Rams claim...Titus Young???

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Rams Lifer
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 7, 2010
Memento said:
I'm not a fan of this move. At all. The fact that none of the other thirty teams put in a claim says more than I ever could.
I'm not a huge fan of this...but this could be a big coaching point, and incentive for him to toe the line. We wanted you, nobody else did, and if you screw up again, you will be out of the league. Last chance, Titus. I don't think our staff will let him become a cancer on this team.

P.S. I see the side of those who are against this, and respect their opinions.


Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
DR RAM said:
Memento said:
I'm not a fan of this move. At all. The fact that none of the other thirty teams put in a claim says more than I ever could.
But this could be a big coaching point, and incentive for him to toe the line. We wanted you, nobody else did, and if you screw up again, you will be out of the league. Last chance, Titus. I don't think our staff will let him become a cancer on this team.

That was my point to someone today. He has to know this is his last chance now.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I can't say I'm a fan, low risk and high reward but I can't stand the way Titus went out in Detroit.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
jrry32 said:
I can't say I'm a fan, low risk and high reward but I can't stand the way Titus went out in Detroit.
I'm doubting the stories coming out of Detroit... seems to me they had motive to make the kid look bad. I'm sure we don't know the whole story.


Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2010
His talent can help this team.

He needs to get it into his head that if can't play for Fisher he won"t be playing in the NFL.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
interference said:
jrry32 said:
I can't say I'm a fan, low risk and high reward but I can't stand the way Titus went out in Detroit.
I'm doubting the stories coming out of Detroit... seems to me they had motive to make the kid look bad. I'm sure we don't know the whole story.

I'm not. His twitter posts alone made me dislike him.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
jrry32 said:
interference said:
jrry32 said:
I can't say I'm a fan, low risk and high reward but I can't stand the way Titus went out in Detroit.
I'm doubting the stories coming out of Detroit... seems to me they had motive to make the kid look bad. I'm sure we don't know the whole story.

I'm not. His twitter posts alone made me dislike him.

I disliked Young ever since he sucker-punched a respected team captain in Delmas. The other things that came out are just icing on this horrible-tasting cake.

Like I said, he's nuttier than squirrel shit, and I don't think he's nearly talented enough to justify the headache.


Pro Bowler
Nov 16, 2011
interference said:
jrry32 said:
I can't say I'm a fan, low risk and high reward but I can't stand the way Titus went out in Detroit.
I'm doubting the stories coming out of Detroit... seems to me they had motive to make the kid look bad. I'm sure we don't know the whole story.
It's obvious he's a knuckle head


Hall of Fame
Sep 20, 2012
I know he's a bonehead, (a lot of sportsmen are) but i think it has a lot to do with being a WR, I think most of the best receivers have a little of that trait - they are showmen, they play best when full of confidence, which is often interpreted as arrogance. The problem in Detroit may have been personality clashes - who know's... I have a theory but I'll keep that under my hat...

I don't know Titus Young personally so I can't really comment on his personality etc, but his ability is undoubted. Titus was in the shadow of Megatron in Detroit and was obviously finding it difficult to shine through - he won't have that problem with the rams - he COULD step in and become the #1 receiver from day 1! He has the speed, the hands AND the ability to get free on the field, that paired up Sam's ability to slot the ball into his hands COULD be an amazing combination, and hopefully we keep hold of Amendola and Givens keeps improving and we see what Quick can do - this could be a good season moving forward...

...and I know you guys are haters because of his Twitter rants - try not to get too excited by it, it's far too easy to let off steam on Twitter / Facebook etc it's the modern technological parasite - it has it's own haters that will also entice, it's why a lot of international sports (Olympics teams, Rugby Teams, Cricket etc...) are banning competitors from using it, something said in anger in your own hotel room could ruin your career... but i'd rather see a stupid Twitter rant than a report for a DUI or taking PEDs etc....

...But, and it is a big but, I was also optimistic of Steve Smith's signing and he was my biggest disappointment of the whole 2012 season. Don't let us down Titus...


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
shaunpinney said:
I know he's a bonehead, (a lot of sportsmen are) but i think it has a lot to do with being a WR, I think most of the best receivers have a little of that trait - they are showmen, they play best when full of confidence, which is often interpreted as arrogance. The problem in Detroit may have been personality clashes - who know's... I have a theory but I'll keep that under my hat...

I don't know Titus Young personally so I can't really comment on his personality etc, but his ability is undoubted. Titus was in the shadow of Megatron in Detroit and was obviously finding it difficult to shine through - he won't have that problem with the rams - he COULD step in and become the #1 receiver from day 1! He has the speed, the hands AND the ability to get free on the field, that paired up Sam's ability to slot the ball into his hands COULD be an amazing combination, and hopefully we keep hold of Amendola and Givens keeps improving and we see what Quick can do - this could be a good season moving forward...

