What is the mystery with Pead?

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SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
If I may....wasnt Pead questioning his own will to play at times? If so, he is not mentally stable in his desire to play. So in this case, maybe the statement has some validity.

Yes he was. I looked for the article I mentioned above for a few minutes, but wasnt able to find it any where.

The Rammer

ESPN Draft Guru
Sep 15, 2011
What does that mean? Can you please give me a detailed definition of what the term "bust" means? I never understand why it gets used.
1 /bʌst/ Show IPA

a sculptured, painted, drawn, or engraved representation of the upper part of the human figure, especially a portrait sculpture showing only the head and shoulders of the subject.
the chest or breast, especially a woman's bosom.
#threeRow{display:block; } #leftrqn{float:left;width: 35%;} #midqn {float:left;width: 35%;} #rightrqn{float:left;width: 20%;}
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1685–95; < French buste < Italian busto, probably < Latin būstum grave mound, tomb, literally, funeral pyre, ashes; presumably by association with the busts erected over graves
Dictionary.com Unabridged
2 /bʌst/ Show IPA

verb (used without object)
to burst.
to go bankrupt.
to collapse from the strain of making a supreme effort: She was determined to make straight A's or bust.
Draw Poker. to fail to make a flush or straight by one card.
Blackjack. to draw cards exceeding the count of 21.
verb (used with object)
to burst.
to bankrupt; ruin financially.
to demote, especially in military rank or grade: He was busted from sergeant to private three times.
to tame; break: to bust a bronco.
to place under arrest: The gang was busted and put away on narcotics charges.
to subject to a police raid: The bar has been busted three times for selling drinks to minors.
to hit.
to break; fracture: She fell and busted her arm.
a failure.
Informal. a hit; sock; punch: He got a bust in the nose before he could put up his hands.
a sudden decline in the economic conditions of a country, marked by an extreme drop in stock-market prices, business activity, and employment; depression.
an arrest.
a police raid.
Informal. a drinking spree; binge.
a very weak hand.
Bridge. a hand lacking the potential to take a single trick.
Informal. bankrupt; broke.
Verb phrases
bust up, Informal.
to break up; separate: Sam and his wife busted up a year ago.
to damage or destroy: Soldiers got in a fight and busted up the bar.
bust ass, Slang: Vulgar. to fight with the fists; strike or thrash another.
bust on, Slang.
to attack physically; beat up.
to criticize or reprimand harshly.
to make fun of or laugh at; mock.
to inform on.
bust one's ass, Slang: Vulgar. to make an extreme effort; exert oneself.
1755–65; variant of burst, by loss of r before s, as in ass2 , bass2 , passel, etc.

Usage note
Historically bust is derived from a dialect pronunciation of burst and is related to it much as cuss is related to curse. Bust is both a noun and a verb and has a wide range of meanings for both uses. Many are slang or informal.


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
After two years I think the Pead project has run its course. They already tried to trade him during the draft and drafted another RB. Unless the light comes on for him during camp then I hope they don't waste a roster spot on him this coming season. I don't care how physically gifted he is, there are tons of players who are physically gifted that fail big time in the NFL due to not getting the mental aspect of football down(when I say mental, I mean adjusting to the playing speed of the NFL and being decisive, not a dancer with the dear in the headlights look), and Pead so far is one of them. Maybe a change of scenery would do him good.

If it does click for him this offseason than great, I would be happy as hell. We would have 4 young backs who are capable of handling the load. If not, get rid of him and use a roster spot on someone who can contribute more.

So far he has shown me nothing that should have him playing more than Stacy and Cunningham. And obviously the coaches feel that way or they would have given him more snaps the last few years. Its not like they know he is a super star but just have decided not to play him, they know him better than all of us combined, and they obviously do not think he is good enough to be our starting/2nd/3rd RB. Not sure if Watts or Reynolds beats him out, but we shall see.


Jun 4, 2013
The point is that Pead just sits there on the team unused. His numbers although a small sample are on par or even superior to the other RB's on the team who have been given chances to play. So the question is why wouldn't they increase the sample size on this guy and see if he can play. Maybe he isn't better but maybe he is. I'd give more than 17 carries over 2 years to find out.

