Looking at 2020 uniforms

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014

Dickerson added: "This is football. This ain't nothing to do with surfing. This ain't nothing to do with waves. This is football. This is a man's sport. And, to me, it just looks soft. ... It don't look football. It don't look hard."
I dont know what Dickerson is smoking

but these are bad ass


BC Ramfan

Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 18, 2018
BC Ramfan
My take:
Blue/Yellow Colors: A
Home: A -- Pretty near the classic look, flashier colors.
Away: D -- Bland bland bland. Whaaaat?
Helmet: B+ -- Not bad, may grow on me (I think the point about the horn placement vis a vis the new required helmet hex is valid)
Gradient: ??? Cant't make up my mind. Maybe

LA/Horn Logo: F -- Ouch. not a strong look. Very weak compared to other franchises, especially against a light background. Fail
Ram's Head Logo: D-. Ouch. Yikes. Sleeoy Ram. Crazylegs Fierce Ram with angry eyes a huge improvement. Fail

Bottom Line: I'm relieved the [Home] uniforms/Helmet are much better than the logos.
Not horrible but still worse than the classics. Who designed this? How much did the Rams spend on it?


Fifty-four Forty or Fight
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 16, 2013
You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all the people all of the time


Hall of Fame
Sep 7, 2011
Showed my boys, they're 12 and 13, they're going crazy over the new uniforms they love them especially the helmet, so there you go for what it's worth
And as Demoff said .. that is where they are targeting. the next generation of fans


Jun 26, 2014
Everyone has their opinions and thats warranted. I respect every single one of you guys/gals.

For me...

Im greatly disappointed. It doesnt mean they wont/couldnt grow on me by any means... but this really ruined my day unfortunately.

Maybe Im just old school being 37 years young. Maybe Im not keeping with the times... and thats ok. Uniforms are an important branding to a franchise of any kind; and these, well... IMO are just weak. Im with Dickerson on this one.

We will never see the classic unis again Im afraid.


Fifty-four Forty or Fight
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 16, 2013
Im greatly disappointed. It doesnt mean they wont/couldnt grow on me by any means... but this really ruined my day unfortunately.

Maybe Im just old school being 37 years young. Maybe Im not keeping with the times... and thats ok. Uniforms are an important branding to a franchise of any kind; and these, well... IMO are just weak. Im with Dickerson on this one.

We will never see the classic unis again Im afraid.

Old School at 37...Nice...Anyway born in 1966 being 5 years old in 1971 I did not like the Ram uniforms, loved the Helmet, but at 5 the white on white was boring and looked like Ambulance guys back then.

However, as I grew older I liked them because they reminded me of my youth, same with the Jets uniforms all white before they went back to green and the Giant uniforms too, when things remind you of your youth, you tend to gravitate towards them.

Did i like the uniforms from 1973-1999 better? Yes, but it is 2020 and all of us have been cooped up and patting ourselves on the back for having the most toilet paper in the development or community we reside in, so maybe we need to give it sometime.

Overall I feel I'm old school too, not like over very own @OldSchool and maybe tad more old school then @JRobinson based on age alone, however, if the Los Angeles Rams go out and win 3 of the next 5 Super Bowls, all of us will think the Uniforms are best thing since Betty White, who has been around longer then sliced bread.


Jan 26, 2013
We really agonizing over width?

You do realize the season ending episode of Survivor is going on?


Jan 26, 2013
Haha just jidding- this is the only episode of Survivor Ive ever watched. And thats only cause the remote is waaay over -> there!

But honestly regarding new unis...meh, whatever- they look kinda good. My main disappointment is that Logo and even THAT is gonna grow on us.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
"Never let art people design anything" ... Yeah okay. Your logic. Don't let professionals do what they're designed to do. Art is subjective. Whoever this designer was, didn't hit the mark in some peoples eyes... SURE, they're COULD be some elements that could be improved... doesn't mean "Art People shouldn't be designers"... when that's exactly what they are. They're good designers and bad designers. Like any profession.

I'll just keep making bank being a great designer and you can keep having your negative thoughts about something you can't control. Have a good life.

The amount of Butthurt and Anger in this thread, about new uniforms. LOL!
To be fair, you get the same thing in lots of professions. For example, the CTO at my company is a genius. He has a ton of patents to his name, has memorized a bunch of technical RFCs, knows the how and why of the inside of a lot of networking/programming/computer protocols. He can design tech exactly how it should work in it's most efficient form... but it usually doesn't fit a customer need. So he makes great technology that won't be purchased. It does us no good.

We have to reign him back in and tell him what the customer wants, not what the best technology is. Don't let a computer genius make tech.

My point was that people who are too familiar with the intricacies of a subject will overdo things they create for that subject. It won't appeal to the masses. If you're making niche art or designing a custom application for yourself, that's great. If you're trying to attract fans and sell jerseys, or sell a firewall/app platform, that's not great. That's all I meant and it was more tongue in cheek than completely serious. There's just a balance to strike between what makes "good art" or "good design" and what the common consumer of that art or design wants.

I'm not butthurt about the unis at all. I think the bone is less than good, but not truly awful. The blue one is alright.

Also, the money thing? Really? I didn't realize this would set off a baseless pissing contest without a tape measure.


May 9, 2016
I'm pretty sure the Rams coppied the Golden State Warriors colors as well. They are literally identical.