Vent Thread Rams vs Cowboys

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Damn the torpedoes Full speed ahead
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ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
Team needs to get more physical. They are too finesse on both sides of the ball.
This. Good thing is the 2020 draft is stocked with the DL position. Center also should be a relatively easy find. LT though meh. They're going to have to figure something out on the blindside.


Not me.I am waaaay uglier
Jul 3, 2014
Because that's the consequence of electing to kick at the toss. You have four options: 1) receive, 2) defer, 3) kick, or 4) pick which side to defend. Under option 1 or 2, you receive once and kick once. Under option 3 or 4, you kick twice. Dak took option 3. Sucks for him. But the NFL is full of shit for intervening to fix that mistake. They've looked to screw us consistently this year. Not that we needed help today.

how do you make it to the NFL and not understand that you have to use the word defer,if you wish to kick and receive kick at the half.I don't care if he said it after he was asked the third time.
The NFL had no business changing that call.It should have been the first thing out of his mouth.
My 12u kids know that the first thing you say in that situation is, we defer to the second half.


Agent Provocateur
Nov 24, 2012
Dallas won the toss and Dak said they wanted to kick, instead of saying they defer. Then after Walt gave him 2 chances to say they defer and he continued to say they wanted to kick he finally said defer but Walt had already taken the answer of kick which gave the Rams the option for the 2nd half. Then during halftime the league office decided to give Dak a break and accept his 4th answer as the official answer. Which meant the Rams had to kick off after already being told they would receive the kick off.

That was a spot on synopsis of exactly how it went down


The one and only
Mar 11, 2014
The game was hard to watch (my brothers a cowboys fan). But IMO I'm tired of seeing the D not live up to it's potential. I personally would love to see that 3-4 bullshit go away and bring back the 4-3


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 29, 2016
They made us kick? God, the NFL is so close to losing me. What a fucking shit show this league is. It's a true joke. Fuck the dumbass NFL and their shitty ass officials.
Yeah, and the sideline reporter said McVay had no idea till they came on to the field for the 2nd half that they had to kick it. New York reversed the call because once spoon fed enough Dak finally said defer. I don't hate the reversal, just the way they didn't communicate it to the Rams. It's kinda a ticky tack rule that I'm not sure in my 50 yrs watching football I've ever seen called. I'd be mad AF if the roles were reversed.

We played a complete shit game all the way around today, with the exception of special teams. Hekker was the MVP. I think it was Goff's worst game as a ram. The first 2 drives... his throws looked horrible. That being said, Goff is still my guy. Every QB has bad games. The piss poor tackling on defense and that easy TD to Tavon...OMG. What did they say?... that was the largest gap of seperation on a passing TD this year IN THE NFL!!!!! 16yds seperation. Both lines got manhandled and bitch slapped around. These guys did NOT seem prepared for this game and the lion share of that falls on the coaching staff.


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
but didn’t the Rams receive the kick to begin the game? Why would they get it at the half as well?
Because by Dak choosing to kick, that left the Rams with the choice for the 2nd half. And they chose to receive, I think its ironic that the league office said to use common sense, when the whole thing was due to Dak not using common sense.


Pro Bowler
Dec 24, 2013
Well how about we give Ron Rivera a call now that he is unemployed? He would bring a physicality and intensity to our D that is sorely missing.

that would be a great thing but I don't think mcvay will fire anyone he is just to nice a guy. I think the only way we get new coaching is if some of our coaches quit or retire. at least this year we should not have any hired away as in years past.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Well how about we give Ron Rivera a call now that he is unemployed? He would bring a physicality and intensity to our D that is sorely missing.


Rivera is likely to land a HC job this off-season.


Oct 10, 2016
Well how about we give Ron Rivera a call now that he is unemployed? He would bring a physicality and intensity to our D that is sorely missing.


Carolina has one of the softest defenses in the league this year. They have gotten run over almost every game this year.


Gridiron Sage
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Nov 22, 2016
...why not? He never got blown out like this, much less 3 times in one season.

Sure JF had ego that wouldn't let him accept anything but a HC gig, but being joke of NFL right now and a desire to coach again, this might be a good fit for a few years.

I've had enough of Son-of-Bum.


