Stan Kroenke appreciation thread

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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
That's just not true. He lent his expertise, but that was ALL the showgirl looking to cash in.

No, he was only willing to buy in if the team was moved to STL. That was his condition for writing a check to GF.

This is common knowledge.

Got anything that indicates he was involved much as minority owner? My understanding was that he was an inactive minor owner.

Do you think that a person who owns 30% of a business worth hundreds of millions isn't getting involved? Especially considering that person owns more sports franchises than maybe anyone in the world?

Of course he was involved, how could he not be.

And I don't really care how much you think all these owners are getting. Very few if any of them could do what Stan is doing in LA. The idea that a few million wouldn't have any affect on even the poorest owners is not based in any kind of reality. Of course it does. Certainly it wouldn't make them poor. But "poorer" owners are not going to do what Stan is doing and are not as likely to attract the more brilliant minds.

I'm not talking about building a stadium. I'm talking about the ball club itself.

What makes you think a facility and Stan being the second richest owner is going to attract the "more brilliant minds"?

His personal wealth doesn't have anything to do with anything outside of the stadium.

And if someone had offered McVay a few million more, where do you think he would be coaching. And a few million to any NFL owner is pocket change. On average an NFL team profits about 100MIL.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
No, he was only willing to buy in if the team was moved to STL. That was his condition for writing a check to GF.

This is common knowledge.
As I recall, he had made two previous attempts to bring a team to the Lou. That even included buying the patsies but he was beat out by Kraft. Georgia was looking to move the team and had tried to move to another city but that failed. Kroenke was indeed the money that put it over the top - even though the NFL first turned her down.

Do you think that a person who owns 30% of a business worth hundreds of millions isn't getting involved? Especially considering that person owns more sports franchises than maybe anyone in the world?

Of course he was involved, how could he not be.
He would be consulted I'm sure. However - Shaw had control over football operations and made all decisions regarding players, coaches, ball boys, etc. If you know something else, please provide it.

I'm not talking about building a stadium. I'm talking about the ball club itself.

What makes you think a facility and Stan being the second richest owner is going to attract the "more brilliant minds"?

His personal wealth doesn't have anything to do with anything outside of the stadium.

And if someone had offered McVay a few million more, where do you think he would be coaching. And a few million to any NFL owner is pocket change. On average an NFL team profits about 100MIL.
It's all a part of it. A first class operation simply has a greater chance of attracting first class talent. Sure players are going to go after things like money, winning... maybe team mates first, but the operation is a big piece to the rest.

You can't separate the ball club from the stadium, facilities, resources, location, etc... Like it or not, it is all part of it. I mean hell. Phil Knight installed world class facilities for the Ducks. Why would he do that? He could just attract the same talent with OSU level facilities. Hey - what do you know. It worked. Large corporations don't build beautiful facilities for Joe Public. But why then? Hmmmmmmm…..

If you are top in your field, are you going to go to an outfit with poor lighting in the building and '86 Fords parked out front? In other words - Are you going to Cincy or LA?

It's quite possible that McVay would have taken a few million more to go somewhere else. So you think if Stan wanted him, another team could have outbid him? Not likely. Like Fish or not, Kroenke was able to offer him something Miami could not. That apparently partly was long stretches of private river front fishing in MT. The perks Stan can offer are far better than most any owner in football. That is going to factor in whether you like it or not.

As to the 100 mil, where did you get that? The last report was that GB at #13 most profitable in the league had a profit of $35 mil. And that is the GB freaking Packers where they sell far more seats, apparel, local shit, than most teams. So if the Packers are netting $35 mil, where does that put many of the poorer teams? Think about it. In the top 12, you would have teams like the cowgirls and patsies making far more than probably 90% of the others. You do the math. Even in GB, if you are talking a few million, you are talking a significant expense.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
We are so fortunate to have Stan as our owner. We now have a person who is financially qualified.... that woman was not even close. Stan let's the football people handle the football decisions and he spares no expense when hiring those football people. That woman hired a lawyer and bean counters to make football decisions.

On a side... and this is just my suspicion... I believe that Stan's biggest reason for buying into the Rams originally was because he got a clause saying that he would have the 1st right to buy the rest of the team if that woman/her heirs ever decided to sell their share. It's not easy to get into the NFL owners club. Stan ended up using this clause to bump Khan's attempt at buying the team at the last minute... and I believe he had planned for this all along. It was like he negotiated his own sale/purchase. Brilliant.


