Sure. Ok. I agree the guy is a hell of a QB too btw he is without a doubt the best ever just from the standard metric of championships. But was just responding to your point. Brady wasn't the Brady we all know now back in that playoff series. The Patriots had their backs to the wall all throughout where they were dependent on Belichick and that defense/teams and calls to carry them.
That playoff series alone was crazy and suspect. THEN the news breaks on the fact that New
I couldn't give a fuck if you're "dying" at this point.
Belligerence isn't a sign of intelligence.
You can believe of disbelieve the argument I'm making, but to act as if there's NEVER been any evidence of this is beyond being in denial.
As for "kind of cheating", what kind of enablist shit is that? Some cheating is okay? Sorry, but I'm a very much straight up and down guy. I'd rather the Rams lose every game legit than be gifted a Super Bowl because I care about the INTEGRITY of the contest.
Through actions, inactions and legal arguments, the NFL has made it very clear that they do NOT give a shit about the integrity of the game.
I specifically stopped watching baseball after the 2nd work stoppage in a short while just prior to the Mark McGuire/Sammy Sosa HR derby and it was clear that MLB was fine with the steroids because the home run chase brought folks back to the stands and put them in front of the TV sets. So, the modern MLB not stripping the cheating Astros is more emblematic of the tolerance of fans to deal with cheating and the sport putting the financials ahead of the integrity of the game. It's an example of MLB not living up to its legacy.
As for who benefits... the NFL and the owners as the majority of their money comes from TV contracts and having a post-season with tons of drama mean much larger pools of viewers and being in the position to ask for much more money in future tv contracts.
So, again… you’re talking about different things.
Looking the other way in steroids benefited all of baseball. Offensive explosion. More interesting. Not “cheating” to “steer” a team’s success.
So, let’s throw that out.
Your final paragraph is your crux and ignores any reality.
The idea that the NFL needed to keep the Pats going? And… somehow… wouldn’t get the Rams that win in the Super Bowl?!? Lol
And that we’d be going on three decades with no Cowboys Super Bowl????
The stories and narratives to create an exciting Super Bowl exist every season.
One core thing that gets me about conspiracy stuff .. is how they always benefit someone else… and how, in sports, they do often aim to tear down great teams and individuals.
The complete denial that there can be true greatness.