Is that the same castle from the movie Sherlock Holmes starring Robert Downey jr.?Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
We decided to stay home today
So you're an expert now? lol.Also the Dolphin looks high.
So you're an expert now? lol.
Great picture. One thing about that Era that I wouldn't want to be a part of besides the war is the health care. I still feel that our Era is barbaric, I want the Stars Trek times when Bones just waves a cylinder over you and your cured. Or have that alien lady pull your disease out or wounds with her body movement.Time has a bunch of colorized photos, here;
But I found this one to be particularly cool. Most of the photos from that era almost don't seem real.
Great picture. One thing about that Era that I wouldn't want to be a part of besides the war is the health care. I still feel that our Era is barbaric, I want the Stars Trek times when Bones just waves a cylinder over you and your cured. Or have that alien lady pull your disease out or wounds with her body movement.
That was pretty deep CGI, I guess all the future people have to do is go on Facebook, to see what everyone does every minuet of the day, lol.I was talking to family the other day about time (and technology) but mostly how time will be studied in the future.
Think about 200 years from now; how many US Presidents will kids be learning about? It's mind blowing to think of how much history there will be to study.
Just a couple generations before ours; everything we know is by word of mouth (and writings, paintings, etc). That's all we have. No pictures. No video.
500 years from now... imagine what those generations will be able to see! It's really difficult to wrap your head around.
But, I'll be dead.
To your point on healthcare; it's better than ever. Life expectancy is longer as far as natural causes. But, yeah, healthcare is a whole topic of its own. An industry that makes profit off of your health sucks us all in (at most times) out of necessity. That's a good gig for the providers.
Maybe that's his way of trying to look sexy for Cammy.So today something ticked off my puffer fish. This almost never happens,,, but it did today and my wife was actually there to snap a pic of it.
This puffer fish is a Golden Puffer. He's a foot long,,, so he's a good sized fish. But when he puffed up today... he was bigger than a basketball.