My coffee hasn't kicked in, because I misunderstood the post.
But when you said "who knows how" that second first rounder would be used in the same post as a discussion of trading for Woods, that's what I inferred.
I honestly don't know how high a draft pick Woods would bring in, his CAP may put a few teams off, although Detroit seems like a good fit as they have the money and a personal working knowledge of Woods from both Goff & Holmes. Even in Detroit, and being signed until the end of 2025, Woods wouldn't necessarily have to complete his contract, he could be that strong vet WR that helps Goff for just a couple years while they rebuild. Detroit projects to have 11 draft picks next season.
With what will likely be 10 draft picks in 2022, the Rams can afford to be flexible, they may trade off a few to the following year or may choose to move up in the draft, ... Woods might also attract a better 2023 draft pick instead of one for 2022.
Obviously this is all just early speculation, Woods may not be going anywhere, but if the Rams want to save on CAP, and having guys like Van Jefferson, Atwell, Skowronek & possibly a 2022 draft pick waiting in the wings, it would seem naive to dismiss Woods from the conversation.