I didn't know being average is a discredit.....I'm sorry I can't call him great.
Praise Wentz? I give credit...for greatness....when it's due....And what Wentz was doing last year was great....He was the MVP of the league...b4 his injury....for a reason.
Hmmmmm......And Pederson says Wentz is his starter going into 2018.
I won't go into why I believe the Pats were torched. But a guy that didn't play in the SB just got $62 million....and yep he's a cornerback.
Hate is such a strong word bro.....I don't hate anyone.....well, not football related. I don't hate Rams players....however I will note when I believe a player is underperforming (Joyner).....and when a player is performing adequately.....like average....decent (Goff & Kupp)....I actually think Kupp will improve, he was a "rookie"....but he's a slot receiver...and....IMO....I think those types are easily replaced. Oh, I love Aaron Donald....and for some reason, everyone...almost everyone....agrees with THIS assessment.....Go figure
Sorry to add some not Suh news in this thread....Hell, it's Saturday....T-Ball is finished for the day...Travel team is done til tomorrow...and this was a topic of why Suh MIGHT like the Jets....besides the money. They can win.....anyone can. If they have the proper coaching....Winning in the playoffs is another story......which is why I don't care for average players :fuelfire:at KEY positions.:neener: