And BTW, I HATE Indian casinos.
I may have put a "thread winner" on one of the other posts in this thread but this one truly deserves it. Thank you for posting this. It does seem like no one is asking actual native Americans how they actually feel about this issue, except to find those who already agree with their biases. Meanwhile, the actual issues that matter to you get swept under the carpet. This is the real social injustice.Look folks, I am a Native American, you now INDIAN. My grandmother was fullblood. Yurok and Tolowa. That makes me 1/4 from her and my other grandparents all came from Oklahoma. So significant Indian blood in me.
If you people went to any Indian reservation where a big cultural even is happening and the men take their shirts off you will see MANY Redskins tattoos. In the late summer when we commercial gill-net salmon Redskins tats are pervasive.
I get sick of do-gooders who have no connection American Indians telling us how we are supposed to feel.
And BTW, I HATE Indian casinos. They are nothing but a pacifier shoved in out mouths while land and water rights are taken. Yuroks are lucky. We still have are actual ancestral lands, both sides of the lower Klamath River.
With those casinos a few at the top get rich and the community as a whole suffers. Here in Humboldt when casinos showed up, then the pawn shops,check cashing places, payday loan places.
It was best when locals saved up and went to Reno once or twice a year. Kept it over there. Now we have more drugs and hookers in little towns when all you had before were cows in a field. I will take the cows.
I am fine with REDSKINS, my second favorite team. For obvious reasons.
I'm posting this agaisnt my better judgement. I don't want thread topic drift... this is about naming that turd team in DC. But... here goes.
I'm also 25% Native American. Mohawk. My Grandmother on my Dad's side was 100% Mohawk.
The name that has always irritated me is Indian. The name was given because of a mistake. The geniuses who landed here thought they had landed on the coast of India... that's why they called our Native Brothers Indians. That's stupid to me. I only use "Native American" for that reason... and it's more proper to name your Nation.
Redskin never bothered me. Just like white, black, or any other color description. The name was given as a form of pride originally... that part of the story is lost now. Redskin doesn't really properly describe our darker skin tone... but everyone knows it means Native American. The team was honoring themselves and our Ancestors with that name.
Just remember... using the name Indian to describe Native Americans is a very poor name. In a sense... it's disrespectful to the great people from India. That is their name, and their name alone. Try to use that name properly going forward.
If you are a Native American Brudda... feel free to share your side of this too if you want. There is no right or wrong way to feel about this.