No, it isn't. Hang on, let me bring up my posts - multiple ones:
on past trades since sneaks been here he averages 3 trades a draft. I know we are more than likely going to.. on pfn on my mocks I always have to go to the draft trade chart to find trade partners who have picks that it numerically makes sense. Anyways, I really like Jason Marshall as a 4-6...
Well, it's the end of the season. Let's get into things, shall we? Cut: Colby Parkinson Darious Williams (Shamelessly stealing from @jrry32 - although he stole from me first (with Hollin Pierce of Rutgers, haha. Just kidding, but I did post about him first in a mock draft, for serious.)...
It feels like there are deep groups at a few positions the Rams are looking at.. so.. isn't that the perfect scenario for trying to trade down a little?
(This one, you literally quoted me on.)
Listen, I'm fine with people calling out firsts (like you have with Fannin and Tuten and all of the others you've posted). I've given you your dues. I've given Memphis his dues. I've given Corbin, Elm, Dieter, and everyone else their dues. I've given Jerry his dues so many times. I respect you all too much not to do that.
I understand if it's a misunderstanding. I just want the same respect that I give you guys, is all.