The Purge: Took Thor to dinner and movie wife and Austin were at a Cardinal Charity deal in St Lou .
Had a good time with my son, movie.
Sorry but it was ANOTHER of Hollywoods or whoever's attempts at class envy inculcation.
America has a "purge" for twelve hours per year that let's everyone commit any crime without retribution.
Rich people with security systems lock themselves in , other go out hunting and killing homeless people , in the end a black guy is the hero, a mixed couple is cast as upper class , the racial , class under tones are evident and predictable throughout, decent acting by some ,completely fantastical.
Unless you are going in order to be with the person you are going with wait to see this one ,it'll be out on blue ray and on clearance inside 18 months,but ya know I think I'd rent it knowing what I know about it.
When Thor wakes up from the drunk he went on when we parted ,I'm sure he'll have all sorts of "plans for the day it comes to fruition and when you watch it you think "this is a survivalists commercial" or at least I did.