Did Goff play poorly? Yeah, he did but every damn QB has bad games, including the GOAT Brady. Wow, what nonsensical overreaction. It wasn't just him. McVay, O'Connell, Bonamego, and all those that dropped passes or missed blocks. Geez give credit where it's due....the Fins outplayed the Ram offense, and McVay got outcoached. IT HAPPENS IN THE NFL!
Geez, all this panic over a loss. Do you freaking know how hard it is to find an elite coach and franchise QB? Yeah GEEZE start a petition to bring back Jeff Fisher and his gang. Let's bring back Foles and Keenum and release Goff!! Some people have short memories.
A heartbreaking loss? Yeah but worth panicking over? Gawd no! Chill people....watching both the Hawks and Niners, those teams are beatable. The Rams still control their own destiny. Mop the floor with the rest of the NFCW and then see how the chips fall.
Five of the remaining 8 games are at SoFi. IMO the coaches on the offensive side of the ball got complacent. Staley to his credit had his guys fired up and played an aggressive scheme. If he can keep it up and McVay can do likewise to the offense then this team can be truly formidable down the stretch.
Personally, I don't understand this give up mentality. This is our team damn it! Suck it up! If you want to tuck tail there is another LA team that would love to have fans that cut and run.....just like their owner.