Horns they knocked it out of the park IMO. Thicker at the top, sharp point, no cinnabun look. Color matches the jersey. Like I said in the other thread I give them an A- only because the taper at the bottom could have been a bit thinner and I also would have liked to see a metallic sheen on them but that's splitting hairs. I love the helmets and that's the most important part.
Royal Blues are solid. I give them a B- because of the shoulders, they don't look as good from the side as the old blue & yellows did. I blame Nike here, and their insistence on their stupid fucking logo instead of small number for the player and also the horn curl doesn't taper soon enough so that you can see it. Not a fan of the yellow/white color on the numbers but I can deal there. Overall I feel like they were almost out of this world they just missed on the shoulders and the numbers look small and will look even smaller when some fans with a healthy stomach size wear them.
Royal and Yellows are solid. Similar to the above and for the same reason I give them a B-.
Bones I have to give them a C- because of the lack of structure in how they look. When you go with a white look the primary color (blue for us) is what gives it structure. So they look ok on the jersey because the blue is used on the numbers. But they missed badly on the yellow stripe on the pants, a blue stripe to give that structure would have been far better. The yellow should have been paired with the blue by highlighting or shadowing it on both the numbers and pant line. And the shoulders they put the numbers which are too large for the shoulders, but didn't put a blue horn curl around it.
Overall grade would be a B for me, weighted to the positive a bit due to the helmets. Could have been far better, but I can deal.