Tre Mason found at mothers house doing drills, refuses to report to camp

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Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Damn dude, lol. Considering you consider yourself to be a devout christian, isn't it your belief to "forgive" and "love thy neighbor"? Also not to cast judgement? Looks like you skipped a few pages in the bible, bud. Seems a bit harsh for someone you dont even know and hasnt done a single thing to you.

I don't think being a (devout or not) christian precludes one from objecting to the all-to-commonplace attitude that when "it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's really a pigeon with an identity crisis".
Can't speak for RS, but I think it was more commentary on the prevailing sentiment that personal responsibility (or the lack of) is never the issue - there's always something else in play (which is bullshit) - than a personal attack on Mason.


Sep 20, 2013
Calling someone a "narsassist" and "predator" (not sure how mason falls into that category, but whatever) is pretty personal and straight up judgmental.

I don't have a dog in this fight, I could personally care less about this situation, I just found it ironic that the one person that has brought up being a Christian numerous times said the most negative things about someone that NOONE here knows personally.

Roman Snow

Dec 22, 2015
Damn dude, lol. Considering you consider yourself to be a devout christian, isn't it your belief to "forgive" and "love thy neighbor"? Also not to cast judgement? Looks like you skipped a few pages in the bible, bud. Seems a bit harsh for someone you dont even know and hasnt done a single thing to you.
Sure. Good point. You're talking about being harsh to Mason, right? Sometimes compassion is confronting the problem. Why is he still driving around in his Maseratti. Sober? High? I'm sure he's making good choices. :(

The point is, whatever the cause, he needs help. Forgiveness? Yes. If Jesus can forgive me for the mess I've made if my life, surely I should forgive, and have grace. But don't mistake what I have said for judgement.

Tre is holding his family hostage to his addictions. And forgiveness doesn't mean staying in that place.

I'm sorry if I sound harsh. I have people close in my family doing the same kind of thing. I guess it just hits close to home.

It sure is easy to fix other people's lives, huh? (n)

Edit: by the way, me being a Christian doesn't make me perfect, or even good. Just forgiven. I hate when I act like a dick. I get so worked up about selfishness, when it hurts other people, and causes them harm, then the "selfish" one gets all the help and attention. While the loved ones suffer the consequences. Sorry. The real victim here is his family.
Last edited:


May 19, 2014
If you like electric, you may enjoy one of these ... hella thrill for you bill.

Link didn't go thru mate. And it'd be hard to top the Tesla X. Test drive one of those bad boys. Crazy. Put it into its sports mode and get the equivalent of about 720Hp. Most comfortable thing I've ever been in.


Sep 20, 2013
Great post Roman, glad you didn't take my post the wrong way and made some good points. Mason does not seem to be mentally stable, and as far as I know he never acted like this before, which leaves me to believe there is something going on that is beyond his control. If I saw someone doing football drills in their 15x15 ft yard, yelling at me about having the president arrest me, and making bird chirping noises, I most definetly not want someone like that on the road or without some kind of mental health supervision.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
Oh boy.....http:// http:// :popcorn:


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I say it's 100% drug related
I think often times that weaknesses are compounded by drug use and visa versa. But what seems obvious to me is that drugs are involved and it's likely not just pot.

I don't care what sounds better. The evidence suggest schizophrenia. I think the cops would've found coke on one of their many visits to Mason's home. He's the right age for the illness to develop. He fits the profile. Also, just because he's been caught with weed doesn't mean he's a habitual coke user. Most of the people I know who smoke pot haven't even tried coke, let alone used it with any regularity.
The evidence suggests schizophrenia? Some sort of mental disorder - I'll give you. But there are a myriad of things that could cause someone to display these whacked out tendencies.

So Nate. What would tell you that the cops were given permission to search or have probable cause? Showing up at a residence or even pulling over the same car 5 times in that span wouldn't give them any right to perform a search.

I have unfortunately dealt with a number of meth heads and they display many of the same traits we are seeing in Tre. Maybe there are similar traits with schizophrenia but this rapid of a descent and the whacked out nature of what he is doing doesn't fit with my understanding of the illness - nor does it fit with CTE. But I was only a Psych minor so I'm no expert.

Dang. That video shows very very strange behavior. Did he show ANY signs of such behavior last year while on the team? If not, how does a change happen so fast?
My understanding is that it doesn't unless it is enhanced by drug use.

Amen to this. I don't understand all the hate for a troubled young man.
Why is observing and making comment being equated to hate? I think we all would rather he recover or that this none of this was the case. Because we are not jumping to the excuse card makes us haters? I call bullshit.

