LEGEND Dumbass of the Day

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Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #81
Throw in an extra charge for illegal use of sharpies on the eyebrows. Yes, her shirt was unbuttoned because it helped her not to inhale the marijuana smoke. Dumbass!
Florida Principal Arrested, Suspended After Caught in Car with Male Student and Marijuana: Report



Krista Morton

A Florida principal has been suspended from her job after she was found earlier this week in a car with one of her male students – her shirt undone, in possession of marijuana, according to the Palm Beach Post.

Krista Morton, 45, was arrested Wednesday night on one charge of marijuana possession, less than 20 grams, PEOPLE has confirmed.

She and the student, an 18-year-old senior at Mavericks High of Palm Springs, were in a car in a parking lot in North Palm Beach, according to an arrest report obtained by the Post. Police were first called to the scene on complaints about sexual activity, according to the Associated Press.

Officers found Morton in the car with her shirt unbuttoned, "exposing her shoulders and part of her chest," according to the report.

A plastic container of marijuana was also found in the car, according to the report.

Police say Morton initially claimed the student was a stranger she'd just met because she was lonely. The unidentified student later told police she was his principal.

Both he and Morton were arrested, according to the Post. Morton was released without bond just a few hours later, early Thursday, according to jail records.

She declined comment to the Post, but has been suspended from her position pending the investigation's completion, according to the paper.

"First and foremost is the best interests of the students in the school," Lauren Hollander, CEO of the school's management company, told the paper.


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
There's a lesson here for sure. I deleted my facebook page when I went back on the market to find a job. More and more employers are scouring the web for your name nowadays just to get a glimpse into your personal life. It's a shame that you can't let your hair down anymore because of that, but that's the world we live in now.
I don't think Facebook is something employers should be checking out. What happened to keeping professional and social lives separate?
At the prison I volunteer at there are inmates I interact with, both past and present, some of whom are well known and even infamous. If I were to post their names and my conversations with them on social media I would not only be kicked out but there would be a possibility of being sued. So yeah, it's wise to be careful what we post. The woman in the above article learned that lesson the hard way.
What type of volunteer work do you do? If you don't mind me asking. My uncle does volunteer prison ministry and really enjoys it. I think more than anything he just talks to inmates and he's made quite a few friends on the inside doing it.

A lot of what I do at work is confidential; which, makes it easier to leave work at work and not bring it home with me.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I don't think Facebook is something employers should be checking out. What happened to keeping professional and social lives separate?
I agree, but it happens all the time now. There was a lady in the news recently who got a job and lost it in the same day because she posted on Facebook that she hates children. The job she was hired to do? Day care.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #87
I'm just curious, but have you noticed any religious divide within the prison system between Christianity and Islam?

I'll answer that question in a pm.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #89
Great question.
Could you copy me on it.

Sure, I'll send you a pm. The Federal government scans all social media and does not appreciate comments on topics like this from people like me who are part of that system. It could jeopardize my position there.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Speaking of Social Media dumbassness.......

LAUREL, Miss. – A Mississippi woman is without a job after apparently celebrating the murders of two Mississippi police officers on social media.

Two police officers were shot Saturday night while making a traffic stop in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. After hearing the news, Sierra McCurdy took to Facebook to celebrate.

“2 police officers was shot in hattiesburg tonight…GOT EM,” she wrote. “We can turn this bxtch into Baltimore real quick….Police take away innocent people lives everyday now & get away w/ it, fxck them…no mercy.”

In other posts, McCurdy is wearing a Subway uniform.

Many Twitter users were outraged and demanded Subway fire the woman.

“This behavior is unacceptable & does not represent our brand’s values & ethics,”Subway tweeted in response to the backlash. “The franchise has terminated the employee.”


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Speaking of Social Media dumbassness.......

LAUREL, Miss. – A Mississippi woman is without a job after apparently celebrating the murders of two Mississippi police officers on social media.

Two police officers were shot Saturday night while making a traffic stop in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. After hearing the news, Sierra McCurdy took to Facebook to celebrate.

