I feel bad for the guy. I would like to see him succeed somewhere. It'd be a nice story.
Just don't think he ever gained any confidence at this level. Some of his public comments and seeing his demeanour on the field, the flag throwing officials have him rattled.
I really don't think he cares or that he understands that you have to work to be good at this level. With his size and ability he probably never had to put the time in to be a top player at lower levels. So he just does not get it.
I have seen that on a more local level with kids that my son grew up with. You have kids that are studs in middle school. Just bigger and more athletic at a younger age than most others. Some get big heads and they just don't ever see the need to keep working to get better because they already are the stars of their Little League or Pop Warner teams and then same in middle school... but then things start to change. Other kids catch up to them physically and these kids show more drive and put the extra time in the batting cage, weight room, or the field and they start to bypass the naturally gifted kid. Eventually the Little League star is regulated to the bench and then eventually quits in most cases.
My son was a good baseball and football player from Little League/Pop Warner thru middle school, but on the skinny side and not real tall, but he busted his hump and after really focusing on baseball, but not getting a lot of time in middle school because of his slight build I think, he blossomed in HS. He sprouted up, stayed kind of skinny though, but became all league and is now playing college baseball...only D3, but still very cool. Especially when he is like one of only 2 or 3 kids from his class that moved on to play in college and those big talented middle schoolers never even made it in HS.
So this is just a situation where this caught up to Robinson when he had to leave a college gimmick offense behind and start playing in an NFL scheme against other talented players and he doesn't even know how to work and get better or care about it because he got paid already.