The Rams certainly outdrafted me last year. But that's the fun of this. You put your opinions out there and see how it goes. If you can't handle being wrong, following the draft is the wrong hobby to have.
I agree, but that doesn't stop people who can't admit they're wrong from having strong opinions about a draft class.
Its easy for me to mostly look at the bright side because I don't watch any college football outside of Ohio State.
And I get being passionate about moves that the Rams make - I certainly am.
But the draft is such a crapshoot with so many variables, and it's actually impossible for a fan to be right and organization to be wrong because they don't have the same information - it's like playing two different games. The team is putting in more time and resources than probably their entire fanbase combined, as well as talking to the player and people/coaches he's played with - all to basically, from a fan perspective, answer this question: will he or will he not be a good player?
Take Atwell for example - the Rams probably invested a ton of time watching film, talking to him and his coaches and decided he was not only worth the pick, but (presumably) not worth risking in a trade down first and draft later scenario. Meanwhile fans on here who have probably watched 1 hour of film or less - and most likely not any film that the coaches had access to - just say "bad pick he will be tackled by the wind" - and it's just going to be one of two outcomes: either he will have been worth the pick or not, so any fan has a 50/50 shot at being right.
I love reading everyone's opinions, but if people have the audacity to slam a move that the Rams have put 100 times more thought and have 100 times the information that a fan does, then id also expect the fan to admit when they're wrong.
You admitting the Rams out drafted you last year is the first time I've seen someone actually post that.