If McVay decides to leave the first thing Stan must do is offer him a role as team president. I would offer him bank along with putting his ass in charge of the entire thing, knowing and trusting that he would leave no stone unturned in building the right team. Also he is well connected and on top of league trends, so while he might miss on some head coach hires over the long term McVay would get it right. Basically he's the kind of performer you want to surround yourself with if, you believe as I do that you are only as good as the people who work for you.
For the next head coach I would take a very long look at Brian Flores. I don't care that the guy told the Dolphins owner to get fucked when instructed to lose. In fact I prefer non-yes-men. I prefer people who tell me straight and with truth. In that respect Flores is my kind of dude. Also he is a real leader, the type of dude who can stand up in front of a room full of the best players in this league and read them the riot act if necessary. Which is something that to me is important, knowing that leadership is in place for when you hit your first period of rough seas as you inevitably will.
What I expect Kroenke to do is what he has done every time the job is open, which is pursue whoever is the top candidate. Fish didn't win for him, but he did move the bar and at the time of his hire he was the top man on the market. McVay was also very highly regarded and probably would have gotten the 9ers job had Stan not hired him. So projecting this to the current lineup of coaching candidates I imagine he has already let Asshole Face know he's in the mix for him if his head coach hangs them up.