Why is it "only a business" for owners? Why can they cut guys and get out of guaranteed monies with injury settlements?
Yet players aren't supposed to treat it as a business and act like fans who'd play for free? Essentially, anyone who is paid to be in the NFL shouldn't be able to say anything? Should they be able to even advocate for their safety? (That may seem like hyperbole, but there are plenty of voices out there that are fine with the NFL being a blood sport AND expecting the players to do whatever it takes to please the crowd irrespective of what it means for the player)
If it's a business, then it's a business for everyone.
So unless the same people TRULY expect owners to forgo financial gain "for the good of the team", then it makes zero sense to me to allow owners to function in one mode while expecting players to function in another.
If anyone is gonna slam AD, then they need to absolutely be on the warpath against every owner in this league.
Did the players, through their representatives,sign the CBA?
If the owners are doing anything not agreed to by ALL SIDES in the CBA, then bust them. Same thing for players like AD who still have years left on his original contract. He has the option of not playing for the Rams and getting fined for YEARS against potential earnings when he does play...or, show up for PreSeason and negotiate over the "substantial offer" ,per Adam Schefter, by the Rams. AD isn't playing for free, btw (saying otherwise is essentially BS), he will make more than most working joes will earn in a lifetime. I'm not jealous and good for him that he can earn that kind of money. He, through his agent, is trying to shake down the Rams for a max contract when that's not possible this year.
Also, while AD does deserve a lot more money, he also has to give the Rams some sort of break for giving up a contract advantageous to them, so that he can have long term security and a huge amount of bonus money, but not necessarily a record breaking amount.