“2 police officers was shot in hattiesburg tonight…GOT EM,” she wrote. “We can turn this bxtch into Baltimore real quick….Police take away innocent people lives everyday now & get away w/ it, fxck them…no mercy.”

In other posts, McCurdy is wearing a Subway uniform.

Many Twitter users were outraged and demanded Subway fire the woman.

“This behavior is unacceptable & does not represent our brand’s values & ethics,”Subway tweeted in response to the backlash. “The franchise has terminated the employee.”

Forget being a dumbass. That bitch should be in a penitentiary for the rest of her life just for saying what she said. Nobody can justify what happened as anything other than cold-blooded murder. I just hope that the people responsible all fry.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #93

Wait, what?! Gynecologist accidentally leaves mobile phone in patient following a C-section

BGR News

Yoni Heisler

In a bizarre story emanating out of Jordan, the old adage of truth is stranger than fiction has never been more appropriate.

Originally reported by Gulf News, a 36-year-old Jordanian woman named Hanan Mahmoud Abdul Karim underwent a C-section procedure last month. The baby was delivered, the parents were overjoyed, and it was soon time for everyone to go home.

While this would ordinarily be the end of the story, Karim’s family soon noticed something odd; her stomach was vibrating. Compounding matters was that Karim was also experiencing serious abdominal pain.

Eventually, Karim checked into a hospital whereupon an X-ray was performed to see what was going on.

The problem?

Just your classic case of a gynecologist leaving his mobile phone inside of a pregnant woman’s stomach.

Sound crazy? Sure, but recall a 2014 Washington Post article which notes that surgeons inadvertently leave “surgical items” inside of patients about “once in every 5,500 to 7,000 surgeries.”

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #94
One of my criminal justice professors tried something like this on us one day. It was frightening even for us, and we were adults. But to spring this on elementary school students? Dumbasses!

‘He’s got a gun!’ Surprise school intruder drill traumatizes elementary students
Victor Skinner

WORLAND, Wyo. – Police and school officials in Worland, Wyoming are taking heat from parents after a spontaneous “training exercise” left their elementary aged children traumatized.

The idea was to have a school intruder show up on the playground to see if teachers would respond appropriately to usher students away from danger, but that wasn’t exactly how it played out, the CasperStar-Tribune reports.

A creepy looking man with a backpack and hooded sweatshirt pulled over head leered at children on the playground at East Side Elementary around 10 a.m. Thursday, and teacher Kevin Heyer approached the man, who then allegedly ran off, according to the news site.

Heyer was apparently aware that a random training drill was expected last week and told students “Run! Run!” to the opposite end of an open field from which the “intruder” appeared. But students like Aubrey Truman thought Heyer said “He’s got a gun! He’s got a gun!” and frantically scrambled to the end of the field, where another teacher gathered students by grade, the Star-Tribune reports.

Truman told the news site she thought she was going to die, and couldn’t stop shaking, despite local law enforcement who arrived on scene to tell students the scary ordeal was a training exercise. Regardless, Truman and other students complained about the harrowing experience to their parents, who relayed their frustrations to school officials. Roughly 200 students were involved in the surprise drill.

Truman was so shaken that her mother, Amy Truman, decided to keep the 9-year-old and her brother home from school the next day, according to the news site.

“They took it to an extreme not to discuss this with parents and the community beforehand,” parent Amy Munoz told the Star-Tribune. “It’s a slap in the face.”

“They just think they can do whatever they want with our kids,” she said.

Washakie County Sheriff Steve Rakness led the training, which he deemed a success in an interview with theNorthern Wyoming Daily News.

“We identified some things we need to work on, but otherwise no problems whatsoever,” he said.

East Side principal confirmed that students were not informed beforehand that the unarmed man was part of a drill, but did not return messages for comment. The county’s emergency management director declined to comment on the drill.

