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Feb 24, 2014

So I made the following comment...

Being known as the city that makes outlandish promises and then not honor them can't help in attempting to attract those multiple tenants.

It was referring to the "promises" made by the civic leaders of St. Louis to lure the Rams to St. Louis. There seems to be universal agreement that the lease agreement was a bad deal for St. Louis. Not sure why my choice of word "outlandish" has everyone up in arms all of a sudden. Some of you may even recall an article I posted from March 20, 1995 where even Bob Costas said the follow. ''If anything made us look silly it was the delirium with which we agreed to a deal that was legalized extortion." I know this really should go without saying, but that deal turned out to be pretty crappy for LA as well. Has it really been 20 years? Wow....

What promise was made? I'll wait....

Haha, I can only assume you made the foregoing post, implying no actual promise was made with respect to the top tier status. You might be right, but I don't understand your confidence. See explanation below.

Making statements like this isn't going to get you far in this thread. You can do what you like, I'm just warning you.

Now, tell me what outlandish promise Stl has made?

Now I didn't particularly care for this response. I know there's a thin line everyone is expected to toe when making what can be perceived as provocative "homerist" posts, and I was called out on it. I made a pretty strong statement, but not worthy, imo, of getting me kicked out of this thread, let alone being banned from this site. I'm assuming that's what you meant, ChrisW. I understand self-policing is important, but I'd rather you leave those sorts of threats to the mods. Just tell me to stop being a jackass. That I can get on board with as I am known to be that sometimes by those closest to me. :p

Now, not to pick on you, but since you criticized my post, quid pro quo below...

I don't understand how the deal wasn't lived up to. It was, top tier stadium or the team opts out. Guess what, the team opted out. It's all part of the deal in itself. The next part is arbitration. They ruled that the Rams figure was closer to the right number to put the stadium back into that top tier status (and I agree. I just think pushing 700M on taxpayers alone was a non starter, along with closing the dome.)

That's where it ends. The North-Riverfront stadium is a completely new deal. A couple of lawsuits away from 50% public funding, and a owner contribution away from strong corporate support.

So someone posted a while back that the decision to not follow through with the top tier clause is not a breach but an option written into the contract. I noticed a lot of people are now running with it like it's canon. Arbitration is usually a bad thing, not always, but usually. It's typically added as a clause in a contract to avoid costly litigation. As such, I tend to think this might be more than just a mere option taken by the CVC, but I really don't know because I've never actually had a look at the lease agreement. Dbrooks25 sounded super confident earlier. Maybe he's got a copy I can borrow.

Also, my view on owners is the same as it is for officials on the field. The less I hear from them, the better. Having said that, I don't see how the blame on the exhorbitant cost of making the dome first tier should be directed upon anybody other than the folks that negotiated that contract. Sure, SK is now the beneficiary of the contract that was negotiated before him and he didn't have to try to relocate the team to LA. But that's his prerogative as the owner. I commend the citizens of St. Louis for making a business decision to not use its resources to upgrade the stadium. I mean, I wouldn't and the voters in LA would probably feel the same way. But the CVC made its choice. They really should take full responsibility for it.

Very well said. And @WillasDad - this pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. Speculation? No problem. Stating that speculation as fact... problem.

The comment that I made that blue4 called me out on was my stating that Inglewood would be the LA stadium. I didn't think I'd have to put "I think" or "I feel" in front of that statement for people to know it was an opinion. I'll make sure to put it in there from now on, but jiminy christmas, people really get upset about this. BTW, great job with the modding. Probably hard enough dealing with the usual suspects here without having to deal with the random out of nowhere guy like myself creating waves with snarky posts.

What substance are you looking for others to take?

I made a post about saying Spanos and not the city of San Diego, is running out of time, in the same post about Inglewood becoming the LA stadium. Coincidentally, I heard Roggin talking the exact same thing the day after I wrote it. Great minds....

There's a difference between "no one having votes" and saying "Kroenke has the votes to block spanos"

One is true, and one is pure conjecture. I don't know if maybe you misheard or something but it has never been reported anywhere that "Kroenke has the votes to block Spanos" - however there are countless articles of the other way. Also, Jason Cole has only reported Spanos having the votes to block him; not the opposite.