Pro Bowler
Sep 13, 2016
No, he was only willing to buy in if the team was moved to STL. That was his condition for writing a check to GF.

This is common knowledge.

Do you think that a person who owns 30% of a business worth hundreds of millions isn't getting involved? Especially considering that person owns more sports franchises than maybe anyone in the world?

Of course he was involved, how could he not be.

I'm not talking about building a stadium. I'm talking about the ball club itself.

What makes you think a facility and Stan being the second richest owner is going to attract the "more brilliant minds"?

His personal wealth doesn't have anything to do with anything outside of the stadium.

And if someone had offered McVay a few million more, where do you think he would be coaching. And a few million to any NFL owner is pocket change. On average an NFL team profits about 100MIL.

actually typically minority owners are not involved in decision making processes when it comes to football operations. Rams football operations were run by John Shaw because GF didn't know shit from shinola and even Shaw was a deal maker, not a football guy. Some of hires were mediocre at best and comical at worst. After GF passed away, it wasn't surprising Shaw soon after stepped down, then when SK became owner, he brought in his own people because it was his show.

as for SK, as I said, he made a business decision that will line his pockets and his family's for generations to come. keep the money flowing to the team and let football people make football moves. the rams have a great thing going with McVay/Snead.


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It's quite possible that McVay would have taken a few million more to go somewhere else. So you think if Stan wanted him, another team could have outbid him? Not likely. Like Fish or not, Kroenke was able to offer him something Miami could not. That apparently partly was long stretches of private river front fishing in MT. The perks Stan can offer are far better than most any owner in football. That is going to factor in whether you like it or not.

This is a good point. Remember, the whiners' owner wanted McVay and if I recall even all but offered him the job. But once McVay connected with the Rams' ownership and front office it was game over. In the mix of how and why McVay wanted this job, I am sure you have many separate reasons that mostly go back to the power of the ownership, ok and maybe he connected with Les and Kevin too a bit lol. But I think you're absolutely correct here.

If McVay had visited Georgia and Shaw we would have had zero chance of landing him. That's if he even agreed to an interview. They were both a laughing stock around the league in terms of football knowledge and depth of pockets, where everyone knew she couldn't afford jack $h!t.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
We are so fortunate to have Stan as our owner. We now have a person who is financially qualified.... that woman was not even close. Stan let's the football people handle the football decisions and he spares no expense when hiring those football people. That woman hired a lawyer and bean counters to make football decisions.

On a side... and this is just my suspicion... I believe that Stan's biggest reason for buying into the Rams originally was because he got a clause saying that he would have the 1st right to buy the rest of the team if that woman/her heirs ever decided to sell their share. It's not easy to get into the NFL owners club. Stan ended up using this clause to bump Khan's attempt at buying the team at the last minute... and I believe he had planned for this all along. It was like he negotiated his own sale/purchase. Brilliant.

I remember following this closely. Khan was like Sir Gallahad charging in to save the day in St. Louis. Bernie M. and others at the PD had little clue when Stanley Enos Kroenke came from the shadows and gut punched Khan. It amused me about how gangster like that move


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
As I recall, he had made two previous attempts to bring a team to the Lou. That even included buying the patsies but he was beat out by Kraft. Georgia was looking to move the team and had tried to move to another city but that failed. Kroenke was indeed the money that put it over the top - even though the NFL first turned her down.

Correct.........he was involved in two other attempts.

Imagine if the NFL had the Boston area wide open for owners to leverage in stadium negotiations rather than LA. Fewer ginormous deals would have been done IMO.

As to the 100 mil, where did you get that?

National revenue last year was about 222MIL per team. The cap was 167MIL. Then add in game day revenues like ticket sales and luxury suites along with concessions, parking, merchandise and in stadium advertising and it's probably about what I said. Some teams make more, some make less but it's a decent benchmark.

Stan ended up using this clause to bump Khan's attempt at buying the team at the last minute... and I believe he had planned for this all along. It was like he negotiated his own sale/purchase. Brilliant.

Khan could have bought the 66% of the stock in the Rams and been majority owner if he had been willing to pay the "greenmail" price SK put out there for giving up his first right of refusal. SK was willing to walk away from total ownership for a big check. Khan balked though if you recall and ended up buying the Jags. And for a great deal at just 760MIL lol.

After GF passed away, it wasn't surprising Shaw soon after stepped down, then when SK became owner, he brought in his own people because it was his show.

If we list the people brought in after GF passed away it will be less than impressive. He bought the team outright in 2010.

