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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Alright guys - let's all back off. Here's the deal. We should all refrain from making statements of fact in situations where there are opinions on what the "facts" actually may mean. Take the Oxnard practices for example. It is not a fact that it means they are moving to either side. Some may take it as such but others don't. And in reality, though it doesn't appear to be innocent in any way to ME, there is that possibility.

I would also urge everyone to keep the concept in mind that we are BSing over a beer. Knowing how the fan bases feel about the different possible outcomes, don't spout off with stuff that would make the guy sitting across the bar want to reach over and strangle you or throw his beer in your face. Remember - "Think before you post." We have a lot of great members here and there is no good reason to say things you know are just going to piss them off or antagonize them.

I would love to not have to play mediator here but that is my job. This is not a democracy and no one has some kind of freedom of speech. Like it or not, if you say things that are interpreted as being against the tone and mood of this site, you will be blocked or banned. It's just the way it is.

So if you want to keep discussing this topic, then be sure to check your attitude at the door as the more angles and views we have in this discussion, the better. But if a particular poster's style is constantly pissing people off, they will find themselves on the outside looking in. It really is that simple and I will probably not be inclined to spend a lot more time explaining this. If you can't figure it out then I suppose it's best you just watch from the sidelines for a while.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Fair enough. I can try to dig up the quote. I think it was in a chat from a while ago, but I don't think it really matters. It's hearsay anyway. But it's the information I've been told.
It's cool. I don't know if Stan has any buddies among the NFL owners. As you said, I don't think it really matters in the grand scheme of things either. I really wouldn't buy that any St Louis or LA media guy has a clue on this kind of stuff - just their suspicions or the angle they want to push.



Hall of Fame
Jul 19, 2013
I haven't posted since September (personal tragedy), so I went straight to the last post in this. I apologize if this is redundant or thoroughly discussed.

Given this:

Rams will move to LA and will get a nice deal on the relo fees since Stan has done what no one else has- put forward a workable plan, a shovel-ready deal with private financing.
Not a rat's chance in hell Oakland gets anything done for the Raiders- and Levi's isn't an option due to neighbor hood concerns (I work a 1.5 miles from the stadium).
San Diego won't leave Cali- and renegs on the Raider deal (which doesn't make any sense at all from a league standpoint).

St. Louis comes through on the stadium front and takes the Raiders. Rams\San Diego share Kroenke's palace.
Hope things are better on your end! Regarding the remodel of the EJD, the Rams proposal was to spend 700 million to update it. All of which was to be done with no Rams dollars and it would have taken the dome out of play for other uses for 2 years minimum! Not to mention the other infrastructure needs that would have been needed! Building a new stadium was the only real option! Plus, the Rams would be obligated to put up real coin! I understand the money to be made in LA is significantly better than STL. Just seems as though the folks in MO/STL are getting shortchanged after putting up 1 stadium and want to do it again to hav/keepe an NFL team!


Hall of Fame
Jun 25, 2014
Fair enough. I can try to dig up the quote. I think it was in a chat from a while ago, but I don't think it really matters. It's hearsay anyway. But it's the information I've been told.

I can vouch for it. I don't remember exactly where the quote is, but I'm pretty sure it was in one of his chats.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I can vouch for it. I don't remember exactly where the quote is, but I'm pretty sure it was in one of his chats.
I remember him and a couple others saying it but I don't buy that they really know. Can you buy that they have talked to other owners and those owners have confided anything to them in this regard. I really think it is conjecture - not anything they actually know to be true.


Hall of Fame
Jun 25, 2014
I remember him and a couple others saying it but I don't buy that they really know. Can you buy that they have talked to other owners and those owners have confided anything to them in this regard. I really think it is conjecture - not anything they actually know to be true.

I don't really know either way. I'm just backing up his claim that the quote exists. I do think it's possible that reporters talk amongst themselves and do pick up bits of talk here and there that give them some insight.


May 28, 2011
Not when SD is just down the road. I drive 3.5 hours to see the Rams. SD would have to drive line one hour.

No. Sympathy.

Different market entirely, sorry its not the same. You can say no sympathy, but LA and San Diego traffic are no joke, and what doesn't seem like a big deal to you is down here. Its not an open highway they're driving on.


May 28, 2011
I remember a quote from JT about Stan not being well likedz but given he doesn't have a good pulse on the team he covers, I'm hesitant to say he's got a pulse on how other owners think.

There's word that owners don't like Stan, word they do like him, word they are annoyed with him, word they are in awe and impressed by him. Safe to say nobody really knows how these guys feel. Either way, they're businessmen, they won't make their decision based on their personal feelings.


Jul 18, 2013
As much as I'm wanting to hear any news on all of this from ANYBODY involved, I would have really enjoyed it if the radio folks would have told the Rams (who apparently initiated the upcoming interviews) that any interviews will take place next week, thus giving Dave Peacock all the thunder about the presentation details (supposedly coming Friday). With Demoff first up, The Rams can spin things to their advantage (if one is there to be steered). Peacock deserves first chair status for his efforts.


Hall of Fame
Jun 25, 2014
I remember a quote from JT about Stan not being well likedz but given he doesn't have a good pulse on the team he covers, I'm hesitant to say he's got a pulse on how other owners think.

There's word that owners don't like Stan, word they do like him, word they are annoyed with him, word they are in awe and impressed by him. Safe to say nobody really knows how these guys feel. Either way, they're businessmen, they won't make their decision based on their personal feelings.

I think it's in style to on this board to bash JT but I've no doubt most reporters have a better handle on the pulse and goings on of the team they cover. Most of it is probably not printable. After all, he's not a columnist. You've got reporters out the ass at places like the owners meeting. I'm sure between them all they've got a good handle on who's actually well liked and who's just working the room. Put it this way, I've no reason to doubt him.

