A freaking billionaire? Seriously? If he didn't, he's THE dumbest billionaire that EVER existed. He was not only in the know but he was part of the dirty underbelly that services his ilk. It's actually bizarre that you of all people would give this POS a pass on this. Sorry Les but these cunts know damn well who they are dealing with. And frankly, they are requesting EXACTLTY what they desire. It's surrealistically funny that someone would think he went there because it was the only place he could get a good massage.
So because he is a billionaire he is supposed to know that the women have been enslaved?
That makes no sense.
I'm not giving him a pass, in fact the opposite if you've read my posts in this thread.
He went there, IMO, because it was a long way from where he lives, it was essentially guaranteed that the women (who didn't really even speak english) would know who he was. And this particular place may have served some unusual kink he had.
The teams are only worth that much as long as they are part of the TV sharing package. Take that away, and you have very little.
Several owners own the stadium the team plays in. That has value, and would complicate kicking a team out of the NFL.
I’d agree with you if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s a billionaire. I don’t think you can use stupid as an excuse here. People with that kind of wealth have people vetting virtually everything they do. If he desired anonymity, he could easily have it. Having his limo parked outside is not exactly a good way to get it.
IMO it has nothing to do with the money he has. A few of the locals went there often too. Including IIRC the guy in charge of the Boys and Girls Clubs in the area.
They were going there, again IMO, for what that particular place offered. There are massage parlors all over this area. TONS of them. In fact when I moved here I remarked to friends back home that there were so many restaurants, massage parlors and Walgreens/CVS stores it was amazing. Like on every corner.
The guys who were going there could have gone to any of a number of places, gotten some variety and had sex with plenty of women. Why would they go to the same place? And in Kraft's case travel over 1,000 miles on his private plane which would cost 2-3 grand.
IMO he did this because he felt safe and/or they provided something he wanted that was not just a blowjob or whatever.