I think for Rams fans under 40, the Seattle hatred is much higher and the 9ers hate is understandably not as intense as it would be if we could remember what they were like in the Walsh - Montana/Young years, but we were grade schoolers or not even...
For us, we know the 9ers are our primary rivalry from way back. But they have been a relic of their former greatness that for many years just weren't all that threatening until the Kaep show began and then last year.
Always bastards. Always easy to hate.
But the Seahawks?
Since the Rams began their decline at the close of the GSOT era, the Seahawks have been there, fucking with us. From arrogant Hasselbeck to arrogant Pete Carrol and then the biggest bandwagon of arrogant fans in the league. Some amazing games between us and the hags, and how many years has the reg season come down to the last week, always at their house.
I only despise three teams.
The 9ers, its just natural
The Seahawks because fuck those guys
The Patriots. Self explanatory.
The rest I dislike equally.... with extra salt on the Cowboys, Vikings and Saints.