How is this inappropriate?
There's an underlying seething anger which permeates a very divided society today, posters often insert vague but telling words which may express their true feelings on an issue, regardless of how controversial that subject might be.
Had you just stuck with 'Covid', I'd have had no problem as you didn't get into the issue of mask wearing, but when you added BLM and the following sentence, you threw down the gauntlet by expressing which side of the issue you had taken. Many people judge other people by their politics, right or wrong, I happen to fall into that category, and to maintain a somewhat friendly football forum atmosphere, staying free from politics is probably the only way to keep this site from devolving into something that was never intended. Many Rams fans live across several states and countries, but the team itself is in Los Angeles, California, an area known to be more liberal than others, so remaining non-political with our comments is paramount to keeping the peace and maintaining some decorum.
I'm pretty opinionated myself and have received warnings, so when you feel that urge to express yourself politically, it's a lot safer to just hit delete before opening up that can of worms. jmo.