Not me.I am waaaay uglier
Jul 3, 2014
I criticized both the offense and defense in my post, and you responded deflecting blame away from the defense. It was an all around shit show today. Snead needs to shore up the OL. McVay needs to keep evolving his scheme. And Goff needs to work out mechanical kinks. As for Wade, I'm on the fence with him. But I'm not sold we can find anybody better. It depends on what teams fire their HCs.

I actually was expecting a down year coming off the SB loss. i know it is no excuse,but it happens quite a bit.I don't necessarily understand the "whys",it just happens.Not sure if Goff's mechanics
are suffering from the D pressure this year or the QB coach situation. But he has certainly regressed a bit. I still believe in both he and Mcvay. They both will get better. I still believe that in time,we will
see a Peyton/Brees type of relationship with similar results. I also still believe in Wade. What he was
able to do to the patriot offense in the Super Bowl was amazing. I just think it is a team wide situation. A bad season that will be corrected. Anything you want to elaborate on Goff,would be greatly appreciated. Always have respected your opinion,32


Damn the torpedoes Full speed ahead
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
You need to go back and look at his track record. He never really proved himself elite at the DC level. Great example of a coach being promoted too quickly stunting his growth.


May 28, 2011
Because that's the consequence of electing to kick at the toss. You have four options: 1) receive, 2) defer, 3) kick, or 4) pick which side to defend. Under option 1 or 2, you receive once and kick once. Under option 3 or 4, you kick twice. Dak took option 3. Sucks for him. But the NFL is full of shit for intervening to fix that mistake. They've looked to screw us consistently this year. Not that we needed help today.

Because by Dak choosing to kick, that left the Rams with the choice for the 2nd half. And they chose to receive, I think its ironic that the league office said to use common sense, when the whole thing was due to Dak not using common sense.

Ah, gotcha, I thought if you elected to kick it just meant the other team got to choose what side to defend, I didn’t know all that. Thanks for the info, that is indeed some bullshit.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 22, 2014
Tough way to (basically) end the season. A season of inconsistency. I hope McVay plays Bortles, we can get another third-rounder if he plays well), and Henderson, and keep on playing those other rookies too! Webster, Howard, Obo, etc.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
On first thought, no.

On second thought, FUCK NO!!!

On third thought, OH HELL FUCKING NO!!!!

Fisher was content to play guys 10 yards off the line on 3rd and 3 and let us get picked apart for easy throws and easy first downs. He loved the whole bend don't break mentality and letting teams slowly work their way down the field on the theory that the more plays they ran, the more likely they were to make a mistake and we would get a turnover. But when they didn't, they scored and kept our offense off the field and put more pressure on them. No, just no.

I want a D that has the mentality of trying to get a 3-out every damn time they trot onto the field. I want tighter coverage and no gimmes. You won't get that with a Fisher D.

As for Wade, I'm still undecided as to whether he should stay or go, but I'm really not up for a switch back to a 4-3 now when our personnel is built much more for a 3-4 - especially with a lack of draft capital. Guys like Obo, Ebukam, and Greg Gaines among others are much more suited for roles in a 3-4 than a 4-3. Fowler is probably the only guy who would have an kind of chance of transitioning to a 4-3 DE, but even if we somehow kept him next year (which I doubt) why would you want to when he's clearly better as a 3-4 OLB?

I would much rather the D find guys who can get it done in a 3-4 than have to completely overhaul our defensive roster again, after we just spent the last couple of seasons doing it transitioning from the 4-3.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 25, 2014
This is the problem I have with people criticizing McVay. Say he does keep running the ball, and we continue to throw downs away for 1 and 2 yard gains or negative yardage. You are asking Goff to then continue to make up for the lack of a running game by throwing on third and long's. I get it, we want to keep running the ball. But we can't continue to feed someone and expect it to yield results. People will outscore us and then make us play catch up like they did today.
First drive was 3 pass plays in a row I could tell by Goff throws that this game was lost and based on the game plan I knew we wasn’t going to be running the ball. If it wasn’t for a defensive holding it would have been a 3 and out.
Running the ball doesnt mean you have to get major yards every down it’s about keeping the defense honest and with a scheme that’s designed to run off play action the run game has to be a threat whether you get the yards or not cause eventually a nigh play action pass is gonna come or a big lane in the running game. It’s all about balance and when this team don’t have balance that’s the results.
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