What difference this makes, who knows?


Sep 7, 2011
Main Hook
Different market entirely, sorry its not the same. You can say no sympathy, but LA and San Diego traffic are no joke, and what doesn't seem like a big deal to you is down here. Its not an open highway they're driving on.



Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
There's word that owners don't like Stan, word they do like him, word they are annoyed with him, word they are in awe and impressed by him. Safe to say nobody really knows how these guys feel. Either way, they're businessmen, they won't make their decision based on their personal feelings.

Unless it comes down to a simple vote between Carson and Inglewood. Of course that would require both projects to be on equal footing at that time.


Feb 7, 2013
It's cool. I don't know if Stan has any buddies among the NFL owners. As you said, I don't think it really matters in the grand scheme of things either. I really wouldn't buy that any St Louis or LA media guy has a clue on this kind of stuff - just their suspicions or the angle they want to push.

Pillows. I love pillows.


Jan 26, 2013
263 pages of discussion and strangly, I dont feel like I missed out on anything.

263 pages!!! And will be quadruple that by the time January 2016 comes around.

Anyway.....What will be, will be fine with me.


Pro Bowler
Nov 16, 2011
263 pages of discussion and strangly, I dont feel like I missed out on anything.

263 pages!!! And will be quadruple that by the time January 2016 comes around.

Anyway.....What will be, will be fine with me.
No shit your from hotlanta lol


Jan 26, 2013
No crap your from hotlanta lol

LOL.....true that! I'm forced to pick one game a year and make a trip out of it. Used to it by now I guess.

But I am origionally from Los Angeles if that matters, and dont remember getting upset that they moved back then. I think I was busy in the Army or somethin and didnt even notice.

Stan could move the team to his ranch in Montana for all I wont change the fact that we will suit up and go to war on Sundays. ;)


Jul 31, 2010
St. Louis stadium group states its case
• By Jim Thomas

The St. Louis stadium task force made its formal presentation Wednesday afternoon to the NFL at league headquarters in New York, a session that included a multimedia presentation and a question-and-answer period with league officials and members of the NFL’s Los Angeles opportunities committee.

Former Anheuser-Busch executive Dave Peacock was the main speaker for the task force, and although he did not immediately comment, he returned to St. Louis on Wednesday night feeling good about the presentation, according to those familiar with the situation.

The St. Louis group also included task force attorney Bob Blitz, developer’s representative John Loyd and HOK vice president and design principal Eli Hoisington. Rams executive vice president Kevin Demoff also was in the room for the meeting, although it was not believed that he had an active role in the presentation.

Loyd and Hoisington are well-known to the league officials because of their past and current involvement in building NFL stadiums. Loyd most recently was involved in renovations at Everbank Field in Jacksonville. Hoisington and HOK are currently involved in building a new stadium for the Atlanta Falcons and in renovations at Sun Life Stadium in Miami.

Neither Demoff nor Peacock could be reached to comment Wednesday.

Jim Woodcock, spokesman for the Gov. Jay Nixon-appointed task force, issued the following statement: “We were honored to be invited by the NFL to make a stadium presentation today on behalf of St. Louis. We will continue to proceed on the path we’re on.”

At the league’s request, Peacock will refrain from commenting on the meeting until he returns to St. Louis, and he is expected to speak Friday.

The LA opportunities committee consists of the following six owners: Clark Hunt of Kansas City, Robert Kraft of New England, John Mara of the New York Giants, Bob McNair of Houston, Jerry Richardson of Carolina and Art Rooney II of Pittsburgh.

(Despite the “LA” designation in its title, the committee is also charged with evaluating the St. Louis plan.)

The committee was shown revised artists’ renderings that include some design tweaks in the proposed $985 million riverfront stadium on the north edge of downtown.

Although it guarantees nothing, several of those members are sympathetic to the St. Louis effort to keep an NFL franchise, either by retaining the Rams or placing another league franchise here.

“We have to be very careful and responsible to different markets who really step up and do what they want to do (in terms of keeping a team),” Kraft said at the NFL owners meetings in Phoenix last month. “If they do, we have a responsibility to make sure there’s a team in that market.”

Another member of the committee, speaking on the condition of anonymity at those March meetings, said the league would not “abandon” St. Louis if it came up with a workable stadium plan.

Even so, Rams owner Stan Kroenke seems intent on moving the team to Inglewood, Calif., where he announced plans in January to build an 80,000-seat stadium costing $1.8 billion. The Rams also were part of a presentation on the Inglewood plan Wednesday in New York, with Kroenke and Demoff attending that session.

Representatives from the San Diego Chargers and Oakland Raiders, working in tandem, also made a presentation Wednesday on their competing plan to build a stadium in the Los Angeles area — a $1.7 billion project in Carson, Calif.

The Carson project took a substantial step in catching up with Kroenke’s Ingelwood plan on Tuesday night, when the Carson City Council approved by a 3-0 vote the Carson stadium project, a venue that would be shared by the Chargers and Raiders.

The Carson vote was greeted by a loud cheer from a crowd dotted with Raiders jerseys and Chargers banners at the city council meeting. It faced virtually no opposition from the room. Council members could have opted to put the issue before Carson voters, but chose to approve it outright as state law allows.

The NFL would like to have one or two franchises playing in Los Angeles as early as the 2016 season. Similar to the Rams, the Chargers and Raiders can now easily get out of stadium leases in their current “hometowns,” which has led to an LA land rush to play in the nation’s second-largest market.

The Associated Press contributed to this story.
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