That's something that McVay is gonna have to be better about going forward.
The Gruden tree is EXCEPTIONALLY hard on QBs and that mess won't cut it after Stafford.
I think Stafford is a perfect fit and McVay won't have those issues. However, when Stafford is done, he'll need a Wolford... someone as insanely dedicated as he is or it won't work.
Chucky never liked rookie QBs and always preferred vets. I get that.
As a parent, I love babies. I just get them. When my new grandbaby is wailing up a storm, everyone looks to me to calm her down and almost every time I can calm her within a few moments. My mom, otoh, just really didn't like the whole baby time. She preferred once I was able to speak and exercise some agency.
I'm not calling rookie QBs babies. Rather, I'm using the analogy that younger QBs are faced with different challenges. The NFL has never been more complicated often new QBs don't have the language or tools built up to communicate what they need. Couple that with Zennials (late millennials and early Gen Z) players have for the most part not grown up around the McVay kind of intensity and what starts out well can quickly sour.
This has the potential to be McVay's Achilles heal... and the one drawback to Stafford is that I don't think McVay will have to do ANY personal communication adjustments or improve on that beyond tailoring the message to Stafford. And while that should speed things up for Matthew, it has the potential to further alienate McVay from relating to the next gen of QBs coming out of college. And if there's anything that can derail McVay, it'd be having success under Stafford and then having it all unravel with a rookie QB... because Staffords don't grow on trees and they aren't available every off-season. Not even close.
I really hope McVay uses this time to continue to grow his communication to match his intention, commitment and intensity or Stafford will merely be a stay in the downfall of McVay. For few other coaches is the mind meld between HC and QB more important than with McVay and his QB...and the onus of communication is on the one doing the communication.
I mean, we've all been around that person... family, friend, boss, relationship...w/e... and it was their mode of communication more than anything else that undid the relationship.
I really hope for all of our sakes that McVay works on this. It'll be critically important for our long term success.