Lets hear from McVay first:
"This loss is on me. I have to do better."
Yada fuckin yada.
Akers is our best RB by far. Had about 50 yards and a TD called back.
It's pathetic Goff needs EVERYTHING to be perfect to be a SOLID QB.
It's obvious McVay has lost a lot of confidence in Goff based on playcalls.
When it's 3rd and 4, don't throw the ball deep 2x in a row, MCVAY.
Bomengo has to go.
This team lacks serious self motivation and inspiration.
Run 12 personel every play.
When this OL starts getting pushed around, they fold like crazy.
This is embarrassing on so many levels and I've gotten about 5 texts from fans of other teams since starting this.
This is a One and done Offense in the playoffs.
Wish we would've had 10 days to prep for this Super Bowl calibur Jets team.
Anything else?