Stubborn is permitted here I been doing it a lot in this thread

I'll start with questions:
Why would the 2019 clips by Shovelpass have any major bearing here in 2021? Should those past moments in time with Allen almost 2 yrs ago be the end of all ends of any hope for an OL like Allen to be successful in the NFL? Am I to understand that the skills & abilities of an inexperienced OL'er thrown into a mess in 2019 are set in concrete & no expected upgrade in his future for..... let's say 2021?
I was always under the impression that it takes long time for college OL'ers to get up to NFL speed of things. Has that now changed? I thought that these young OL'ers need tons of on-field regular-season snaps to get them up to where they can perform the needed various type blocks demanded in today's NFL is that true?.
I find very few OL'ers ever just arrive & start. When this does happen you will usually find that rookie surrounded with excellent performing OL'ers. Allen was not surrounded by that element in 2019.
IMO & my position is Allen was an inexperienced OL'er who was not prepared for the team's starting center post. He had zero 2019 preseason games under his belt when he went into battle. He was then thrown into the very big world of starting NFL center with others who were just as inexperienced as he was. The failure occurred for all three of these interior OL'ers. Non have been playing promising ball in those 2019 assigned posts. Thats is a fact.
The "cherry-picked" snaps of Allen were just that. Allen's 8 finished games as a starter in the 2019 season were
bad overall
NOT deniable. That's not what I have been trying to present to this forum. So what Allen played like in those 8 2019 gms carries no water with me here in 2021, but what I have been attempting to shed light on is what other major OL issues were ongoing along at this same time had nothing to do with Allen. Those seemed to be
"Canceled Out" not for discussion here@ ROD.
It was the situation that the 2019 Ram Org. put Allen in.......& it was far from being good! Bad decisions were being made by several of the Rams administrative coaching personnel Allen should get saddled with his 2019 8 gms performance as bad but the person or persons share more in the blame.
Since you brought this out in your post ......You will not find one post in ROD where this poster has ever insisted that Allen would be a decent starter as you claimed. But he very might just end up doing that at some time if his knee is healthy. I have been very busy trying to paint in words as detailed as I can .....a picture of just what happened to Allen in 2019. Please believe me when I say ...I have no dog in this hunt.
Finally, I do not understand the reason for the need of presented college clips of OL with OC Meinerz dominating
in college & how that is deemed to figure in here in this
NFL Allen thread conversation. Do I need to post all the clips of the college OL'er Brian Allen dominating blocks @ Michigan?