And DR's were better than SJ's.

If I remember correctly, I think it was practice and special teams preseason blunders.


Jan 23, 2013
Pead was looked at plenty by the coaches in camp, according to reports. In fact I expected him to get a lot of playing time early in the season. I figured he must not have impressed the coaches enough to get on the field.

Maybe since the offense wasn't progressing like they had hoped, in the early going, they never reached a point where they could work Pead in, since they were playing catch up most of the time in the first 4 games. Then came the switch to the power running scheme and Pead was the odd man out.

I think the real unanswered question is whatever happened to the double secret offense that the Rams wouldn't unveil in the preseason? Was that the handful of trick plays they ran with Tavon?

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
The mystery with Pead is:



Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
IMO in a word maturity.
As far as trying to trade him,there are two reasons you fail to trade someone ,no one is interested or no one will give what you know they are worth, for now I take it the later was the case since they waived DR


Pro Bowler
Sep 4, 2012
Have u seen him play I'm the last 2 preseasons? He was very timid hitting the holes, missed holes and fumbled a number of times. Then he got the starting kr job and his rookie season, again showing indecisiveness but eventually fumbling the job away in the 49er game... Litertally. He even came in a game I think last yr for 1 play becuase Stacy got nicked, Richardson was hurt, and muffed the hand off.... He has the physical ability but the dudes head ain't right... He has gotten plenty opportunities and I'm sure he will get more since he didn't get cut or traded... Yet


Hall of Fame
Jan 11, 2013
Well O getting suspended for drugs was mental, being late for meetings is mental ,when you have to come to the coaches and beg for a shot on special teams they are burying you for a reason,in the end what "bothers you" is a function of your own threshold of tolerance for the opinion of others .
I think there are basically two aspects that keep a player on the sidelines ,physical issues and mental, are his physical abilities questioned AT ALL?

So because I don't feel comfortable with posters making claims about a players mental capacity, that somehow is a function of my "threshold of tolerance" of the opinions of others? That's rich!

Or maybe its more a case of me not caring for the dime store "experts" making assumptions and disparaging remarks just to suit their agenda. When they have no firsthand hand knowledge to back up their "diagnosis". If they want to question the players role, or actions, that's one thing, but to make comments of said players "mental abilities" when they have nothing concrete other than their dislike for that player, bothers me.

Players all make mistakes, and more often than not, they are a byproduct of immaturity and lack of discipline. I also find it selective when they dismiss similar mistakes by other players, just because those players are "contributing in other ways. But when a player who is not for whatever reason, it must be because he has "mental issues". PLEASE!

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010

The funny part, is that you fancy yourself as something more than a dime store "expert".

Thanks for the morning laugh...


Jun 1, 2013
Has Pead fumbled since his rookie season?
I don't know, but he didn't have as many opportunities. Right now I would assume he is number 4 on the depth chart. He needs to make the team as a special teams guy and try to an Amp Lee type receiving back role.


Jan 15, 2013
I haven't lost hope with Pead.
His early play was not great. If he had been drafted by a deeper team at RB he may have already been gone. But, he wasn't. If Stacy and Mason do their thing in camp is doesn't mean Pead is gone. A team still need depth options. If Pead can prove his worth to be the third or even fourth best RB option he will probably make the roster.
The perception of his failing have as much to do with draft position as anything. Just as Stacy being perceived as a surprise relates to his draft position.
I for one am optimistic about Pead finding a role on the team.


Jun 1, 2013
For those who are optimistic on Pead, what do you see him as? An every down RB?

I like his ability in space. I want to see that utilized. I think he could be a decent slot WR. I always thought the same about Reggie Bush too, so what do I know.

F. Mulder

Jul 31, 2010
I think Pead is a mini-Quick in that they have shown flashes of ability but lack constancy and the ability to raise their game to be a weekly NFL player and contributor. In some respects I think Pead's issues are more mental (although I think Quick suffers from those types of issues as well). I think Quick will get the entire 2014 season before a decision is made on his future (for me personally, anything under 40 catches and I'd cut bait). I think Pead needs to come out of the gate as a new man. He needs to be fully committed, decisive, and stay injury free. If he is able to do that he will get a fair shake in preseason; if he fails in any or all of these areas he will be a cut or a token trade.