Until Snead came in, the Rams got the deal made for Goff (Snead), and McVay came to the Rams in large part because of Goff, the track record isn't much to brag about on any front. W-L record, player signings, coahes, front office and so on down the list.


Pro Bowler
Apr 4, 2013
The only opinion I share in regards to SK is he's all about the money. He doesn't love the Rams as we all do.

If he did he would have exercised his option to buy full control of the Rams immediately instead of trying to get Khan to pay him 80 million.

If Khan had agreed SK would have walked.

He doesn't bleed blue and gold just green.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
If he did he would have exercised his option to buy full control of the Rams immediately instead of trying to get Khan to pay him 80 million.
First right of refusal is best utilized when there is an offer on the table. Without that, it is useless. Money is huge to SK. No doubt about it. But if I recall right, the idea that he was trying to get Khan to pay him a fee to back out was a rumor and I personally haven't seen anything that substantiates the story.

Regardless, with how a first right of refusal works, you have to first have an offer on the table in order to exercise it. It would do no good to make an offer for the 60% without that offer. It also would have done no good to exercise it until the offer was formalized an accepted. When Khan couldn't back out, he exercised it. It's hard to say that it was not smart on SK's part. But yes - it was about money.

The irony will really come to a head if Khan either moves his team to London or starts splitting games between the two cities as is rumored. How would Rams fans like that outcome?


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
First right of refusal is best utilized when there is an offer on the table. Without that, it is useless. Money is huge to SK. No doubt about it. But if I recall right, the idea that he was trying to get Khan to pay him a fee to back out was a rumor and I personally haven't seen anything that substantiates the story.

I don't know how first right is best utilized with an offer on the's best when you have it and your plan is to use it right away. Otherwise why would it be "first right"? That makes no sense dude.

The greenmail was no rumor, it was widely reported and was a fact. Khan and Kroenke had some face to face meetings about it because Khan was completely serious about buying the rights and Kroenke was completely serious about selling his first rights for like 100MIL or whatever.

Had Khan written a check he would have the majority ownership right now. He decided not to do that and pursued the Jags and that deal got done very quickly.

I think Khan wanted to be 100% owner and not have a partner.

BTW Khan is worth 7.2BIL, so it isn't like he couldn't cut the check. And at the time he may have been worth more than Kroenke.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Khan could have bought the 66% of the stock in the Rams and been majority owner if he had been willing to pay the "greenmail" price SK put out there for giving up his first right of refusal. SK was willing to walk away from total ownership for a big check. Khan balked though if you recall and ended up buying the Jags. And for a great deal at just 760MIL lol.
No I don't recall that actually happening. I was the one doing most of the moderating on that infamous thread.

Again - a rumor based on unnamed sources through the St Louis based Sports Business Journal. They didn't even have any kind of a solid figure - "Somewhere in the mid to upper 8 figure range" That is pretty vague and unsubstantiated, yet the St Louis media ran with it in spite of everyone saying that kind of tactic would be very out of character for SK in his business dealings and no confirmation by Khan's group.


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
And oh btw @LesBaker , I just learned that when NFL teams sign a guaranteed contract, they have to deposit real money in an escrow account matching the guaranteed money.
Which owners like Mark Davis cannot do.

Stan Can.

Just out of curiosity, why the hard on for Kroenke, or is it just greedy capitalists/owners in general?

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Correct.........he was involved in two other attempts.

Imagine if the NFL had the Boston area wide open for owners to leverage in stadium negotiations rather than LA. Fewer ginormous deals would have been done IMO.

National revenue last year was about 222MIL per team. The cap was 167MIL. Then add in game day revenues like ticket sales and luxury suites along with concessions, parking, merchandise and in stadium advertising and it's probably about what I said. Some teams make more, some make less but it's a decent benchmark.

Khan could have bought the 66% of the stock in the Rams and been majority owner if he had been willing to pay the "greenmail" price SK put out there for giving up his first right of refusal. SK was willing to walk away from total ownership for a big check. Khan balked though if you recall and ended up buying the Jags. And for a great deal at just 760MIL lol.

If we list the people brought in after GF passed away it will be less than impressive. He bought the team outright in 2010.

Until Snead came in, the Rams got the deal made for Goff (Snead), and McVay came to the Rams in large part because of Goff, the track record isn't much to brag about on any front. W-L record, player signings, coahes, front office and so on down the list.

