just some random thoughts
I loved Star Trek , Strange New Worlds and can't wait for season 2
but in the meantime , also really enjoy the two animated series , Lowe Decks and Prodigy , both are animated , but are very different shows , both in animation styles and tone
Prodigy actually has a pretty interesting story going on and would have even have made a good live action series
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC3OLJ1MBIs
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxdKo0eXUKY
The Santa Clauses , with Tim Allen , a TV series thats a contunuation of the three Santa Clause movies , if you've liked those three movies , you'll enjoying the show , Tim Allen desides to retire and moves his family to Chicago , and.........................his replacment isn't working out , so you know , once again he has to save Christmas , nothing really new here , but Tim Allen does play Santa with alot of charm , again , nothing new here , but I'm enjoying it , but man , just once , and with todays CGI , I wish Christmas elves didn't just look like children with Spock ears ...........................lol
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Of1wKwGVPo
my favorite Christmas elves , well , other then Hermey , would be , Wayne , Lanny and Noel
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odJZjychx9c
Willow , this show probably won't be confused with Game of Thrones

, I've only seen the first two episodes , it's a Disney / George Lucas production , as I was watching it , kinda realized it's probably geared more to the younger audience
the young Prince has been kidnapped by the evil doers , but instead of the Queen sending a troupe of here most trained and experanced Knights to rescue him , she sends her teenage daughter the Princess , her girl friend , a young cook , a young Prince from another kingdom , and elder guide insearch of a experanced magic user , to rescue the prince ,
and thats when I realized what this show is , it's a group of 15-19 year olds sitting around a table in thier parents basement playing Dungeons and Dragons , where you start out as a young level 1 character with no experance , and are sent on an impossible quest , and collect experance points along the way to be able to go up a level , and that's what I think Willow is , if you're going to compair it to Games of Thrones , you might be disappointed , but if you are someone who ever grew up hanging out with your friends playing Dungeons and Dragons you might like it
when I was in the Navy , we played Dungeons and Dragons alot, when you live on a Air Craft Carrier for thee years , you have alot of extra time on your hands ..................lol
I havent played Dungeons and Dragons in probably over 25 years , but I still have alot of fun memories , todays video games are insane , but the're just not the same
only 2 episodes in
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNi4wkfsgls
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-GJvAaeln4