McVay and Stafford are gonna “come out freaking swinging”, well maybe they need to learn to box a little. McVay is a guy who wants to knock you out, so he just starts throwing haymakers. If you figure that out you can step out of the way and wait for the opening that is sure to come, or wait til he gets tired.
Stafford gets sacked twice in the opening drive against Tennessee and yet here they are looking for a deep shot against the suspect titan secondary deep in their own end. A couple disastrous plays and the game is basically over.
Monday nite prime time game against the struggling niners, let’s get OBJ involved early, that’s what everyone wants to see, except he’s only been on the team a few days, he and Stafford have some kinks to work out. Another wild haymaker that leaves you wide open when you miss.
Teams reflect the demeanor of the coach, the Patriots are calm and methodical, they stick to the plan. The rams seem anxious, everyone trying too hard. That fake field goal was a message to everyone on both teams that they were losing and starting to doubt their ability to come back.
McVay and Snead are trying to maximize the window they have with AD and Jalen and Stafford but it looks like talent isn’t the issue.
Part of Brady and Bill’s greatness was the willingness to exploit your weaknesses, if that meant running it 50 times so be it. That seems really simple and logical but how many times has McVay gone away from the run when it’s working, and if fans can see it and beat writers write about it, coordinators probably have figured it out too.
A couple weeks ago the playoffs looked like a pretty good bet, maybe even a home game but at this rate hanging on to 2nd place in the division might be a stretch.