Pro Bowler
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- Sep 13, 2015
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I don't get how you figure a team lives up to their end of the bargain even when cutting a player though. If player X signs a 5 year 50 million contract with 10 million garunteed all up front in the first year and the team cuts him after the one season then essential it was a one year 10 million dollar contract. To me by the team cutting player X they didn't live up to their end of the contract. That's why I have no problem with guys holding out, not honoring their signed contract. Until all NFL contracts are 100% garunteed, I have zero issue with players holding out. The CBA overwhelmingly benefits the owners.
because the team didnt agree to paid the player 50m over 5 years, they agreed to pay the player 50m over 5 years if the player as long as the player's production level remains worth that price. is it unfair to the player? yea sure but thats why they try to get as much guaranteed as possible. an example of the team not living up to their end of the deal would be only paying 5m of that 10m up front and never paying him the other 5m.
if you and me agreed to a contract that you would cut my grass for $20 or $30 if you can do it in 1hr and it takes you more than an hr to cut my grass, me paying you $20 is me living up to my end of the deal even though you didnt get the full $30. Its literally in the contract that the player has to earn that other 40m, and if they fail to do so well so be it. If teams truly werent living up to their end of the deal you would see them getting sued and shit left and right.