It HAS been reported that Kroenke has the votes to block Spanos. I heard it on Fred Roggin's radio show as well. He seems to be the most plugged in guy on this matter, at least in LA. I don't really know how dependable his source is, but really, it's not unreasonable to think he'd have the votes. We already know Jerry Jones has made comments that SK can move if he really wants to do so. What's to say Jones doesn't have his own bloc of owners who'll vote down Spanos to help out SK. Roggin's also reported that the reporters who've said that Spanos has the votes to block SK named Mark Fabiani is their source of this news. Food for thought....


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
It HAS been reported that Kroenke has the votes to block Spanos. I heard it on Fred Roggin's radio show as well. He seems to be the most plugged in guy on this matter, at least in LA. I don't really know how dependable his source is, but really, it's not unreasonable to think he'd have the votes. We already know Jerry Jones has made comments that SK can move if he really wants to do so. What's to say Jones doesn't have his own bloc of owners who'll vote down Spanos to help out SK. Roggin's also reported that the reporters who've said that Spanos has the votes to block SK named Mark Fabiani is their source of this news. Food for thought....

Find a link to an audio or article - SOMETHING. Only thing I'm finding under Roggin's show is someone on an LA rams site claiming he emailed him. No way to verify that at all


Feb 24, 2014
Find a link to an audio or article - SOMETHING. Only thing I'm finding under Roggin's show is someone on an LA rams site claiming he emailed him. No way to verify that at all

I understand and agree with you about providing actual direct source material. I should find the audio. It'll take some time, but I'll find it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
I understand and agree with you about providing actual direct source material. I should find the audio. It'll take some time, but I'll find it.

much appreciated :cool:

Not directed at you but in general, whenever someone says something or make a claim thats news to me i immediately run to google, especially if given a time frame - that often yields the best results with key words

The Ripper

Apr 25, 2015
Through this whole mess only one owner has come out and addressed the fans. He may not be the typical owner but he's handling it better than the other 2.



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
Through this whole mess only one owner has come out and addressed the fans. He may not be the typical owner but he's handling it better than the other 2.


I can't believe Jack in the Box hasn't put him in their bowl cut commercial yet...Seems just as fitting as Winston for a Joe's Crab Shack commercial

The Ripper

Apr 25, 2015
Find a link to an audio or article - SOMETHING. Only thing I'm finding under Roggin's show is someone on an LA rams site claiming he emailed him. No way to verify that at all

It was said about 2 weeks ago on Roggin's show and then I heard on other radio shows in SD not sure is if it was Sileo or Scott & BR. It might have been the uncensored podcast.

I am trying. Tougher to listen through the audios with the kids out of school.

The Ripper

Apr 25, 2015
Through this whole mess only one owner has come out and addressed the fans. He may not be the typical owner but he's handling it better than the other 2.


I can't believe Jack in the Box hasn't put him in their bowl cut commercial yet...Seems just as fitting as Winston for a Joe's Crab Shack commercial

I could see that.

The picture was from a famous "establishment" in LA were he had a business meeting.


Feb 24, 2014
much appreciated :cool:

Not directed at you but in general, whenever someone says something or make a claim thats news to me i immediately run to google, especially if given a time frame - that often yields the best results with key words

I live on google so I tend to do the same. The only problem with finding this specific audio is that the website doesn't do a particularly good job of indexing its podcasts so it can be time consuming. Also, just a few other points why what the votes thing for SK probably isn't publicized all that much....

1. Even though Roggin is a pretty big name in LA sports, he's a radio host in the a relatively new sports radio station in LA where two other giants exist. Though he talks a lot about NFL to LA, the other two stations are pretty much silent on the matter.
2. In LA, football is talked about during football and draft season. We're in between seasons and the draft ended a few months back. Roggin made the claim during the NBA playoffs and Dodger season. I would have thought that at least a San Diego website might have picked up on it, but really, I'm guessing a publication that probably wants the Chargers to stay isn't going to say anything adverse to whatever Fabiani is pushing.

