I’ll trust the mods to tell the difference between crossing the line and lighthearted wiseass humor.Call me too cautious, but baiting mods seems like an unwise choice.
It’s really a crying shame we can’t get REAL unbiased News these days on a everyday basis, nope either it’s slanted to one jackass side or the other.
Four score and seven years ago....
Hey OC, even though we probably don’t agree on many things, I’m singling u out for a question because u seem so even handed and reasonable.Final thought, even though I have serious doubts on makeshift masks, even though I live in a County that has lifted the mandatory use, I still wear them while shopping for whatever just as a courtesy to ease those who’ve been gripped with fear.
To not do so would be non courteous thru my POV, I think most people get the point wearing a mask lessons (tho exactly how much is debate) still lessons you affecting those around you
Hey OC, even though we probably don’t agree on many things, I’m singling u out for a question because u seem so even handed and reasonable.
My question is... does it bother u to see people attending indoor rallies in Tulsa and Arizona without any social distancing, and where 90 percent or more of the attendees are not wearing masks?
I agree that the science around the wearing of masks is at least “debatable”. I think it probably lessens risk of transmission, but whether it has a large impact or a small one is an open question.
I personally hate wearing masks, but I do it anyway in public places. To me, the thought of not wearing a mask in a crowded indoor arena just seems like stubbornly taking needless risk in order to prove a point. I just don’t get it.
Lol, thanks for the straightforward reply.Does it bother me? If I’m being honest then no it doesn’t
On the surface I’d categorize it as very careless considering the circumstances
But I do have a problem when our 78 year old national expert went on several shows early March I believe preaching in detail how wearing masks could actually backfire and cause one to contract a virus
78 years old for Christ’s sake, you’d think that’s one thing he’d be 100% competent at, yet 2 months later with 50 plus years in the biz As a certified expert, he flips his advice
He reasons are well documented and being I’m pecking this off an iPad ill keep it short
At the end of the day was he lying (reason is irrelevant, if you lie about this you’ll lie about that) in March or was he just wrong...liar or incompetent?
l damn sure don’t speak for all, but I feel we really need a more confidence inspiring lead man than Fauci
It wouldn’t surprise me if I wasn’t the only one who thinks this guy is sketchy, weak excuse for the indoor gathering but apparently they either are really stupid (yeah, yeah but I don’t buy it) or they don’t have much confidence in how things are handled
Its good we can talk civil, Clearly after reading many of your posts we’re 180 degrees apart on many ”thing” now as far as Les an Mack are concerned...lol, just kidding, it’s good we can disagree without the butthurt
Lol, thanks for the straightforward reply.
"we can disagree without the butthurt"....Brilliant! That should be a new campaign slogan!
Again, thanks for the honesty. You wrote:
"Does it bother me? If I’m being honest then no it doesn’t
On the surface I’d categorize it as very careless considering the circumstances"
I guess we both consider it careless, but it bothers me more than it bothers you. (For me, it bothers me not so much for the individual events, but for the implication that now millions of Americans will feel like they "should" gather in condensed groups without masks, which is the OPPOSITE of the smart thing to do, and I fear it will have severe consequences over the coming months).
As for Fauci... yeah, I wish he'd just own up to his "mistake." He claims that in March he SAID he didn't want Americans wearing masks because at the time there was an extreme scarcity of masks for front-line hospital workers. He didn't want the public to hoard masks when there were so few available to those who needed them most. So you're right, why couldn't he have just been honest about it at the time, rather than lying about it?
Now that mask are cheap and easily available to everyone, Fauci (and just about every medical professional in the entire world) seems to think it's a good idea to wear masks in public. At worst it's a nuisance, at best it can save lives.
I still don't quite get what is accomplished by PURPOSEFULLY gathering in large indoor groups and ignoring social distancing and refusing to wear masks. As you would say, it seems "very careless given the circumstances."
Thoughts on NY, NJ, and Conn imposing a Mandatory quarantine on travel from the highly infected states?
I suspect it’s gonna be a hot issue. Will be interesting to see how (or if) it’s enforced.
Does anyone actually change their mind about anything anymore or was that a thing of the past?
curious if anyone’s opinion of this virus has changed at all over the last several months.
is it more serious than you originally thought? Not as big of a deal as you originally thought? We’re you right all along and we all should have just listened to you?
Does anyone actually change their mind about anything anymore or was that a thing of the past?
They (NY, NJ) are the highly infected states. Haha.Thoughts on NY, NJ, and Conn imposing a Mandatory quarantine on travel from the highly infected states?
I suspect it’s gonna be a hot issue. Will be interesting to see how (or if) it’s enforced.
The exact timing is very, very telling.Well I was wrong on the longevity of it....I compared it to ebola.
I'm taking it more serious but I'm still not scared of it. I still think something is off about this whole thing. It just magically appeared in February? Like how many mass gatherings were happening in January all the way until the NBA was the first league to shut it down?
I hate how everything was knee-jerk reacted to. Quick fixes, throwing money at it, etc etc. Whatever, tho. The world will spin on.
My opinion has changed.curious if anyone’s opinion of this virus has changed at all over the last several months.
is it more serious than you originally thought? Not as big of a deal as you originally thought? We’re you right all along and we all should have just listened to you?
Does anyone actually change their mind about anything anymore or was that a thing of the past?