I can't think of a scenario where prohibition actually limits supply from meeting demand. Instead, it's just another form of theft that hurts the consumer as well as the supplier through a black market that affords extortion money for those who control enforcement.
What really baffles me is the argument to insist that supply only be allowed to meet demand for
needs, and that's a historically observed slippery slope that always ends in tragedy.
Finally, from a different angle, what is it about sex (outside of religious decree) that makes it immoral to offer as a service for which there is so much demand? If you're honest about the existence of the black market, regulation rather than prohibition offers the greater solution for achieving goals as is evidenced by the recent trend to end the prohibition of a substance and the positive effect it has had on consumers, suppliers and enforcement.
Worry not, such pursuits will be well hidden and available only to the wealthiest as robotic solutions evolve to be the far more economic answer