Just another thing, in a previous podcast, Fred Roggin has reported the different in spending on their respective stadium projects. For the Chargers, Roggin reports that they've spent $20 million to purchase 11 acres of good property. He claims Fabiani has been trying his hardest to hide this detail because it confirms that they've not spent all that much in investing in the Carson project. Keep in mind that the $20 million spent on land can be easily recouped by turning around and selling that land, likely at a profit, leaving Spanos with little to no loss on this matter.

In comparison, Roggin claims that SK has already spent in excess of $200 million on the project. He doesn't specify where the costs were spent, but he does say that it's not costs that can easily be recouped, such as the cost of hiring the architects, who according to Roggin, started the work as early as the beginning/middle of last year. This is all stuff you probably won't find reported in most websites, but I just happened to find the link to one place that is reporting it.

Check out Question #5.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
It was said about 2 weeks ago on Roggin's show and then I heard on other radio shows in SD not sure is if it was Sileo or Scott & BR. It might have been the uncensored podcast.

I am trying. Tougher to listen through the audios with the kids out of school.

lemme know if you find it - i'm still searching and not finding anything - whether its the past week, month, or just regular search


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
I live on google so I tend to do the same. The only problem with finding this specific audio is that the website doesn't do a particularly good job of indexing its podcasts so it can be time consuming. Also, just a few other points why what the votes thing for SK probably isn't publicized all that much....

1. Even though Roggin is a pretty big name in LA sports, he's a radio host in the a relatively new sports radio station in LA where two other giants exist. Though he talks a lot about NFL to LA, the other two stations are pretty much silent on the matter.
2. In LA, football is talked about during football and draft season. We're in between seasons and the draft ended a few months back. Roggin made the claim during the NBA playoffs and Dodger season. I would have thought that at least a San Diego website might have picked up on it, but really, I'm guessing a publication that probably wants the Chargers to stay isn't going to say anything adverse to whatever Fabiani is pushing.

Lol i gotta disagree with you on the Fabiani part in the regard that most of the SD sites do pick up and report whatever he's said, which is usually negative to SD.

Appreciate the other info - don't know much to anything about Roggin...or at least,I can't recall hearing him on the radio when i lived in SoCal (then again the only person I can remember is the Dan Patrick show on the way to base at 6 am Monday Thru Friday)

Just another thing, in a previous podcast, Fred Roggin has reported the different in spending on their respective stadium projects. For the Chargers, Roggin reports that they've spent $20 million to purchase 11 acres of good property. He claims Fabiani has been trying his hardest to hide this detail because it confirms that they've not spent all that much in investing in the Carson project. Keep in mind that the $20 million spent on land can be easily recouped by turning around and selling that land, likely at a profit, leaving Spanos with little to no loss on this matter.

In comparison, Roggin claims that SK has already spent in excess of $200 million on the project. He doesn't specify where the costs were spent, but he does say that it's not costs that can easily be recouped, such as the cost of hiring the architects, who according to Roggin, started the work as early as the beginning/middle of last year. This is all stuff you probably won't find reported in most websites, but I just happened to find the link to one place that is reporting it.

Check out Question #5.

I don't think the 11 acres isn't really news because that's been covered and reported a lot. They also co-bought it with the Raiders, which added to the 157 acres thats already secured from CSAG.

One thing I will point out though is the price - yes I understand regions vary from place to place, but thats $1.8 million per acre.. a stark difference from San diego's plan where they think they can get $3 million an acre for 75 acres (one of the big flaws in SD's plan in my view).

Curious to see how this report goes over - seeing as how the 6 questions from Espn 101/for Kroenke wasn't that well received (or was it shane grey?). Checkin out the audio now


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
In comparison, Roggin claims that SK has already spent in excess of $200 million on the project. He doesn't specify where the costs were spent, but he does say that it's not costs that can easily be recouped, such as the cost of hiring the architects, who according to Roggin, started the work as early as the beginning/middle of last year. This is all stuff you probably won't find reported in most websites, but I just happened to find the link to one place that is reporting it.

