It's awesome that you don't care what he's paid, but I do. What every player is paid has consequences down the line.
As a fan, which is short for fanatic, I have the right to care what each player is paid because its often the reason why were not able to keep other players, like Rodger Saffold.
I also consider myself to be a fairly knowledgeable and unbiased fan - I try not to get too attached and I try not to bash a player when they don't deserve it, even though that's objective.
At any rate, for me it's impossible to get past Goff's turnovers. We've heard numerous times that the main thing McVay is asking him to do is do a better job of protecting the ball. To continue to see so many awful decisions is unspeakably unacceptable. It's literally the main thing he needs to be more successful at, yet he continues to be the worst in the NFL at it. There are QBs with worse - everything, in terms of supporting cast - and less turnovers.
Yes he's made good plays too - but the turnovers are just beyond unacceptable and IMO it leaves him open to every single reaction that Rams fans have, including the fans wanting him replaced.
I agree that it's the hardest job in sports, but the problem is that he's currently the worst in the NFL at turning the ball over and there's no excuse for that. And to be fair, most fans aren't making excuses for that.
Its made worse by the fact that our defense is so good - McVay preaches complementary football - so from this perspective Goff's turnovers are just disgusting. Probably a bad example but it's gotten to the point for me where it's like a significant other cheating on you - yes they did some great things and had great times, but it's to the deal breaker point for me. He already turned the ball over a lot last year and now this year it's continued - for me, deal breaker. The base expectation for a QB is to limit turnovers - even ignoring the pay aspect, I'd want to bring a QB in here to challenge him next year.
I never said anything about how anyone else is supposed to think about what a player is paid. I don't care if you do. It doesn't upset me, I just wouldn't recommend it.
I explained my own perspective because I know that it's not the norm. What a player is paid is a really big deal to guys who aren't happy with a player.
I know about fanaticism and about being a diehard football fan. They are very different things. I am a fan. I used to drive 4 hours one way just to watch the rams practice every chance I could. I've spent countless dollars on terrible Rams teams year after year.
Letting a form of entertainment ruin my whole week or cloud my judgment or make me want to throw things or kick things or attack people's character just because I'm angry that they lost.... that's the easy way. Thats what the inner child in me wants to do. Let my emotions run the show.
The parent in me wants to teach my child to love the Rams too. Hard to do that if watching them play turns me into an irrational asshole every other game. I learned how to watch games without losing my shit after I scared my daughter by getting so worked up over a lousy Rams team. So I learned how to not be that way: perspective.
But that's just me. That doesn't have to be you or anyone else. It doesn't make me better or anyone else worse.
My thing about pay extends outside of football. What I make for a living is my business. What others make is their own and all that matters is how they perform.
Sure, from a purely economic standpoint it matters how the cap is allocated. But when I am bothered by a contract, I am upset with the mgmt, not the player. Not unless its obvious that they are ripping off the team and not giving their all. Then that's detestable. But I don't think that applies to this situation at all.
But the bigger point is real life is hard enough. Worrying about how much money the star of my favorite all-male soap opera makes is something I can't control. I don't need the burden of someone elses problems. My job as a fan is to enjoy the product they offer and to support them.
To be clear - there's nothing wrong with how you do being a fan or how you think about the cap. I just have to do it my way. Thats all I meant.