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I reapectfully disagree with your outlook here. While you ate cafeteria food and noodles, you chose not to work because of time constraints, and I completely understand, but it option was still there. If someone bought your dinner, or gave you a free tattoo or gave you $6 to sign your name, you wouldn't haven't it all taken from you. If you don't want to pay them, I can get that, but atleast allow them the option to work. A guy like Tim Tebow made UF MILLIONS of dollars, far more than his education cost, far more than every player that played on his teams educations costs. It, for me, comes down to quality of life for those 3-4 years I think. Even if they did as little as had private grocery stores for athletes where they were given so much to spend a day or week. I think something like that would work. I actually watched a documentary a few months back, can not remember the name, but they went deep into this. It really makes you take a step back. I used to say screw them as well. But now, I see it. They had Arian Foster on and he made no bones about it, he said he took money, he said you damn near have to.
You don't have to. Foster is playing the victim and tryongto justify breaking rules. Nobody gave me money and I lived off my student loan. College athletes are given a stipend monthly. 1500 goes a long way when you use your head. And as for not having food, do you think 240 lb kids become 290 lbs on poor nutrition. I feel no sorrow for college athletes. They all were better fed and had no debt upon leaving school. Say you block for Todd Gurley and he is allowed to make thousands and you cannot sell an autograph, how fair is that? Shouldn't he share his money because his poor teammates cannot eat? You know as well as I do that these kids don't budget their stipends and then are broke at the end of month. If it bothers them that a big school makes money off of them then they should play for a small school that won't. Tre Mason didn't suddenly cause Auburn to earn millions. They were big and making millions before he arrived.