Whit 2020 < Whit 2019
Corbett?? 2020 > Note 2019
Blythe 2020 > Allen 2019
Edwards 2020 > Blythe 2019
Evans/Hav 2020 = Hav 2019
I’d love to make RT better in 2020 and get a stud OC for the next 7 years.
I will add a more positive way to look at this 2020 OL.
This was a good easy quick way to convey your thoughts on what you expect from the Rams 2020 OL. I agree with dang's thought's here. I would expect Kromer to make every effort possible to keep the same last half starters the same. Obviously to continue to build on
cohesiveness. IMO starting over, switching around or playing musical chairs would be a big negative backward & once again decelerate the improvement of the OL.
The >
ROD has amply discussed
Austin Blythe, with most all in agreement that
AB is much better @ OC than RG. Kromer has a good amount of OC prospects under contract too. Its also a good bet we will see a very good prospect OC selected in this draft.
If this Ram OL is what dang & I believe.....
Austin Corbett's 2020version should be a big improvement over Noteboom/Demby 2019 events. Both these 2018 draft picks had zero NFL starts when they go their assignments. Corbett finished 3 gms, started 1 for the Browns in 2018 & started over the last half of 2019 season. Corbett sure appears to me to have the needed skills & abilities to be an effective LG in the NFL. He is in his best natural playing OL post.
David Edwards offers Kromer a normal sized NFL RG since Jamon Browns 2017 season. Rookie
DE @ 6-6 approx. 310 plus pound rookie in 2019 was an improvement over the 6-2/298 Austin Blythe. We all should expect that
DE will come into TC in a regenerated physical body.
DE's 2018 season in college was atrophied due to a shoulder injury & followed by surgery. That event surely retarded his physical development in 2018 & early in 2019.
DE now has a full yr. removed from that event. DE has already established excellent versatility @ LG/ RG/ RT in his rookie season.
The <
LT aged
Andrew Whitworth is in a slow decline but still effective in his pass protection & highly experienced,
something this 2020 OL needs severely. AW's age makes the back up LT a very high concern & its still an unknown However, late last seasons back up @ LT,
Chandler Brewer returns. In addition, there is a possibility that 2018 season back up
Joseph Noteboom being ready to take up his 2018 position by the bye. If RT Rob Havenstein remains a Ram & then shocks/stuns me to return to previous 2019 season form then top 2019 draft selection OT
Bobby Evans could also be the reserve LT.
The =
Who will be the starting RT for 2020 is an unknown. But Kromer has a number of good RT prospects under contract. So going over them has a good feeling to it ......so having long time starter
Rob Havenstein,
Bobby Evans,
Chandler Brewer,
David Edwards &
Joseph Noteboom as prospective starting RT's is a big positive with 4/5ths having over a half dozen NFL starts of experience each !
Having said the above I would desire that Snead takes a great physically developmental LT & a ready to start OC this upcoming weekend.