Vent Thread Rams vs Cowboys

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I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
Careful there, ... people may start suggesting the same of McVay ...

At least McVay has performed at an elite level as a playcaller before. This year, not so much, but his first two years with the Rams were pretty damn good in that respect.


Mathematically alive
Jul 31, 2016
Because by Dak choosing to kick, that left the Rams with the choice for the 2nd half. And they chose to receive, I think its ironic that the league office said to use common sense, when the whole thing was due to Dak not using common sense.
It's interesting because I don't believe the Rams were ever given a choice during the game. The Cowboys chose in both halves.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 25, 2014
Did we watch the same game? Some of you asking to run more when the OL was getting blown up all day at the LOS.
You can’t come out with 4 straight pass plays then expect to run. Goff was off early in the game everyone could see that. The game wasn’t out of hand. There wasn’t any jet sweeps or anything that was effective for this offense the last couple weeks.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
That is a problem, but part of the problem is not just the ratio itself, but the types of runs he tried today. It was up the middle for little or no gain, again and again. No off tackle or outside runs, no jet sweeps, and not much of anything that forced the defense to think about what was coming - in a very stark contrast to what we saw the previous week. And have we *ever* run a draw play in McVay's time here? Bueller? Bueller?

That kind of constrained playcalling on his part contributed to us falling behind and needing to pass to catch up, further fueling the lopsided ratio.

McVay really needs some kind of quality control guy to whisper in his ear. Someone to tell him "hey, run a couple jet sweeps" or "try an outside run". One common thread I have seen in games this year when McVay's playcalling has suffered is that he gets himself into a box and won't step out of it, thereby helping the opposing D by eliminating any need for them to guess and any risk of guessing wrong. Then they just tee right off on us and everything falls apart.


May 9, 2016
That is a problem, but part of the problem is not just the ratio itself, but the types of runs he tried today. It was up the middle for little or no gain, again and again. No off tackle or outside runs, no jet sweeps, and not much of anything that forced the defense to think about what was coming - in a very stark contrast to what we saw the previous week. And have we *ever* run a draw play in McVay's time here? Bueller? Bueller?

That kind of constrained playcalling on his part contributed to us falling behind and needing to pass to catch up, further fueling the lopsided ratio.

McVay really needs some kind of quality control guy to whisper in his ear. Someone to tell him "hey, run a couple jet sweeps" or "try an outside run". One common thread I have seen in games this year when McVay's playcalling has suffered is that he gets himself into a box and won't step out of it, thereby helping the opposing D by eliminating any need for them to guess and any risk of guessing wrong. Then they just tee right off on us and everything falls apart.

Well said. It was evident Dallas had a good feel for our game plan. Especially the runs and like usual we saw no adjustments from McVay. When he's in a rut, he usually stays in a rut. Particularly this year.


Pro Bowler
Sep 28, 2015


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
Last week and this week and the contrast between the two are the Rams season in a microcosm. When our players are executing and our coaches come in with good, solid gameplans, we can beat anyone. When the gameplans/playcalling are off and players aren't executing, we look like we could get beat by anyone. This team, and this coaching staff, has just absolutely lacked anything resembling consistency this year. And it has killed us and led to a year of underachieving.

I have no idea what McVay was thinking today, but I know he wasn't thinking about jet sweeps, outside runs, off tackle runs, etc. Just straight up the middle into the teeth of their defense, and when it didn't work, he seemed to decide running wasn't going to work at all. Nothing to make them guess. Nothing to make them respect the possibility of going outside. And when our D wasn't up to the task of stopping their O (thanks in part to our DBs running into each other - Tavon thanks you), we fell behind and the running game was abandoned.

The other thing that bugs me about the coaching this year, and it's in contrast to the last two years is the lack of adjustments. It just seems like they come in with one gameplan, and if it doesn't work, they don't adjust. Two years ago when we went to Dallas, we gave up 24 points to them in the first half and they moved the ball all over the place. Second half? Defense gave up six points and they couldn't do squat for most of the half. Meanwhile, our offense was able to put together multiple scoring drives in the second half after being stifled for a good chunk of the first. But in our losses this year, it seems like there are no adjustments, we just keep trying the same thing hoping for different results. That certainly was the case today.

We know we have some personnel issues to deal with in the offseason, but it really starts at the top. I think McVay can bounce back, but I really hope the humbling results of this season makes him do a top to bottom honest evaluation of himself, because he has not done a consistent job at all this year and too often has come up short, where in the last two seasons he was constantly adjusting, changing things up, and keeping defenses guessing - and to their detriment, wrongly much of the time.

I'm on the fence with Wade, this D has had some lights out performances this year and is capable of playing very well. But they've also laid some really huge eggs - Tampa Bay, Baltimore and now today against Dallas, and one common thread in those games is that Wade continued to stick with what wasn't working, in contrast to the 2017 Dallas game discussed above. That being said, I don't want to switch back to the 4-3 because our personnel now is much more suited to the 3-4 and we have neither the draft capital nor the cap capital to make such a wholesale change. We just need to change some players out and get a more consistent effort from the coaching.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2016
I have noticed when things dont go as planned McVay gets very predictable.
He seems to get away from the gameplan very quickly.

I dunno tho. Isn't that how it goes with every team that loses? Things dont go your way and everyone on their couch knows better than the coach.


Agent Provocateur
Nov 24, 2012
"How we doin' guys?"
~Jason Garrett.
What’s up Jason?

We’re doing just swell I must say, now that you finally got that elusive W vs a team with a winning record we wish you and your wonderful fan base the best of luck vs Philly, I’m thinking 9-7 and a first round playoffs win just might save your job

Which...would delight us AND I’m sure your division rivals



I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
I have noticed when things dont go as planned McVay gets very predictable.
He seems to get away from the gameplan very quickly.

I dunno tho. Isn't that how it goes with every team that loses? Things dont go your way and everyone on their couch knows better than the coach.

The difference between this year and the last two years - on both sides of the ball - is adjustments. There were games in 2017 and 2018 where things didn't initially go the Rams way or the initial gameplan didn't work. So they adjusted. And often times, it worked out and got the team back on track. This season it seems like neither Sean nor Wade have answers when their initial gameplan goes to shit, and that ends up trickling down to the players.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2016
The difference between this year and the last two years - on both sides of the ball - is adjustments. There were games in 2017 and 2018 where things didn't initially go the Rams way or the initial gameplan didn't work. So they adjusted. And often times, it worked out and got the team back on track. This season it seems like neither Sean nor Wade have answers when their initial gameplan goes to shit, and that ends up trickling down to the players.

Teams have learned to beat us and we haven't adjusted. We have some big holes that teams exploit and when they do it gets ugly

It's not rocket science I can see the issues. It's mostly scheme. When we lose we lose ugly.


Aug 11, 2016
in the first half we ran the ball about 9 times for 2 yard... passed it like 18 times, with 2 of those coming in the 2 min drill.

In the 2nd half we received the ball down 31-7 with about 9 min left in the 3rd quarter.

Clearly it was time to run the ball more at that point. With our .002 yards per carry down by 24 pts.

We could have come back in quarter 87.

McVay such an idiot.


Pro Bowler
Mar 28, 2016
McVay’s play calling is so predictable. Pass, pass, pass, pass. Can we have Veronika call the offense?


Apr 30, 2015
Goff being off early makes it hard to know if McVay's game plan would have worked especially when you also consider there was no defense. Goff had Kupp early for a TD but, was way off.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 1, 2013
BTW, our least effective WR is our highest paid WR and our 3rd highest paid player.

Think about that.

It has to change.
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