Still listening and haven't gotten to that part yet i just remembered seeing the quotes of cost the cities have spent on their drawings/proposals, and St.Louis had the most at $3 million (which admittedly was more recently updated than the article i'm thinking of), with Kroenke around $1 million, can't remember if it was less than that or closer to $2. Think it was an article from either field of schemes or dan kaplan at the bizjournal

Young Ram

Hall of Fame
Oct 1, 2011
Still listening and haven't gotten to that part yet i just remembered seeing the quotes of cost the cities have spent on their drawings/proposals, and St.Louis had the most at $3 million (which admittedly was more recently updated than the article i'm thinking of), with Kroenke around $1 million, can't remember if it was less than that or closer to $2. Think it was an article from either field of schemes or dan kaplan at the bizjournal

Where are you getting 3 million from? Maybe you're talking about this article and this was only a month and a half ago

St. Louis' stadium authority has spent more than $800,000 developing a plan to keep the Rams, according to a recent report in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
Where are you getting 3 million from? Maybe you're talking about this article and this was only a month and a half ago

As recent as June 9th for both articles

The proposed riverfront football stadium has already cost taxpayers $3 million.

Five invoices released late last week — from financing advisers, railroad track engineers, contract attorneys and management — pushed the running total over that threshold. The public board that owns and operates the Edward Jones Dome, where the St. Louis Rams play, is paying nearly all of the bills. The state is covering some financial advice.

According to the St. Louis Post Dispatch, more than $3 million in public funds have been used in efforts aimed at preventing the Rams from relocating. The figure is based on invoices released this week slated to be paid almost entirely by the public St. Louis Regional Convention and Sports Complex Authority -- owner and operator of the Edward Jones Dome.


Sep 7, 2011
Main Hook
I don't think your wrong I was adding to what you said. I think Silvey and has group completely went about the issue the wrong way. I have also trying to figure out why Nixon wouldn't just issue the bonds because if he did the funding issue would be resolved and then the next battle would be the shared revenues which in the end might be a bigger battle. Once the bonds are extended and the funds come through they can't return it.


I'm glad we can share common ground. That's alway my root initiative.


Feb 24, 2014
One thing I will point out though is the price - yes I understand regions vary from place to place, but thats $1.8 million per acre.. a stark difference from San diego's plan where they think they can get $3 million an acre for 75 acres (one of the big flaws in SD's plan in my view).

I don't know all that much about the Mission Valley property, but quick search through zillow seems to show that it's a pretty desirable area to live, which may support its premium pricing. I could see it going for $3MM easy, but I'm no expert. OTOH, outside a few pockets of nice neighborhoods, Carson is mostly a s***hole industrial area. I know because I used to live not to far from its border. Still, it's LA and would probably get more than that if you split up the area out into smaller parcels of land and sold them separately in the open market.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
I don't know all that much about the Mission Valley property, but quick search through zillow seems to show that it's a pretty desirable area to live, which may support its premium pricing. I could see it going for $3MM easy, but I'm no expert. OTOH, outside a few pockets of nice neighborhoods, Carson is mostly a s***hole industrial area. I know because I used to live not to far from its border. Still, it's LA and would probably get more than that if you split up the area out into smaller parcels of land and sold them separately in the open market.

True but as we all know in negotiations, it's not where you start but where you finish...and without a buyer lined up to buy it at that price, that's no different than the task force claiming they have bonds before the courts rule

Both may think it's a lock - but the NFL isn't going to take that chance until it is a lock


Sep 7, 2011
Main Hook
Uh, yeah you probably do, since its obvious you don't know where I was going or what the post even said.

If you're gonna attack someone, at least know what they're saying, instead of attacking them for something they're not even saying.

So you are saying the Rams are going to LA for what you are believe are excellent, realistic, reasons? I understand that.

Now don't get me wrong, there are excellent reasons for them moving to LA. I do believe they be more popular than than the Chargers or Raiders. For one thing the Rams have a very, very, exciting team currently. Much more exciting than the Chargers or Raiders. Their potentially great defense will be combined with a stout running game, deep balls, and gadget plays from guys like Tavon. Rams probably have one of the most exciting ST's units as well. I mean Hekker was a former QB and Tavon was a top PR last year. Gotta love it! And that's not looking to change next year. LA would love them!

But that does not mean it's the best option for the NFL. The Chargers would lose ground in LA and Oakland needs to get out of the Bay area. It's too close to SF of whom have a strong hold of it. Both the Chargers and Raiders would suffer, maybe even a lot, from a Rams move there. The cherry is they have joined forces in Carson. It simply makes the most sense and continues to grow.
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