Stan knew he would balk. Then he had a set price that was perfect.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I don't know how first right is best utilized with an offer on the's best when you have it and your plan is to use it right away. Otherwise why would it be "first right"? That makes no sense dude.
A first right of refusal REQUIRES another offer on the table. The entire purpose is that if someone offers a price for the property, company or the shares you do or do not already own, you have the first right of refusal to accept that offer and match it with your own. If you do nothing, the other offer goes through if accepted by those included in the deal.

The reason you do NOT exercise it right away even when there is an offer on the table is that it has to be accepted and formalized. If not, one of the other parties could simply pull their offer or acceptance and push the price up with a counter or another offer.

I had a first right of refusal clause in my lease at one point. When someone offered to buy the building, I had the option to THEN match the offer or let the other party buy it. If I were to make an offer with none on the table, the first right of refusal clause would be moot.

The greenmail was no rumor, it was widely reported and was a fact. Khan and Kroenke had some face to face meetings about it because Khan was completely serious about buying the rights and Kroenke was completely serious about selling his first rights for like 100MIL or whatever.

Find the article and its verification. It was a RUMOR.


Pro Bowler
Apr 4, 2013
And oh btw @LesBaker , I just learned that when NFL teams sign a guaranteed contract, they have to deposit real money in an escrow account matching the guaranteed money.
Which owners like Mark Davis cannot do.

Stan Can.

Just out of curiosity, why the hard on for Kroenke, or is it just greedy capitalists/owners in general?

Well. I would like to call SK what some on here are allowed to call GF.

But I like this board and know that if I do that it will get deleted.


Pro Bowler
Apr 4, 2013
Stan had first right of refusal. Match Khans offer or go away.

SK choose to tell Khan pay me 80 million and I will go away.

Khan said Nope. So Stan matched the offer.

SK did not buy the Rams like we would have. He purchased the Rams to make money. Nothing wrong with that. But please don't try and tell me he purchased the Rams as any one of us would have if we had the money.

The greenmail was real. So those that doubt it. Go look it up.

It really is that simple.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
The greenmail was real. So those that doubt it. Go look it up.
I would think the burden of proof is on those trying to profess it as fact. I already looked it up AGAIN. There is nothing but what I already said. How about you look it up and prove your accusation. You won't find it. It even appears the original "source" pulled the article. It was one reporter citing an unnamed source about a supposed offer in the "mid to upper 8 figures". Could it BE more vague? Find proof and I'll acquiesce. Until then? Didn't happen.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Stan had first right of refusal. Match Khans offer or go away.
Sigh.... Have you ever had dealings with a first right of refusal? Because it sure doesn't look like it.

BTW - That's EXACTLY what he did.


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Well. I would like to call SK what some on here are allowed to call GF.

But I like this board and know that if I do that it will get deleted.
If it’s a St Louis thing I get it - went through it.
If not, again, why?


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
And oh btw @LesBaker , I just learned that when NFL teams sign a guaranteed contract, they have to deposit real money in an escrow account matching the guaranteed money.
Which owners like Mark Davis cannot do.

Stan Can.

Just out of curiosity, why the hard on for Kroenke, or is it just greedy capitalists/owners in general?

Still this is not that much money for an NFL owner, and it's only the signing bonus. Not all guaranteed money. And Davis according to Google searches has a net worth of half a billion. I'm pretty sure that'll cover those expenses eh.

All of the owners can do that. Do you think they would allow something to be written in to the CBA that some of them can't do??? Never in life!

In general it has nothing to do with capitalism, but does involve greed and I think Mark Cuban is/was right.

I'm a business owner now and have been in the past. I have no problem with turning a profit, that's a good thing. But..........NFL owners gouge and rip off fans who simply want to support a team for the love of the sport. This is the most popular sport in the nation, yet the people who own and manage it are widely loathed by their customers. Does that say something? I think it does!

As far as Kroenke specifically he is a turd, and in general a mediocre owner who owns teams for the $$$. It's a business to him, not a business designed to profit that is also a community effort like it used to be. The business of sports has changed, not for the better. And nowhere is that more obvious and better illustrated than it is in the NFL.

Find the article and its verification. It was a RUMOR.

No it wasn't, it was fact, and spokespeople for Khan briefly discussed it with media. SK of course never talked to anyone in the media ever until the move to LA. All of the STL media where chiming in on this.

Why would they meet in person a few times then?

This was no rumor. It was widely reported and if I recall even discussed at the owners meeting.

SK was willing to forego buying out Chip and Lucia for a big check.