He doesn’t get more playing time because of what the coaches see in practice. So when he gets rare opportunities, it takes the defense by surprise.
Questioning McVay ability is mind boggling.
Tutu has speed and not much else. McVay got the most out of him
I don't think anyone is questioning McVay's ability....its just not having a perfection/hero complex.
Hes not perfect. He is excellent, surely a top 3 coach in the league, but, not perfect.
Roles, opponents and all the rest play a role as well.
You could well be right about him going somewhere else and hanging out as a #7 receiver for a few years then existing the league. Or, he may find a role somewhere else.
As I've said the pick was strange to me and I wanted it to work for that reason.....a high draft pick with a miscast WR.
Anyway, I was pulling for Tutu and though he was, unlike Austin, who was "just" a fast guy to me, Tutu showed football skills and traits.
All that said I am VERY excited to see what Whittington can do in an expanded role in the offense.