Reading through the posts after Sunday's win, one thing is becoming clear to me, we may have 2 capable QB on the roster - please understand, I'm not saying they are equally capable since Wolford has only 1 game under his belt. Arguing who should start on Sunday makes for a lot of angry posts, and I don't want to pile on to that. I think we don't have the necessary information to decide who should start against the Seahawks. We can certainly try to push for one guy or the other, but we don't know the most important thing: how is Goff's thumb. I rallied behind Wolford against the Cards because he was really our only option, and I am a Rams fan in the end. I was impressed with his performance, in a high pressure situation, and how he bounced back from adversity. I've also seen many more impressive performances from Goff. I will trust McVay to start the best guys to help us get a win, and root for whoever is on the field.