Bizarre delusions, disordered thinking, irrational anger, change in personality can all be hallmarks of Delusional Disorders, of which, Schizophrenia is just one. Additionally, many of these symptoms can be drug induced (though I would argue cocaine is probably not the drug in this instance).
This is my understanding as well. Certain drugs would enhance and "speed up" the illness. Still - is it your experience that this level of behavior - the bird noises, cooing, threatening to call the White House, etc... is typical in such a short period of time? My understanding is that there is a fair period of indicators and even after the illness has taken hold, this level is rare without the addition of drug use. You no doubt know more and I'm curious as to how it meshes.

Seemed like a lot of hate to me, maybe I'm just sensitive about that demographic.

Underneath the uniform and pads is, believe it or not, a human being. I'm rooting for the guy to not be dead first, and it'd be nice if he straightened out and helped our team.
And so are probably all of us. Don't make it about hate. That's a red herring.

Don't play the role of victim when you get called out for the abrasiveness of your comment.
How about not casting him as playing the role of victim to fit your narrative. It's very possible he's right - not just being abrasive or hateful as some want to portray anyone who doesn't just want to give Tre a pass.


May 9, 2016
I think often times that weaknesses are compounded by drug use and visa versa. But what seems obvious to me is that drugs are involved and it's likely not just pot.

The evidence suggests schizophrenia? Some sort of mental disorder - I'll give you. But there are a myriad of things that could cause someone to display these whacked out tendencies.

So Nate. What would tell you that the cops were given permission to search or have probable cause? Showing up at a residence or even pulling over the same car 5 times in that span wouldn't give them any right to perform a search.

I have unfortunately dealt with a number of meth heads and they display many of the same traits we are seeing in Tre. Maybe there are similar traits with schizophrenia but this rapid of a descent and the whacked out nature of what he is doing doesn't fit with my understanding of the illness - nor does it fit with CTE. But I was only a Psych minor so I'm no expert.

My understanding is that it doesn't unless it is enhanced by drug use.

Why is observing and making comment being equated to hate? I think we all would rather he recover or that this none of this was the case. Because we are not jumping to the excuse card makes us haters? I call bullcrap.

This is my understanding as well. Certain drugs would enhance and "speed up" the illness. Still - is it your experience that this level of behavior - the bird noises, cooing, threatening to call the White House, etc... is typical in such a short period of time? My understanding is that there is a fair period of indicators and even after the illness has taken hold, this level is rare without the addition of drug use. You no doubt know more and I'm curious as to how it meshes.

And so are probably all of us. Don't make it about hate. That's a red herring.

How about not casting him as playing the role of victim to fit your narrative. It's very possible he's right - not just being abrasive or hateful as some want to portray anyone who doesn't just want to give Tre a pass.

You might be on to something about the hard drug's. Even looking at Masons pic's on google his face was much more full in college he was also more built. I find that odd because he is at that age you usually fill out even more not get skinnier. Check google images on Mason and you'll see what I'm talking about. Good chances he might be using more then just pot.

I too unfortunately have been around many drug user's. It's actually becoming a big epidemic where I'm from.


Wubba Lubba Dub Dub
Apr 23, 2016
How about not casting him as playing the role of victim to fit your narrative. It's very possible he's right - not just being abrasive or hateful as some want to portray anyone who doesn't just want to give Tre a pass.

That makes absolutely no sense. Sounds nice though.

It's easy to dismiss one possibility without any inside knowledge of the subject. Like I said in the post he quoted, there's no reason to roast Mason-- no matter what type of car he drives or how much he's made from the team-- because he hasn't done anything to anyone but himself. Comments like those just come across as bitterness.

Saying things like "It cracks me up how nowadays there's always an excuse for idiotic behavior" and "Or he's a schizophrenic, or bipolar disorder, or any other of a long list of BS labels we put on things to avoid personal accountability" is coming from a mindset that completely dismisses mental health issues, which is very common with those uneducated about the types of behavior associated with mental disorders (and throughout this country). So is bitterness, eg "So tired of pro athletes acting like they got screwed when these guys get a free education, rockstar treatment through college and pros and all that goes with it, big money up front for their skills, etc." Just sounds bitter and petty, while completely dismissing the chance that dude is suffering from an diagnosed mental disorder.

Don't make a stand on a topic and then get offended (or play the role of victim) and say "whoa man good job making it personal" when your comment gets picked apart.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
That makes absolutely no sense. Sounds nice though.