“The (district) superintendent denied that the word ‘gun’ was used or that students were directly affected. The exercise, as far as he was aware, typified the district’s lockdown procedure, he said,” according to the Star-Tribune.

The news site reports parents were informed by email May 12 that they planned to conduct a “low-level training exercise” at East Side Elementary “sometime this week.”

“This training exercise will test the response and lock-down procedures of the school and response procedures for local 1st responders,” the email read.

Beyond the disturbing nature of the surprise drill, Munoz and other parents were also concerned that grouping students in an open field might not be the best way to avoid a dangerous person in a real school intruder scenario.

Alda Pedraza, parent of an East Side fifth grader, also questioned why students weren’t informed of the training, as is the case with most fire drills.

“I don’t think we need to scare the kids,” she told the Star-Tribune.


Mar 17, 2014
One of my criminal justice professors tried something like this on us one day. It was frightening even for us, and we were adults. But to spring this on elementary school students? Dumbasses!

‘He’s got a gun!’ Surprise school intruder drill traumatizes elementary students
Victor Skinner

WORLAND, Wyo. – Police and school officials in Worland, Wyoming are taking heat from parents after a spontaneous “training exercise” left their elementary aged children traumatized.

The idea was to have a school intruder show up on the playground to see if teachers would respond appropriately to usher students away from danger, but that wasn’t exactly how it played out, the CasperStar-Tribune reports.

A creepy looking man with a backpack and hooded sweatshirt pulled over head leered at children on the playground at East Side Elementary around 10 a.m. Thursday, and teacher Kevin Heyer approached the man, who then allegedly ran off, according to the news site.

Heyer was apparently aware that a random training drill was expected last week and told students “Run! Run!” to the opposite end of an open field from which the “intruder” appeared. But students like Aubrey Truman thought Heyer said “He’s got a gun! He’s got a gun!” and frantically scrambled to the end of the field, where another teacher gathered students by grade, the Star-Tribune reports.

Truman told the news site she thought she was going to die, and couldn’t stop shaking, despite local law enforcement who arrived on scene to tell students the scary ordeal was a training exercise. Regardless, Truman and other students complained about the harrowing experience to their parents, who relayed their frustrations to school officials. Roughly 200 students were involved in the surprise drill.

Truman was so shaken that her mother, Amy Truman, decided to keep the 9-year-old and her brother home from school the next day, according to the news site.

“They took it to an extreme not to discuss this with parents and the community beforehand,” parent Amy Munoz told the Star-Tribune. “It’s a slap in the face.”

“They just think they can do whatever they want with our kids,” she said.

Washakie County Sheriff Steve Rakness led the training, which he deemed a success in an interview with theNorthern Wyoming Daily News.

“We identified some things we need to work on, but otherwise no problems whatsoever,” he said.

East Side principal confirmed that students were not informed beforehand that the unarmed man was part of a drill, but did not return messages for comment. The county’s emergency management director declined to comment on the drill.

“The (district) superintendent denied that the word ‘gun’ was used or that students were directly affected. The exercise, as far as he was aware, typified the district’s lockdown procedure, he said,” according to the Star-Tribune.

The news site reports parents were informed by email May 12 that they planned to conduct a “low-level training exercise” at East Side Elementary “sometime this week.”

“This training exercise will test the response and lock-down procedures of the school and response procedures for local 1st responders,” the email read.

Beyond the disturbing nature of the surprise drill, Munoz and other parents were also concerned that grouping students in an open field might not be the best way to avoid a dangerous person in a real school intruder scenario.

Alda Pedraza, parent of an East Side fifth grader, also questioned why students weren’t informed of the training, as is the case with most fire drills.

“I don’t think we need to scare the kids,” she told the Star-Tribune.
I'm having a hard time understanding, how a group of law enforcement officials, could believe that this would be a good idea.

I'd be pissed if my kids went through that.


