Beg to differ about what? Want to create a thread, have an opinion, dislike a player or coach, own it. That's why this is a successful thread. Divergent opinions make for good conversation.
I call BS on then playing both sides by claiming to support the player after saying one is ready to move on.
The beg to differ comment was because I believe everyone here has someone that starts, is on the roster they want gone.
Agreed say it you own it.But imho doesn't mean you don't root for them on Game Days.
Sloman is a Good example imho because I believe many folks want a better kicker.
I'm a big Hurricanes fan and I've watched their kicker drill it almost every time on K.Os and he hits all the time,haven't seen him miss, Hit a 57 yarder that would have been good for 65 plus.Right thru the middle of the uprights.
Makes me want him, if Sloman comes out Game Day, he's the Man.
And You're 100 percent right, opinions make the World go round and Imho everyone is entitled to theirs.