3. McVay and his time management at the end?!?! WTF?!?! Why on earth didn't we waste more time at the end???
It's a blindspot for him and why I always joke around that the Rams need to hire someone to stand next to him and shout GURLEY lol.
i just rewatched the game.
i learned the Rams WR’s
and DLineman got held at least 10 times uncalled. it’s unbelievable.
it’s like watching a
fake game.
Go watch it again and watch the Rams get away with holding as well. Lots of it.
I learned that MNF offers little cheerleader coverage, and that is a shame. Alas, cheerleader coverage across the board has declined over the years. What gives? Lol.
That time has been taken away to sell commercials.
Their offense is very back yard football to me .. the RPO only works so long till it’s figured out .. it’s why it isn’t widespread in the League
This is why I am reserving judgement on Mahomes. First year QB, and a bit of a gimmicky offense.
I've seen plenty of guys look like a sensation in their first year out, and remember Goff was a bust his first year.
It's too early to judge.
Those two INT I have no idea who Mahomes was trying to throw to. I didn't see anyone open. Pressure I guess.
On one #50 the game's hero got to his arm.
The days of bigger DTs being first round picks is dwindling. If they can’t get to the QB they won’t be nearly as important.
I think you are right and reading your post made me think about what Spagnuolo did in the SB versus the Patriots. He had a rush package where he would pull 2 DT's and put 4 DE's in and attack Brady. It was a smart move.
Ego got the best of McVay yesterday.
Your post was good but I think it was more overconfidence than a big ego and we are going to do it my way thinking.
But it does need to change.
Warner didn't play in this current soft NFL either.
Year ago you may remember the Giants game in STL that Sehorn picked off a pass that Warner fired out hard and it was tipped WAAAYYYY up in the air. He was playing back and was the only guy who saw where the ball was and ran under it and got it. He was running towads the end zone and people were still looking for the ball.
I was at that game. My first time seeing the Rams in fact. It was a birthday present, and I treated myself to a few days in STL and the game.
I watched Warner get knocked down over 20 times that day. Over and over. It was like they were trying to see how much of a beating he could take and Martz obliged by calling lots of empty backfield 4-5 wide sets and deep drops. Some would have drawn flags today, but most of them were him being absolutely resolute in the pocket. That dude was the most fearless I have ever seen in the face of a pass rush.