...and I know you guys are haters because of his Twitter rants - try not to get too excited by it, it's far too easy to let off steam on Twitter / Facebook etc it's the modern technological parasite - it has it's own haters that will also entice, it's why a lot of international sports (Olympics teams, Rugby Teams, Cricket etc...) are banning competitors from using it, something said in anger in your own hotel room could ruin your career... but i'd rather see a stupid Twitter rant than a report for a DUI or taking PEDs etc....

...But, and it is a big but, I was also optimistic of Steve Smith's signing and he was my biggest disappointment of the whole 2012 season. Don't let us down Titus...
Good post. I don't know that anyone here is a "hater", per se', because of his Twitter rants though. He was just being immature and whatnot, and that doesn't really bother me. Lots of people say stupid shit on Twitter. Myself included. Got into a flame war with Bernie once, and I regretted it later. I do think it would be a good team policy to keep guys off of Twitter though. Not that they could regulate what they do during their off-time or anything, but still. That's where trouble typically begins.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
For me the character issue being couched with the "if anyone can make him behave it's Fisher" ,"Fisher has a track record..." yada yada , is something I have problems with.

Here's the thing, Givens, Jenkins ANYONE who came here with "issues" and seems to be managing or even progressing past them is getting lumped TOGETHER by those staements WITH Titus Young. Which forces their past into the present and begs them to defend themselves, which IMO is where character issues emenate from , an individuals abuility/ propensity to defend their behavior as justifiable and therefore within their ability to repeat without hesitating.

Here on message boards we get into pissing matches BECAUS we justify our behavior at the moment and USUALLY our justification is because we regard posts by others as attacks .

For me the waters are still with Jenkins and Givens and THEY don't need to be dragged back into the limelight of scrutiny by Titus Young, so I disagree WITH the no risk assesssment here .

I think if I had been Fisher I'd have passed ,maybe he talked to Swartz ,dunno, but since he's here I'd be telling him, you have UNTIL training camp to prove you'll be no trouble, if theere is a hint, if your twitter account indicates a flame war with your former employer that is going to continue, we aren't interested. If you want a fresh start, you have to make it so, including shutting up NOW about the past yourself.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
shaunpinney said:
Titus was in the shadow of Megatron in Detroit and was obviously finding it difficult to shine through - he won't have that problem with the rams - he COULD step in and become the #1 receiver from day 1![/i]

He alsop won't have the benefit of Megatron either. He won't be playing with anyone who will draw a double team.....or that the defense is scheming to shut down or limit. So lets hope he can be a guy that makes contributions. He doesn't cost much, zero if he gets cut before the season.....so it's a smart move.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
LesBaker said:
shaunpinney said:
Titus was in the shadow of Megatron in Detroit and was obviously finding it difficult to shine through - he won't have that problem with the rams - he COULD step in and become the #1 receiver from day 1![/i]

He alsop won't have the benefit of Megatron either. He won't be playing with anyone who will draw a double team.....or that the defense is scheming to shut down or limit. So lets hope he can be a guy that makes contributions. He doesn't cost much, zero if he gets cut before the season.....so it's a smart move.
I wouldn't be so sure, Les. Just thinking out loud, but if Givens and Amendola are here and healthy, that's a lot of field to cover. You have to give a cushion and shade a safety to Givens, and you have to keep two eyes on Amendola in the underneath zones. I think Titutron could see a lot of isolation routes coming his way if he makes it through camp. Plus, he's kinda fast himself. Maybe Amendola is the one that breaks out with those two dudes on the perimeter.

Provided his agent didn't just fuck it all up by opening his big gaping maw.


Feb 6, 2013
Okay, first post, so be nice. :cheese:

I can't say I am an expert on the CBA, but what would be the ramifications of cutting Young before the season starts? I ask this, and again, I am not a CBA expert so this may not make any sense, but I'm wondering if this is a pre-emptive move aimed at Brandon Gibson? If preliminary talks with Gibson suggest he's trying to hold the Rams over the proverbial barrell, thinking that they're short on wide receivers and thus "have" to give him what he wants. By bringing in another (cheap) WR the Rams can play the "don't really have to sign you, you know" card. I don't think Amendola has to fear this tactic - they need to sign him no matter what, in my opinion - but the #2-3 receiver? He may be the guy that is pushed out by Young.

Could this just be a negotiation ploy?


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
MontrealRam said:
Okay, first post, so be nice. :cheese:

I can't say I am an expert on the CBA, but what would be the ramifications of cutting Young before the season starts? I ask this, and again, I am not a CBA expert so this may not make any sense, but I'm wondering if this is a pre-emptive move aimed at Brandon Gibson? If preliminary talks with Gibson suggest he's trying to hold the Rams over the proverbial barrell, thinking that they're short on wide receivers and thus "have" to give him what he wants. By bringing in another (cheap) WR the Rams can play the "don't really have to sign you, you know" card. I don't think Amendola has to fear this tactic - they need to sign him no matter what, in my opinion - but the #2-3 receiver? He may be the guy that is pushed out by Young.

Could this just be a negotiation ploy?