The bottom line is that Pead DOES have skills. I keep throwing Quick in there because he is behind Pead slightly on the "bust" rep but is somewhat in the same boat. The Rams scouts and FO obviously saw skills that they not only thought were NFL worthy but high draft pick worthy. Unfortunately, there are guys in the 4-7th rounds who may lack some of the talent Quick and Pead have but are able to develop and mature as an NFL player and contributor. The ball really is in both of their courts. I am pulling for both of them because I have seen glimpses of Pead and a bit more of Quick to see what they can bring to the table but I have no problem saying goodbye if they fail to develop as expected in their 3rd years.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
So because I don't feel comfortable with posters making claims about a players mental capacity, that somehow is a function of my "threshold of tolerance" of the opinions of others? That's rich!

Or maybe its more a case of me not caring for the dime store "experts" making assumptions and disparaging remarks just to suit their agenda. When they have no firsthand hand knowledge to back up their "diagnosis". If they want to question the players role, or actions, that's one thing, but to make comments of said players "mental abilities" when they have nothing concrete other than their dislike for that player, bothers me.

Players all make mistakes, and more often than not, they are a byproduct of immaturity and lack of discipline. I also find it selective when they dismiss similar mistakes by other players, just because those players are "contributing in other ways. But when a player who is not for whatever reason, it must be because he has "mental issues". PLEASE!
It's not that you dissent from an opinion that indicates your threshold it's that you outright state it "bothers you" and you then go on to characterize other posters as dime store experts, questioning whether they have agendas and frankly off a statement that his mental game wasn't where it needed to be ,so lemme ask DO YOU KNOW it is where it needs to be ?
I get that according to your moniker,you are a coach and you've spent a lot of time at camp and have done some pretty informative reports ,but this is a place where dime store experts are supposed to be safe from being characterized as such in derogatory terms ,I don't think Coach Fisher himself would be that openly contemptuous.


Jan 6, 2012
I think Pead had a series of bumps in the road right out of college. First, Cincinnati (not the best track record for NFL playbook ready players) is on the quarter system so he was late to start with the other rookies and FAs. He expected to be a big part of the Ram offense and he didn't grasp the NFL so quickly. He fumbled (uncharacteristic) and was bumped to the back of the depth chart. He got down on himself, the team, the NFL - whatever - and sort of went into a shell on and off the field (tennis ball vs. wall, repeat). Then the drug suspension, the ascension of Stacy, the elevation of Cunningham (I bet that hurt the worst) and now the drafting of Tre Mason.

Some situations just don't work out for some people. If he doesn't excel in pre-season I suspect he's a goner. I also think he has the talent to play. Just not here.


Hall of Fame
Jan 11, 2013
It's not that you dissent from an opinion that indicates your threshold it's that you outright state it "bothers you" and you then go on to characterize other posters as dime store experts, questioning whether they have agendas and frankly off a statement that his mental game wasn't where it needed to be ,so lemme ask DO YOU KNOW it is where it needs to be ?
I get that according to your moniker,you are a coach and you've spent a lot of time at camp and have done some pretty informative reports ,but this is a place where dime store experts are supposed to be safe from being characterized as such in derogatory terms ,I don't think Coach Fisher himself would be that openly contemptuous.

You are absolutely correct. I will refrain from sarcasm in here, because apparently when I use it, it comes across much differently than when others do. I will refrain from attacking other posters, and will not take it personally when they attack me.

As, as far as answering your question. I do not know where his mental attributes "need to be", and have never claimed to have any knowledge of his, or any other players mental capabilities. Unless I have had firsthand experience in talking to that player, can I, or anyone else in a forum have that type of knowledge.

Yes, I do spend a lot of time at Rams Park, and have had opportunities to talk to, albeit casually, with players, coaches, and Demoff and Snead. Does that make me more informed? Probably not. My whole point on this subject, was that I find it distasteful for message board posters to make comments or judgments about an athlete's "mental attributes", when they are in no position to FACTUALLY know one way or another. And in most cases, they only make these sort of comments when trying to justify THEIR issue with that particular player.