You should lead the league in EVERY STAT right now. NO EXCUSES. Guess thats why you have the easiest schedule in the league SO FAR. YOUR SCHEDULE STARTS FOR REAL SUNDAY.


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
Interesting, it seems the Vikings will put more points on us than Arizona and Green Bay did on us in their homes. Oh and we'll score less than we did vs them also.

This is a game where both teams need to win to prove how good they are. Should be a tight and hard fought game.
You just never know now do you. This game I think is going to come down to which QB has the best day. Which one makes the least amount of mistakes.


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
Interesting, it seems the Vikings will put more points on us than Arizona and Green Bay did on us in their homes. Oh and we'll score less than we did vs them also.

This is a game where both teams need to win to prove how good they are. Should be a tight and hard fought game.
You just never know now do you. This game I think is going to come down to which QB has the best day. Which one makes the least amount of mistakes.


Pro Bowler
Sep 2, 2014
Forgot one. Number of QB's sent for x-rays after the game.

Vikings +3
Rams 0 (?)

LOL, you don't want to play that game with this defense. You clearly know nothing about the Rams, but I know Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and most definitely Arizona knows something about post game x-rays.