It's easy to dismiss one possibility without any inside knowledge of the subject. Like I said in the post he quoted, there's no reason to roast Mason-- no matter what type of car he drives or how much he's made from the team-- because he hasn't done anything to anyone but himself. Comments like those just come across as bitterness.

Saying things like "It cracks me up how nowadays there's always an excuse for idiotic behavior" and "Or he's a schizophrenic, or bipolar disorder, or any other of a long list of BS labels we put on things to avoid personal accountability" is coming from a mindset that completely dismisses mental health issues, which is very common with those uneducated about the types of behavior associated with mental disorders (and throughout this country). So is bitterness, eg "So tired of pro athletes acting like they got screwed when these guys get a free education, rockstar treatment through college and pros and all that goes with it, big money up front for their skills, etc." Just sounds bitter and petty, while completely dismissing the chance that dude is suffering from an diagnosed mental disorder.

Don't make a stand on a topic and then get offended (or play the role of victim) and say "whoa man good job making it personal" when your comment gets picked apart.
And you appear to be dismissing the personal responsibility angle out of some predisposed position that everyone but Mason is the problem because they won't accept your premise that he has an obvious mental disorder. Not buying your argument is not automatically from lack of caring. And acting like you care doesn't automatically help anything or anyone either.
It's people like you who fail to acknowledge this country's mental health crisis, and who are responsible for the stigma associated with seeking mental help, that remind me that it'll be at least another 15 years before anything serious is done about it.
Yeah - THAT's not attacking. How about the idea that it is people like you who are responsible for the lack of personal responsibility in today's society. Would that be fair or would it be attacking? Of course that's not a fair statement. But I could easily see someone coming to that conclusion based on what you have posted.

Just because people are tired of all the excuses, doesn't mean they don't care about individuals or don't want to see someone get help if they truly need it. If it is indeed self induced however, many of us would have a much lower threshold for what society should be doing for him.

Roman Snow

Dec 22, 2015
And you appear to be dismissing the personal responsibility angle out of some predisposed position that everyone but Mason is the problem because they won't accept your premise that he has an obvious mental disorder. Not buying your argument is not automatically from lack of caring. And acting like you care doesn't automatically help anything or anyone either.

:rant:But Stu, you've indicted an entire political party's platform!



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 18, 2014
It's people like you who fail to acknowledge this country's mental health crisis, and who are responsible for the stigma associated with seeking mental help, that remind me that it'll be at least another 15 years before anything serious is done about it.

Yeah - THAT's not attacking. How about the idea that it is people like you who are responsible for the lack of personal responsibility in today's society. Would that be fair or would it be attacking? Of course that's not a fair statement. But I could easily see someone coming to that conclusion based on what you have posted.

Hey hey hey - enough of blaming each other - it's time to be honest - I'M responsible for the mental health crisis and the lack of personal responsibility. Both

Glad to be of service


Camp Reporter
Aug 7, 2013
someone in his family needs to step up and take the car keys. Tre at the moment is a nut job and has no business driving a car.


Wubba Lubba Dub Dub
Apr 23, 2016
And you appear to be dismissing the personal responsibility angle...

"I hope he figures his shit out and gets back with the team. He and Benny complete a great backfield with Gurley."

"Dude obviously isn't in the right state of mind..."

Yeah, try again.

I never dismissed anything, but rather later suggested one scenario (mental health issue) was more likely, like others have, based on the fact that Mason's behavior has done a complete 180 this last six months or so. I also stated he has done nothing to hurt others, team mates included, so I didn't understand him (still a RAM) being dragged through the mud on this forum.

If he's on drugs, he's not in the right state of mind. If he's got an diagnosed mental health disorder, he's not in the right state of mind.

I also love it how we'll log into this forum and call serious issues like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia "BS", but then grown men feel "personally attacked" hahaha wow.

What's the medical term for thick skin? And I don't mean obesity.


Wubba Lubba Dub Dub
Apr 23, 2016
Calling someone a "narsassist" and "predator" (not sure how mason falls into that category, but whatever) is pretty personal and straight up judgmental.

I don't have a dog in this fight, I could personally care less about this situation, I just found it ironic that the one person that has brought up being a Christian numerous times said the most negative things about someone that NOONE here knows personally.

That's usually how it is.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Hey hey hey - enough of blaming each other - it's time to be honest - I'M responsible for the mental health crisis and the lack of personal responsibility. Both

Glad to be of service
I fuckin' knew it! :ROFLMAO: