Driverless Cars are Insane.

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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  • #81
So, you have a problem with 'average people' ?

Please tell me which Founders are responsible for stating the above opinions.
I know generally it is true, from my years in studying pre and post Revolutionary history. I Quoted Quora and did not write the article. You are welcome to write Quora for those sources. Another article wspeaks to this if you would like to read it, inre James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers)

I do know that John Adams and other Federalists (in the future) were quite disturbed by the Stamp Act Riots in 1765, when mobs dismantled Lt. Gov. Thomas Hutchinson's house due to his attempt at implementation of the Act. This was before the country had any belief that they were anything but loyal British subjects. The Stamp Act may have precipitated the Revolution a decade earlier if the British Parliament didn't cave. But what John Adams and other future Federalists saw that a mob could not be reasoned with and all individuals subject to their wrath were endangered due to the popular will. Later, John Adams represented the British soldiers in the Boston Massacre against the "masses" who wanted the court to bend to their will and convict them without due process, because it was popular. All due to an utterly false painting/wood carving by Paul Revere that was circulated widely in the Colonies for propaganda purposes, which showed blood thirsty British soldiers mowing down protesters. The Masses were swayed by manipulators. For this reason, the heroic defense of those British soldiers by John Adams, makes him one of my favorite founders.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
From Quora, this explains what the founders were thinking in the 19th century.

"Just as America’s founding fathers were afraid of tyranny, they were also afraid of complete democracy.

True democracy was a good idea in theory. People would gather together, have an informed debate, and then all vote to make a decision. However, democracy in practice has issues. Through the examples of Rome and Athens, it became apparent that average people were just as capable of being corrupted and oppressive as single rulers.

They could be greedy, oppressive, vindictive, uneducated, possessive, etc. All of the traits that made tyranny undesirable, made complete democracy undesirable.

The founding fathers feared “tyranny by majority” whereby 51% of people could decide the fate of the other 49% without any roadblocks. Uneducated citizens could manipulate the system once they realized they could vote themselves benefits.

What good is that?"
It was a stroke of genius.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Meanwhile, America loves its cars and the shear size of the country still mandates them as still the best mode of transportation. Technology will change that someday but probably not for quite a few years I'm sure.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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  • #85
Meanwhile, America loves its cars and the shear size of the country still mandates them as still the best mode of transportation. Technology will change that someday but probably not for quite a few years I'm sure.
Hopefully not before I die (sometime in the 23rd century!:yess:)


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
I know generally it is true, from my years in studying pre and post Revolutionary history. I Quoted Quora and did not write the article. You are welcome to write Quora for those sources. Another article wspeaks to this if you would like to read it, inre James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers)

Really ? Look, if you want to choose some lone wolf reactionary Quora poster to represent your opinions, that's fine with me, but you do so at your own peril, because his written word becomes yours when you do so. You know as well as I do that no Founder spoke those opinions as quoted by you, these are your thoughts & opinions representing only you and your ilk. You are free to make up your own definitions for what repression and tyranny is to you, that comes with your Constitutional right. I just happen to have a different process for coming to my own conclusions, which is also my right. On this note, i'd prefer we abandon this line of thought before the mods do it for us, ... and lets get back to what was a very good thread before being taken off track. jmo.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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  • #87
Really ? Look, if you want to choose some lone wolf reactionary Quora poster to represent your opinions, that's fine with me, but you do so at your own peril, because his written word becomes yours when you do so. You know as well as I do that no Founder spoke those opinions as quoted by you, these are your thoughts & opinions representing only you and your ilk. You are free to make up your own definitions for what repression and tyranny is to you, that comes with your Constitutional right. I just happen to have a different process for coming to my own conclusions, which is also my right. On this note, i'd prefer we abandon this line of thought before the mods do it for us, ... and lets get back to what was a very good thread before being taken off track. jmo.
Is John Adams a lone wolf? Please don't selectively choose my words for me. Me and my ilk? Inappropriate.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Is John Adams a lone wolf? Please don't selectively choose my words for me. Me and my ilk? Inappropriate.

