Ramsey vs Rapp?

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Aug 5, 2021
Much of this thread reads like closet Ramsey haters getting some time to shine. This only seems like a big deal to those very vocal few.
Miss me with that shit.

Love the player, loved the trade. Exceptional value. Exceptional player.


Feb 24, 2013
for all we know rapp may have said something about ramsey's game and JR was having nothing of it...

for all we know ramsey may have said something about rapp's game and rapp reacted and ramsey also reacted....

bottom line... it's one or the other... nuff said... who wins?.. neither..

funny that rappp spent the rest of the game alone away from the secondary group... ramsey didn't...

that in itself speaks volumes...

as much as i hate to do it, because i know ramsey is so much more important to this team vs rapp, and that's not fair to rapp, i'm in ramseys corner... he's not a fucking antonio brown... ramsey is a good guy, and so is rapp...

it's the heat of the game, and everybody wants to win.. let it go, and move on, we got bigger fish to fry...

go rams



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2014
Much of this thread reads like closet Ramsey haters getting some time to shine. This only seems like a big deal to those very vocal few.
Amen to that. Seems like a common thread around here lately, on several fronts.


Jan 13, 2013
I think it's fair to say he had a bad game, for him? No?
Not awful, not a catastrophe, just a run of the mill bad game.
For him, yea probably true. Definitely spotty. When he locked in he made key plays.

But yea its hard to find many Ramsey games where he looks out of sorts for a few plays so i get the take. He's usually so dialed in.


Aug 11, 2016
for all we know rapp may have said something about ramsey's game and JR was having nothing of it...

for all we know ramsey may have said something about rapp's game and rapp reacted and ramsey also reacted....

bottom line... it's one or the other... nuff said... who wins?.. neither..

funny that rappp spent the rest of the game alone away from the secondary group... ramsey didn't...

that in itself speaks volumes...

as much as i hate to do it, because i know ramsey is so much more important to this team vs rapp, and that's not fair to rapp, i'm in ramseys corner... he's not a fucking antonio brown... ramsey is a good guy, and so is rapp...

it's the heat of the game, and everybody wants to win.. let it go, and move on, we got bigger fish to fry...

go rams

Rapp certainly said something - i watched it again and Rapp was bitching at Ramsey about something.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
Much of this thread reads like closet Ramsey haters getting some time to shine. This only seems like a big deal to those very vocal few.
It doesn’t read anything like that.

It is people who have higher standards for conduct of leaders voicing their concerns, a few looking for more information before commenting and some who think because he is a good player he should get away with whatever.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.


And don't call me Shirley
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 23, 2018
So much discussion for so little.

Feeds into our competitors loving to say this a meltdown of our entire team somehow.

This is being blown way out of proportion. This is only talked about cause it got noticed. It happened as fast as it left.

I personally love the passion. I bet flowers were sent today.


May 26, 2013
Ramsey has to control his emotions. I understand that's a part of his game. He can't be punching teammates in the middle of the field during a game. Same as talking too much and getting taunting penalties including chippy plays. I hope they get it straightened out for the rest of the season.

I would like to know exactly what started it but, I highly doubt we ever find out.
I love Ramsey's competitive spirit & skills - but boneheaded penalties late in a game that can cost your team a win are inexcusable. The guy is not a rookie - he's a veteran. Jalen needs to mature - it's not all about him, it is about the TEAM WINNING!!


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
Emotions run high and it’s nice to see players with “a fight” to win out there.

I think Ramsey would take a do-over if given the chance. That’s not how you solve problems and both players know better.

At the same time, we are speculating on what happened. We still don’t know.… The only thing we really know is this;

the Rams are 1-0 when Jalen Ramsey punches a teammate


So Ram

Camp Reporter
Jun 18, 2014
Anyone know what that punch was all about? I'm glad they settled down tho

LMAO - it goes back to 2019 season when Jimmy G had them both fooled & The Rams lost to the Niners to keep this Lossing streak alive in loss number 2. Well if anything it was after the Baltimore loss that season.

Those 2(Rams DB’s) are tight. The DB’s give Rapp a hard time a lot.Saw on that big run to the left RAMsey went outside & should’ve came inside.David Long had the outside covered.Rapp made the tackle.

On that last play to Andrews were Huntley didn’t throw it the TE was pissed. RAMsey has him one on one on the right side(Rams left).I think Jalen might have picked it ? He makes up such excellent ground on certain plays.

D.Williams almost had a pick.

So Ram

Camp Reporter
Jun 18, 2014
I love Ramsey's competitive spirit & skills - but boneheaded penalties late in a game that can cost your team a win are inexcusable. The guy is not a rookie - he's a veteran. Jalen needs to mature - it's not all about him, it is about the TEAM WINNING!!

Last time I checked The Rams won. Jalen made a couple nice plays in the end. I don’t know what penalty he had though ?

So Ram

Camp Reporter
Jun 18, 2014
Emotions run high and it’s nice to see players with “a fight” to win out there.

