But the Rams- an historic franchise that periodically has years-long runs of ineptitude where they have to scratch and claw to reclaim their respectability- decides to blow it all up. Why? I know- gotta have a theme with the $5B stadium, LA glitz, gotta justify what we're paying Nike, coordinate with the Dodgers... ugh.
It just ticks me off. The new uniforms sincerely look like Arena League unis to me. The blue in the helmet last night reminded me of the color of the electric-blue Flavor-Ice freeze pops.
Meanwhile, the Dickerson-era uniform just screams football, and the colors pop. It holds its own with any of the other classic NFL uniforms. I love the detail of the horn curling around the shoulder, the contrast of the white, dark blue and yellow; the thick stripes along the pants (my only issue with those uniforms was why the blue had such a purplish hue on the dark jerseys). Even if they felt compelled to change, why not incorporate some of those classic elements in the new uniforms?
Go Rams!
The Chargers
I know some people like the Chargers uniforms , and I know the Chargers have like 147 different variations
but the one the wore yesterday
There's something about our uni's that looks PURPLE. Maybe it's the lighting? the cameras? my monitor???
View: https://twitter.com/ramsnfl/status/1304546576312926208?s=21
So this schedule is specific to Jersey, I guess based on how it’s labeled there...
Any chance we see yellow pants this week? I am eager to see Blue Top / Yellow Pant on game day!
Yeah, I saw the Rams Twitter promise that the yellow, er "Sol", pants are coming.
I am looking forward to that.
I like the Bone unis. They are still growing on me.
The all blues? Not so much.
I am afraid seeing them live won't help my feelings any, but maybe.
They desperately need the yellow pants I think.
Mine as well. I don't see the purplethese look less purple to me than the last uni.....i was expecting these to be more purple, but my eyes are only seeing blue. thankfully
That would be a nightmare!I have this horrible nightmare where they wear the yellow pants but they are gradient like the butt ugly numbers.
White uniforms have grown on me, they really pop on tv. Still need thin blue lines on pant and shoulder stripes but that's about it. Will probably be my preferred until they get rid of that gradient crap.