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
from Tumblr.com
PITTSBURGH, PA - When you let your stomach do the thinking instead of your brain, you’re bound to get in a lot of trouble. Take for instance, 21-year old Benjamin Sickles. He didn’t want a $5 foot-long when he visited a Subway near Pittsburgh, PA. He wanted some cash, so he tried to force open the register. But when he couldn’t get the cash, he went for the next best thing—nine bags of chips!

It seems he couldn’t wait until he got home to munch out because officers followed the trail of chips and it led them straight to Sickles. He was sitting on the steps of a high school a few blocks away eating the last bit of evidence. He was arrested and charged.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #98
Since when is a watergun considered a firearm, wth happened to common sense?

Boy Scouts of America bans water gun fights; ‘pointing a firearm’ is not kind

The Boy Scouts of America has put out approved activities for its members, and water gun fights are strictly prohibited.

A blog for the organization’s leaders said May 6 that pointing simulated firearms at people is not allowed.

“Why the rule? A Scouter once told me this explanation I liked quite a bit: A Scout is kind. What part of pointing a firearm [simulated or otherwise] at someone is kind?” said Bryan Wendell on the scouting website.

The rule is clarified in the Boy Scouts of America National Shooting Manual, which says “For water balloons, use small, biodegradable balloons, and fill them no larger than a ping pong ball. […] Water guns and rubber band guns must only be used to shoot at targets, and eye protection must be worn.”

Negative feedback flowed into the comments section of the blog.

“This makes BSA look ridiculous and has little if any impact on safety,” said Gary Holeiwnski.
“Sometimes I just have to laugh out loud at how idiotic some things in our society have become. We can’t squirt each other with water guns because it is a ‘simulated’ gun. I can’t believe BSA is so worried about the PC police that it has a policy like this,” added commenter Gary USMC.
“Yes, let’s carry every policy to the absurd extreme. That will certainly help scouts shed that geeky image,” added another commenter.
The Boy Scouts of America National Shooting Manual guidelines are to be followed by anyone involved with Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Venturing, Sea Scouting, or shooting sports committees, the document adds.


Daniel Leu
Jun 20, 2014
Since when is a watergun considered a firearm, wth happened to common sense?

Boy Scouts of America bans water gun fights; ‘pointing a firearm’ is not kind

The Boy Scouts of America has put out approved activities for its members, and water gun fights are strictly prohibited.

A blog for the organization’s leaders said May 6 that pointing simulated firearms at people is not allowed.

“Why the rule? A Scouter once told me this explanation I liked quite a bit: A Scout is kind. What part of pointing a firearm [simulated or otherwise] at someone is kind?” said Bryan Wendell on the scouting website.

The rule is clarified in the Boy Scouts of America National Shooting Manual, which says “For water balloons, use small, biodegradable balloons, and fill them no larger than a ping pong ball. […] Water guns and rubber band guns must only be used to shoot at targets, and eye protection must be worn.”

Negative feedback flowed into the comments section of the blog.

“This makes BSA look ridiculous and has little if any impact on safety,” said Gary Holeiwnski.
“Sometimes I just have to laugh out loud at how idiotic some things in our society have become. We can’t squirt each other with water guns because it is a ‘simulated’ gun. I can’t believe BSA is so worried about the PC police that it has a policy like this,” added commenter Gary USMC.
“Yes, let’s carry every policy to the absurd extreme. That will certainly help scouts shed that geeky image,” added another commenter.
The Boy Scouts of America National Shooting Manual guidelines are to be followed by anyone involved with Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Venturing, Sea Scouting, or shooting sports committees, the document adds.
What a load of BS. This is the like the zero tolerance policies schools have about drawing weapons on paper or cutting cardboard into swords for a school play.
Sometimes I wonder how I ever made it through scouting alive.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
What a load of BS. This is the like the zero tolerance policies schools have about drawing weapons on paper or cutting cardboard into swords for a school play.
Sometimes I wonder how I ever made it through scouting alive.

In some schools they've banned dodge ball which was one of the only things I used to look forward to in P.E. That big red mark on the side of my face was a badge of honor back in the day. :) We're turning our young people into wussies.