Nice spin, but terribly inaccurate. I'm sure you know quite well that I was referring to the Quora joker you chose to quote, in fact, it was very clearly stated.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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  • #89
Nice spin, but terribly inaccurate. I'm sure you know quite well that I was referring to the Quora joker you chose to quote, in fact, it was very clearly stated.

You said the words, and they were disrespectful.

This is my day off as a credentialed historian and my views are not unsupported by evidence, and my "ilk" is constituted by many historians. I am not a leftist revisionist, so sue me. I graduated Summa cum Laude with a BS in History and am currently getting a MA in History. Did I want to look up quotes for you? No, because I know what I have studied and they pretty much reflected what the Quora story said, which is why I used it on a freakin' sports forum. My views are made up of many scholarly works, which are not necessarily on the internet...or are on jstor.

I noticed that you absolutely ignored the other posts about John Adams, so that you could focus on the Quora story. I'm done now. There is a draft going on.


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
Now rural areas will present an even more difficult situation. People in rural areas will be even more resistant, the cost for the service would be outrageously expensive while trying to service areas where incomes are lower by in large, people use their vehicles for far more than transportation, and I highly doubt Uber is going to be putting gun and bow racks in their cute little transport vehicles.

That driverless car better have a stout suspension because I'll pack it to the roof with firewood.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
You said the words, and they were disrespectful.

This is my day off as a credentialed historian and my views are not unsupported by evidence, and my "ilk" is constituted by many historians. I am not a leftist revisionist, so sue me. I graduated Summa cum Laude with a BS in History and am currently getting a MA in History. Did I want to look up quotes for you? No, because I know what I have studied and they pretty much reflected what the Quora story said, which is why I used it on a freakin' sports forum. My views are made up of many scholarly works, which are not necessarily on the internet...or are on jstor.

I noticed that you absolutely ignored the other posts about John Adams, so that you could focus on the Quora story. I'm done now. There is a draft going on.

What words, ... ilk, is that what you constitute as disrespectful ? I dismissed the Adams post as it was completely irrelevant to the original discussion. You have opted towards personal opinion and lack credible quotes from the Founders that you brought into the conversation, now I am left to ponder how tough it may be to become a 'credentialed historian'. Posing scholarly works is rich, when do they begin to show ?
As mentioned before, when do we get back to the original thread ?


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
You assume a state of thoughtfulness and nimble ability by the state government towards those in the rural areas, to relieve their stress, which doesn't currently exist. Especially in California....The high fuel prices benefit people in cities (possibly lower pollution and taxes for roads), while those in rural areas tend to live farther away from things and often need trucks to do their work. They pay more while earning less than their city dwelling cousins, and there is no desire to relieve them currently. Why do we think they will try to do so in the future?


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
While California has the great weather, great coastlines & great soil which appeal to so many, we also practice a form of democracy where voters decide elections and where the majority rules,



Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
Everyone at the office thought it was funny because she was about 5' 2" and 100 pounds. One third of that 100 pounds were her tits by the way.

Sorry but after reading that my mind couldn't concentrate on the rest of your post. Though I'm sure it was really good.:D


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
Did someone claim it was to be powered by steam ?
Only an idiot these days would use firewood for steam. The more evolved use coal! But no the firewood would be because they took my truck away. The truck that hauls compost, soil, rocks, kayaks, furniture, wet dogs, large appliances etc. So I pity the poor slicker who gets on that driverless couch after I "ride".:yess:


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Only an idiot these days would use firewood for steam. The more evolved use coal! But no the firewood would be because they took my truck away. The truck that hauls compost, soil, rocks, kayaks, furniture, wet dogs, large appliances etc. So I pity the poor slicker who gets on that driverless couch after I "ride".:yess:

I'll assume the truck which government took from you is stockpiled right next to all the guns they have also taken away from folks.
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