I think Ramsey would take a do-over if given the chance. That’s not how you solve problems and both players know better.

At the same time, we are speculating on what happened. We still don’t know.… The only thing we really know is this;

Those to go after each other. Rapp plays hard,just sometimes isn’t always the smartest. Jalen makes mistakes as well. They hold themselves accountable.I’m sure that wasn’t the first time.

So Ram

Camp Reporter
Jun 18, 2014
Wasn't there an issue in 2019 when the RAMS got eliminated by the whiners when they gave up two 4th & 18 conversions, the second of which went for the game-winning TD with Rapp playing too far outside on the play?
Don't give a crap how it looked. Rapp is constantly taking bad angles on tackles
and his coverage is not good.
Jalen is here to win and is fed up with Rapp making the same mistakes time and again.
If anything it pissed Rapp off and made him play better.
And I would have no problem with Jalen staying on his ass and doing whatever it takes
to wake Rapp the hell up.
I wish Donald would do the same to Reeder because Reeder cost us a lot of plays once again yesterday
and now that teams know he is back to playing full time they will be targeting him in the flats , over the
middle and running right by him. He is by far the weakest link on our D. I am praying we get Jones back
in the playoffs.

Don't believe me go back and watch the 32yd run against us on film.
And watch Reeder.

BS - on that run!!! I watched that thing. Yes Ernest Jones was really playing well & Reeder of the bench and certain plays is SO much better than having him out there every play.When The Rams went small though they weren’t as good.

That long run was because Jalen RAMsey needed to know we’re the support was. David Long had out side containment.If he goes inside David Long has that tackle all day long.He will see that on film. He came up big later though in coverage.
Troy Reeder & the rest of the side has to stay home & make sure the ball is handed off.That was an excellent run fake. One guy can’t block both players. David Long has to stay outside,but he had a good angle if the RB goes outside.In fact Taylor Rapp would have been flying across the field if not.He still made that tackle.

RAMsey will(already)see his mistake in the film study.

You know freaking pisses me off a little though to see Troy Reeder recognized for having a sack/TFL.
He led The Rams with 10 tackles & the defense won the game basically.

Once again though I agree he has flaws & Ernest Jones is the better player.Reeder doesn’t like calling plays.He can & is good with it,but just not that guy. Jones was that guy at NC State & was really taking Charger off the defense in ownership.It was very cool to see.
He walks in front of the DLine on the line of scrimmage. I think to give a visual of it & to call the plays upfront before lining up at his spot.
He hurt himself a few plays after that,so I wanted to see if that was his thing? Dude is only 22 as well.
Bobby Brown is going to be real good next season. He is like 21 ?

Greg Gaines is the guy of concern with his Hand(cast). He landed on it sat out & then next series cameback in.
The guy that gave up a big run before that was OBo. They attacked him right away.

So Ram

Camp Reporter
Jun 18, 2014
I think it's fair to say he had a bad game, for him? No?
Not awful, not a catastrophe, just a run of the mill bad game.

RAMsey always plays well.Put down the micro-scope.He is human Man!!

The Rams won so I never get all that.
Yes Rapp & RAMsey got into it a little. They practice that way & Ramsey is The Alfa Dawg & is given that right.
If he tears of his Rams jersey & walks off the field I will have a totally different opinion.Maybe nit picking
a beanie with a Rams logo is in style? I’d rather drink a beer & get pumped up against the 9ers & play OTA. Hope The Ram player still gave that fire in the belly & winning attitude.


Camp Reporter
Nov 23, 2014
Looks like Rapp was telling Ramsey to be split further out to get outside leverage, while Ramsey was responding, "For what? There's no receiver out there." It was just TE Mark Andrews lined up tight to the o-line.

So Ram

Camp Reporter
Jun 18, 2014
Reeder confirmed it even happens in practice.He played next to his brother & they would get into it more than anyone.
He said his first reaction is sort of to laugh & know there just wanting to be the best for each other.He brushed it off pretty good.


Hall of Fame
Sep 10, 2016
He hit his face mask. More damage is done when celebrating. It looks bad, but it has blown over. Me and my brothers had some vicious fights, but it never Broke our bond. People are so quick to judge other people with no info, like they are perfect.

Nothing to see here people.


Hall of Fame
Dec 23, 2019
Reeder's keyed on the QB there. Seems to be his responsibility if you watch several plays.

So, no... we don't know it was his responsibility.

It doesn't matter if he has a key or not when the ball is being handed
to the RB right in front of his eyes. I could understand it if the QB had his back
to the line of scrimmage at the hand off. But it happened right in front of him.

Your response reminds me of the press conference he had after a game
earlier in the year before he was benched. He had like 7 missed tackles in that game
and actually responded to the press that he thought he had played a pretty good game.


Fifty-four Forty or Fight
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 16, 2013
FWIW I'm not giving Ramsey a pass, you can't do that and again I understand things get heated, but I don't condone the slap or whatever it was to the helmet. Come one Jalen, you're better than that and Rapp has been playing good football.