The force measurables will come into play when an NFL safety hits him so hard his jettisoned body takes out a cheerleader.
Then "mothers against organized violence" will protest the NFL due to the cruelty inflicted on an unarmed 8th grader, causing the need for Congressional oversite, leading to the eventual repeal of the 2nd Amendment.
So in conclusion, a 10% sale on candy is nothing to scoff at.
I keep seeing this idea that Jamaal Adams is going to kill him. And lets face it, if Jamaal Adams gets a clean shot on any of our WRs, its going to be ugly. Little guys are even harder to square up than bigger targets - and your force equation actually makes it a less violent collision the less he weighs.
I don't see him running a lot of crossing patterns in linebacker country - either he knows how to protect himself, or he doesn't. Tavon never really got squared up in his years in the league, did he?
And if he does get blown up, and it looks like the scene where Michigan played the towel boy in Waterboy - odds are we get 15 yards and an automatic first down out of it.