I sympathise with your son, but the military injects so many different things into their soldiers and just the general aspect of what it's like to serve, there's really no way you can make that connection. This is a classic case of mixing correlation with causation. I hope he's able to make a full recovery, but it's more likely that the military is making him get the procedure early because they would rather pay for a surgery than have to pay out life benefits if something happens. They do these kinds of things all the time.
Ireland is 94% vaccinated, the highest in the EU and among the world, and we have the lowest death rate in the EU as well, despite rising cases. You still need to mask up inside buildings and on public transport, show your vaccine card at a pub or restaurant, but otherwise life is pretty much normal. Personally I don't mind the masks this time of year either, keeps my face warmer. No lockdowns, no real restrictions otherwise, everything is open, and there's really no panic or anything in the air.
The military and most (if not all) federal jobs have always had vaccination requirements. George Washington implemented the first vaccine mandate when he was a General leading the Continental Army, they are absolutely no novel in anyway whatsoever. I've literally walked in a line with my shirt off with various military medical personnel sticking me in multiple spots to give us a bunch of vaccines at once multiple times and prior to deployments we would get a new round of vaccines both before and after.
This seems like a rather shite argument if I'm be straight with you. "In the past entire families were wiped out by disease!" isn't exactly a rousing statement for not taking additional precaution with a pandemic. We used to live in caves and run around in loin cloths until we died of the ripe old age of 25 as well, the entire point of society is to learn, advanced, and grow. Having a better understanding of the dangers of disease so we're no longer shitting our brains out with bloody diarrhoea next to our drinking water doesn't mean we're soft, it means we're smart.
Honestly, that reads like the old guys who would claim the previous generations of the military was tougher because they would just run right into enemy fire and get mowed down, while today military is smart enough to understand you do a better job when you stay alive and use small unit tactics to manoeuvre around and kill the other guy instead.
On that note I'm muting the thread, if anyone wants to bitch to me bring it to the PMs, I wont be replying here since we're far off track in terms of talking Rams and covid. Hopefully these guys get healthy and are back on the field soon.