I don't know that it's a "ploy" of any kind. I think the Rams just figured, "what the hell." Fisher has some good (real good) assistants in McGinnis and Sherman, and Fisher himself is no slouch when it comes to getting players to buy into the team concept. He's not necessarily a miracle worker or anything, but he's kept some high profile head cases in line in the past. And I think that has to do with Fisher being a player's coach and not so much a dictator.

Cutting Titus before June 1 costs them very little because the Lions already paid Young all the guaranteed money on his rookie contract. Maybe the Rams sign him to a small deal with a modest signing bonus spread out over the length of the deal. If so, they're only responsible for that 1st year bonus if they cut him before June 1. I have a good feeling about this though. I think he'll be around for a while.

There might be some potential dust-ups during camp, but that's normal. We had a few of those last year between some pretty well respected players (including Chris Long), and it all worked itself out in the end.


Jan 12, 2013
X said:
MontrealRam said:
Okay, first post, so be nice. :cheese:

I can't say I am an expert on the CBA, but what would be the ramifications of cutting Young before the season starts? I ask this, and again, I am not a CBA expert so this may not make any sense, but I'm wondering if this is a pre-emptive move aimed at Brandon Gibson? If preliminary talks with Gibson suggest he's trying to hold the Rams over the proverbial barrell, thinking that they're short on wide receivers and thus "have" to give him what he wants. By bringing in another (cheap) WR the Rams can play the "don't really have to sign you, you know" card. I don't think Amendola has to fear this tactic - they need to sign him no matter what, in my opinion - but the #2-3 receiver? He may be the guy that is pushed out by Young.

Could this just be a negotiation ploy?

I don't know that it's a "ploy" of any kind. I think the Rams just figured, "what the hell." Fisher has some good (real good) assistants in McGinnis and Sherman, and Fisher himself is no slouch when it comes to getting players to buy into the team concept. He's not necessarily a miracle worker or anything, but he's kept some high profile head cases in line in the past. And I think that has to do with Fisher being a player's coach and not so much a dictator.

Cutting Titus before June 1 costs them very little because the Lions already paid Young all the guaranteed money on his rookie contract. Maybe the Rams sign him to a small deal with a modest signing bonus spread out over the length of the deal. If so, they're only responsible for that 1st year bonus if they cut him before June 1. I have a good feeling about this though. I think he'll be around for a while.

There might be some potential dust-ups during camp, but that's normal. We had a few of those last year between some pretty well respected players (including Chris Long), and it all worked itself out in the end.

I saw where Chris Long welcomed him, i wonder if in private he said , mess up here a with the Horns & you'll get the BULL :twisted:

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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Memento said:
Angry Ram said:
He's not a criminal, and that's all I really care about. Immaturity can be fixed sometimes.

The guy sucker-punched a team captain, deliberately sabotaged his team, and apparently is delusional about his own abilities. Immaturity is the least of his concerns; I'm wondering if he should be institutionalized or not.

Ehh, still not a criminal.

All this is only important if he has a locker in September...


Hall of Fame
Sep 20, 2012
X said:
LesBaker said:
shaunpinney said:
Titus was in the shadow of Megatron in Detroit and was obviously finding it difficult to shine through - he won't have that problem with the rams - he COULD step in and become the #1 receiver from day 1![/i]

He alsop won't have the benefit of Megatron either. He won't be playing with anyone who will draw a double team.....or that the defense is scheming to shut down or limit. So lets hope he can be a guy that makes contributions. He doesn't cost much, zero if he gets cut before the season.....so it's a smart move.
I wouldn't be so sure, Les. Just thinking out loud, but if Givens and Amendola are here and healthy, that's a lot of field to cover. You have to give a cushion and shade a safety to Givens, and you have to keep two eyes on Amendola in the underneath zones. I think Titutron could see a lot of isolation routes coming his way if he makes it through camp. Plus, he's kinda fast himself. Maybe Amendola is the one that breaks out with those two dudes on the perimeter.

Provided his agent didn't just freak it all up by opening his big gaping maw.

I see where you're coming from Les, but I'm in the same camp as X on this one, Givens was already a threat towards the end of last season, and a fit and healthy Amendola is always in need of major cover, so we've already got 2 guys who you can't NOT cover - i do see Amendola's numbers increase with Young and Givens on the outside, same goes for Kendricks, I think having Titus and Givens as our deep threat our interior shorter routes are going to open up, which is always a good thing (it's not done Brady, Welker and Gronk any harm...)


Hall of Fame
Jun 23, 2010
I see there are some mixed reactions here. I expected there would be, but I don't know that there should be. The downside would be they cut the guy after camp and eat the whole $500K? Big whoop there. The bright side would be, the kid keeps his mouth shut puts up maybe 600-700 yards and is free to move along or jump on board at the end of the season.

Saw a lot of "I'm quitting the Rams!" type reactionary comments on PFT, I just don't get that. There are some real good leaders on the team here, and I'd imagine a much better overall atmosphere than in Detroit.