Hmmmm.... You seem to be making statements you couldn't possibly know and stating them as fact. Not sure how you could
know any of this.
Agreed. If they are ready to move on then that is their decision. I just don't buy into much of anything that is being discussed here.
So you think that is how negotiations go in the NFL? Downgrading your commodity in public so everyone knows you want to rid yourself of his contract? You don't think Snead would be hammering the phone lines so that every team that was even a consideration would know the situation? Seems like a pretty stupid way to go about getting value back.
Personally, I think there is at least as much of a chance that they have done this to send a warning shot to Goff that he needs to get his shit together - that he needs to put in some serious work starting immediately after the Packers game ended.
But what do
I know. I'm just another Yahoo posting on a sports board.